Yuno - A, B, C Fluff

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A, B, C Fluff - Yuno

sorry if it's not the best, I haven't written for Black Clover in like a year or more...? *sweats* buuuut I did catch up on the anime and do a bit more research on Yuno because I'll be honest, writing for Luck is my joy *cough* uh I mean specialty for BC-

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A -  Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time?)

Before dating you, Yuno spends much of his free time reading, he's a super avid reader and will read just about anything that catches his eye. He enjoys the peace and serenity of it all (he didn't get very much quiet time to himself being raised with Asta and the kids so). He also enjoys quiet walks around town and other moments where he can just let his mind wonder

With his s/o, he'll probably take you on some of those walks as well but try to make it a least a little romantic with walks through the gardens and shopping districts. It's v e r y evident you're his first s/o with how adorably awkward and stiff he is. If you take his hand in yours, he'll get even more stiff, but he'll eventually work up the nerve to squeeze back (and if you squint hard enough, you'll be able to see pink dusting his cheeks).

If you guys are alone and you ask him to read to you, he'll do that as well-
"Well...alright," actually means "I'd love to," in Yuno speak. He's not the best with his words, so good luck interpreting !

B - Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)

Physical appearance has never mattered to Yuno. You could be the most beautiful person to walk the streets but if your attitude is shit, he's going to treat you as such. Absolutely cannot stand when people look down on others, for any reason.

But you're not like that.

Infact, you often compare yourself to others in attempt to emulate them because you don't hold yourself in a high regard. He thinks it's cute but unnecessary because you're absolutely amazing just the way you are.

Loves how down to earth you are and how quirky you can be. It honestly doesn't matter that most people find you a little strange, because your uniqueness is incredibly attractive to him.

Will forever both love and hate the way you put others before yourself. It's so sweet but he wants you to take better care of yourself.

C - Comfort (How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack?)

He's... really awkward when it comes to this sort of thing actually. Like really awkward. I mean, his way of cheering Asta up is usually to use reverse psychology to get him all riled up...but he's not gonna do that with you.

He'll first ask if you'd like to talk about what's going on and if you don't want to talk, he'll ask if you'd prefer him to leave the room and leave you to your thoughts, because that's how he would handle it. But of course you don't want that. You'll probably tell him to come sit next to you and rest your head on his shoulder. And then he will...very awkwardly pull you closer after wrapping his arms around you. He's really nervous about being this close but he knows you need comfort right now. And he's gonna try his best to do that for you, shaky temple kisses and all.

It's the cutest thing too, once he's holding you it's almost like he's afraid to let go (he really needed this physical contact too so).

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