Luck Voltia - Fluff Vowels

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No Words, Only Love. (UwU)

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A -  Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time?)

• I think it goes without saying that if you're an able-bodied person who's dating Luck, you're going to have a sparing match at least once every couple of weeks (try once a week). That said, if you're a pacifist, he's more than willing (and able, no matter how much he'll whine) to commence any and all Tickle Wars, food fights, or general shenaniganery in place of  fisticuffs, so no worries there.

• Thanx to Finral and his mixers and Charmy's cooking, he also really enjoys trying new foods in different restaurants. And yes, if he feels like having a food fight in the restaurant, and if you're cool with it, he most definitely will, no questions asked. Super doesn't care about being banned from Restaurants, that's for sure.

• He also adores pranking people, so if you do too, bonus points!

• Most people don't realize this but beneath all that restless chaos he's quite intelligent and well read, even has his own personal collection of books (mostly Action/Adventure) he reads in the wee hours of the morning (because sleep is a bit hard for him to obtain at times...scratch that, most times). He actually really enjoys those rare peaceful moments he allows himself with you.

• Cuddling with him is like 50% snuggles and 50% pillow talk since he doesn't fall asleep very easily(man gets a consistent two or 3 hours, how does he function-) . But he's more than content tracing shapes into your side as you nuzzle into his side, watching as you drift.

E - Equal (Are they the Dominant one in the relationship?)

• I would have to say yes, very much so. Luck is most definitely not a pushover, by any means.

• Will he say and do certain things at times just to make you happy? Absolutely, but that's more or less because, well, you make him so much joy, he just really wants to return the favor.

• But when it comes to plans being made, kisses being had, different activities; he's gonna be at the forefront of a good majority of those decisions- not that he won't ask you for your opinion on whatever the subject matter, he totally will. But he is not without fault and will require you to either be pretty go with the flow OR be adamant enough about voicing your own likes and dislikes, that you openly ask/suggest these things. Poor boy has blinders on when he's having fun but he means no harm or disrespect. 

• VERY Open, VERY Blunt. 

• Like, the epitome of the phrase 'No Filter' is he. He wants a kiss? He's taking it. A hug? he's throwing his arms around you in a matter of seconds. This is your life now.

I -Inspiration (Did s/o change them somehow? Or was it the other way around?)

• While you're inspired by how strong and formidable he is, Luck is enthralled by every aspect of you. 

• You make him want to understand these new and exciting feelings bubbling up. You make him want to be even stronger, not for himself but in order to protect you (and possibly a future family...?) , always. He wants to be a better, more emotionally available person- for you

• Even with Luck being dead-set on having fun i.e. going on adventures and always enjoying himself, he has these soft moments of respite, brief intervals where he'll just sit and There are times, namely in the wee hours of the morning when he can't seem to get to sleep (which is often enough) or afternoons where the sun hits the horizon in just the right spot, when Luck will lean into you, lips sporting either a small, content half smile or a slightly agape line as he lets his mind rest for a while- all because his significant other has such a positive effect.

• Wholeheartedly believes you're the single best thing to happen to him, and will let everyone else know whether it flusters you or not. Period.

O - On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they're in love? How do they express their feelings?)

• I think it goes without saying Luck is simple to please but is also a very complicated individual.

 • If it's not the elation he gets from fighting and things like dungeons and explosions, he has a hard time understanding it, and an even harder time openly expressing it. Generally, he faces things with a smile- but that's more or less because he can't quite bring himself to externally 'feel' things the way 'he's supposed to'.  

• Falling in love for Luck is a very... interesting experience for all involved. When he first feels the beginning of infatuation, he thinks he's coming down with something. A little later on, he figures out that tightening in his chest is actually the beginning stages of love and he's not entirely sure what to do about that. Part of him wants to avoid you and the other part wants to be around you 24/7. So, your interactions become a little strained during this time. There were times when you could swear he was avoiding being in a room with you alone, though you could always, always feel his prying eyes. It was concerning, a little unnerving. Eventually, it gets to a point where Finral and Magna have to sit their friend down and have a real conversation about it, and man, it takes HOURS for this blonde to open up to them, even if only for a few moments. He comes to realize he has to tell you how he really feels when Finral and Magna relay to him how upset it was making you about the whole thing. So, he did what felt right for the first time in weeks; He pulled you aside under the pretense of sparring in a very calm, almost non-Luck-like way, which scared the crap out of you (naturally), only to confess with a smile (that was much softer than usual) that he adored you. So much so that there were days he only wanted to spend time with you, exclusively. And your heart just about palpitated out of your chest at that one, but you mustered a confession of your own, something that made him perk back up almost instantaneously. 

• His love language is spending ungodly amounts of time with you and touch (babie is touch starved, as you know). 

• Kind of just...follows you around, either helping you with errands, talking about his day ( or week, depending on how long he's been away from you), or asking a million questions. If he senses you becoming drained by it all though, he'll reel it back and just hum to himself. Prone to tackle hugs, lazy snuggles, and resting his head on pretty much the closest body part of yours. Does not know the meaning of the word 'Embarrassing'- (Totally does, just does no exist in his reality).

U - Understanding (How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)

• Let's face it, Luck is incredibly observant and keys in on your various habits and quirks very early on, even before you guys are even in a romantic relationship. He's just ... a very perceptive guy who focuses in on  pretty much anything and everything that interests him, which of course includes his love interest.

• So it's safe to say that thereafter he's already well versed in the ways of (Insert Oc Name).

• That said, empathy is most definitely not his strong suit.

• He has a hard enough time trying to keep a handle on his own emotions let alone trying to understand why it is you feel the way you do. BUT the fact that he tries so hard, to the point where he'll sit still long enough to converse with you about it, should definitely be taken into consideration- especially considering that boy is on 'Go' from dawn to dusk.

• That's just how much he cares about you and the relationship you two have built.

• Easily the most important person in his life. 

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Man, it feels good to be writing again (T_T)

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