Oh, How Wrong You Are (Nozel Silva)

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Requested by AnnaleyaZestromia , a Nozel x Commoner!Reader ~

Honestly, he's an ass but I just cannot dislike him!

Hope I did you justice, Sir Silva!

( •.-)~★


Nozel Silva was nothing if not an arrogant, prideful man straight through to his core. He'd always held himself, his family, and now his Magic Knight squad to the highest possible standard, scrutinizing anything less than. Failure was simply not an option. And as first born of the Clover Kingdom's House Silva, the ship he ran was incredibly taut, even by their standards.


The respect and admiration that followed him, and his powerful magic, throughout his life only managed to grow when he was made Captain, as it should. Captains were meant to be respected, as superiors, as authority figures.


So you could imagine just how much it irritated him that (F/n), a lowborn, could never manage to give him the proper respect that he deserved, as head of his family or as Captain.

"Aye Aye, Captain!"

His left eye twitched at the mere thought.

It was her favorite line.

A simple "Yes Sir" or "Yes Captain" would have sufficed.

But alas, attempting to get through to such a bullheaded woman was more of a chore than it was worth.

And Nozel didn't do chores.

She'd retired as a Magic Knight early and a few years back at 26, something he'd deemed foolish until he'd heard news that her single mother was sickly.


He supposed he could let it go that she'd quit on the Silver Eagles, if only for that.

His opinion on the woman hadn't changed much, at least to his knowledge, from when they were children at 12; A Cocky Commoner too caught up in her own whimsical fantasies, as her magic dictated, to see anything else clearly.

But it was rather quiet now...

And somehow...part of him felt uneasy about not having her overly enthused presence around.


Every part of him felt like he could down right kill that lowly excuse for a man he'd seen her kiss time and time again...if given a chance and valid reason.

Every single touch she'd given this other man sent Nozel into a foul mood.

No matter how many times he'd pushed her away, no matter how many of her advances Nozel had scorned, she always came back.

And he assumed she always would.

But he was wrong.

Hating to admit just how wrong he'd been, he silently watched and waited. Until he couldn't any longer.
But perhaps she still held feelings for this silver-haired Nobel.

A theory he waisted no time testing.

Swallowing his immense pride, he'd waited, albeit impatiently, outside her family's Bakery until nearly closing time. He'd known both the opening and closing times despite not stepping foot in this filthy part of town...

...And yet, here he stand, face to face with (F/n).

"Oh! Nozel! What um...not to be rude, but what are you doing in this part of town? You out on patrol or something?"

For a while, he stood there, eyeing the surprisingly clean establishment. Common Folk or not, she always did like to keep things tidy.

He turned to her, suddenly and swiftly, head held high as he spoke with unbridled confidence.

"I'm here to take you to Dinner. I assume you'll be ready in an hour?"

His question sounded more of a statement.

"Woah,woah,woah- slow down, would ya? I've still gotta put this away-"

"Which should take no longer than a few seconds."

"-And I have to go see about my mother. Unless of course you sent a Nurse or something-"

"That can be arranged."

She paused her laughter, straightening her posture and turning uncharacteristically serious.

"Nozel...you know I'm seeing someone right now."

He paused for a moment, chin dipping down a bit as he took a step forward.

"A minor inconvenience. Shall I break the news to him?"

Her mouth fell open. She couldn't believe her ears.

This man, this Captain, she'd been pining for and rejected by for literal years...had just more or less demanded a date with her.

She broke out in a fit of laughter,clutching at the loaf in her arms.

His response, assuming rejection, was the corners of his lips turning downward, brows furrowing a bit.

But again, he was wrong.

That seemed to be the theme of their... relationship.

"Alright, yeah."

Her smile was warm, as was her gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be ready in an hour."


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