Fuegoleon - NSFW Vowels

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Oh Fuego, you sexy beast you-

NSFW Vowels! A.E.I.O.U (and sometimes Y)

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A - Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

• After about round 3 or 4 , Fuego will wager that you're probably a little worn out, taking the chance to take care of you depsite the fact he could easily go for another round or two
• Being the first born son of house Vermillion, he's never actually had to lift a finger to do any tasks that he didn't wish to do, but that certainly doesn't stop him from attempting to fluff your pillows, draw you a bath, or fetch you some heated towels as you rest
• Doesn't always get it right, but at least he's trying, yea?
• Will ask if you're in any pain and insist on massaging whatever areas you need tended to, regulating the temperature in his hands accordingly
• Seriously one of the most attentive people ever
• After he's finished catering to you, he'll lay back in bed with you, pulling you into his chest and proceeding to talk about whatever crosses his mind

E - Experience (How experienced are they?)

• Fairly experienced, not gonna lie, he knows his way around a person's most sensitive bundle of nerves and isn't afraid to please - but only with your permission, of course
• Good with both his hands and his tongue as well
• He's actually only had a few partners, but was with them long enough to learn quite a few tricks
• Wholeheartedly believes in only being intimate with someone if there's already an established romantic relationship, so...yea
• If you can't get with that, you can't get with him, period

I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Are they romantic?)

• This man is so incredibly intimate, it should be a fucking cRIME
• So very sensual, it's hardly EVER considered 'fucking' so much as 'making love'
• I mean, you can just feel how passionate he is about you with every single stroke, every kiss seemingly more intense than the last
• He just really wants you to know how much you mean to him, to feel how much you mean to him
• And trust me, you'll definitely feel his love stretch you out and fill you up

O - Oral (Do they like to give or recieve? Are they skilled?)

• He honestly has no real preference, would be just as happy giving as he would receiving
• Feels completely at home between your legs but continues to become ever so slightly red when you go down on him, even after the relationship has been established
• Just can't get over how pretty/handsome/perfect you look with your soft lips around his throbbing cock
• As far as skill goes, Fuego is VERY SKILLED- knows just the right amount of pressure to add with his fingers and tongue to drive you crazy, his intense purple orbs trained on your face

U - Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)

• Most of the time, Fuego is incredibly sweet and fair, preferring to be very upfront with his pleasure, giving in to whatever your desires are almost immediately
• There are occasions however where he'll want to try and deny you of your orgasms, just to see if he's capable of doing something like that
• He doesn't last very long though- is fairly quick to get all hot and bothered in the heat of the moment- pun very much intended

Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

• In his youth, he had a fairly high sex drive, something he's a little embarrassed to admit to you as it's considered sort of 'unbecoming' of nobility
• It's...actually still pretty high, he's just gotten much better about ignoring it or waving it off
• But if he can spare the time and if he's postive you guys won't be bothered for the next 30 minutes or so afterward, his hands may or may not start to slide down the curve of your waist suggestively 
• Whether or not you let him have any, and how often, is completely up to you

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Still working on the actual nsfw fic, so I'll just post this for now!

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