Counting Stars (Zora Ideale)

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Inspiration: Recently rewatched Samurai Champloo and UGH it definitely aged well y'all like I can't even- but yea this song in tandem with Jin and that woman he was in love with??? *Chef's Kiss*

Zora x Cheerful!Fem!Reader

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A waste of time. A complete and utter waste of both his time and his energy is what this was. That's what he was thinking earlier. But-

"Zora, c'mere would you? Come sit next to me!"

He was standing not too far in the distance behind her, but it was obvious she was intent on closing the gap. He sighed loudly, earning him a look as he approached her. He expected some sort of scoff or look of disapproval, but she only gave a cheeky smile and raised a brow before turning most of her attention back up to the night sky.

"Are you going to sit?"

"Do I have a choice?"

He received a soft giggle as an answer and another sigh left his throat, annoyance less emphasized this time. He sat next to her and she visibly relaxed some, causing him to tense up. He was never willingly this close to someone if he could help it but after another 3 minutes of her absentminded humming, his shoulders began to relax just a tiny bit. It was another 3 minutes when he finally decided to glance over at her. She was still looking up at the pockets of light, the corners of her slightly agape mouth turned upward. The only source of light had been the scattered stars and the waning moon but his breath still caught in his throat at the sight of her. He almost felt bad for judging her based solely on her appearance when they first met and he cringed at the thought.

"Another imperial stuck on her high horse. You're (Name), I presume," he smirked, fully expecting the girl to lash out at his disrespectful tone. She was Nobility after all. That's what they did.

"I am! You must be Zora of the Black Bulls! Great to meet you!"

Surprise crossed his face for less than half a second as he eyed her outstretched hand wearily. Just what kind of game was she playing at?

"I am...let's not waste time on exchanging pleasantries," he pushed passed her ,"we've got a mission to complete so let's get to it already."

She followed closely behind, saluting him in jest.

"Right away, sir!" She giggled and he couldn't help but side eye her like she was off her rocker. Hell for all he knew, she was.

"...Yeeea, tone it down some, would ya? Not like we're getting married."

She pulled at her Blue Rose robe a little nervously but her smile never dropped. Though his voice was dripping with sarcasm, she couldn't help but tease.

"Well no, we're not. I mean, not unless you want to-"

He nearly tripped over an invisible crack in the road at that one, eyes widening as he whipped his head around to face nobel girl who was now laughing. He coughed, damn near choking on his own saliva.

"What is wrong with you?"

(Name) only continued to giggle as they walked to their destination.

Looking at her now, underneath all the twinkling lights he couldn't help but grin. Too bad he was caught staring.

"Is there something on my face?" She questioned before bringing a hand to her cheek for inspection. He snorted.

"Nah. Just thinkin'."

"Hmm, well alrighty."

He turned his gaze back to the night sky and after a moment or two, she did the same.

"So (Name), about that marriage proposal. You still up for it?"

She suddenly found herself having a hard time breathing and he chuckled.

"Look who's choking now."

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