If I Die Young (Yuno)

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WARNING!!! This will be kinda angst-y and maybe a little depressing!!!
There's Blood, Kids...

I uh...told myself I wasn't gonna do a  Yuno fic,but here we are. Not that I don't like him or anything,  There's just... SO many Yuno Fics already, ya know? But I had the most BEAUTIFUL idea for a Yuno x Fem!Reader (whilst eating strawberry ice cream) in my car !

And yes, it is based on the song 'If I Die Young' by The Band Perry

Cause it's SUCH a beautiful song.



If I die young...

Yuno wasn't the most talkative person ever. No, quite the opposite. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't feel the need to waste the words or extra energy. There was no need.

But there was a reason for that.

The air was brisk, the streets cover in snow and ice, and he shivered as he walked down the road aimlessly. Winter was his least favorite season, would even venture to say he might hate it.

There was a reason for that too.

"Wow, isn't he a Magic Knight? He's so hot!"

He nearly rolled his eyes.

He knew how 'popular' he was with women, and no, not just because everyone, to include Asta, had mentioned it to him in one way or another. But he didn't care about that either way. Not really.

And yes, there was a reason for that as well.

"Yuno, there's no need to cry, I'm okay!!"

Bury me in Satin...

There wasn't a time when he spoke to anyone, not one single night, that he didn't miss her. It was especially bad when he was around Asta. The memory of her smile, ever glowing like the light magic she casted, was burned into his brain.
His first love.
His only love.
If only...if only he'd been stronger back then...
Maybe she'd still be here.


Lay me down on a Bed of Roses...

"Yuno, you're so cute! I just wanna kiss your cheeks all day !!!"

She was a year older than Asta and Yuno, or...she had been.
An orphan just like them who'd started living with them when they were but a year old, she was two. Her magic was Light Magic, rare and beautiful just like she'd been. She was determined and stubborn like Asta, yet nowhere near as loud and brash. No she was much smarter than that. Much smarter than Yuno even. After all...

It was Yuno's fault she'd died in the first place.

Sink me in the river at Dawn...

"Yuno! Look out!!!"

He'd been careless. A crying mess. The man was more than twice their size and angry, very angry. The stench of alcohol on the man was so strong it was smothering, and Yuno just couldn't handle the smell. He hadn't meant to ask what the stench was, not out loud. He didn't mean to offend the guy, of course not. How was he supposed to know he'd be so angry at a simple question? That he had a knife ?

That he'd cut a mere child down so easily.

Yuno couldn't react fast enough. Couldn't move at all. And so, she moved him herself. But that was always her. Selfless and kind.
She didn't even scream as her flesh was ripped open by the jagged blade.
The man ran away.
And all Yuno could do was watch.
He was crying.
Of course he was crying.
That's all he was good for...

Why was she smiling?

She tried to speak...
Her voice wouldn't work anymore.
And so, she lay there, red staining snow that was once a pure white, hand in his.

There was supposed to be a reason for everything...right?

"It's already been 10 years, huh...?"

Send me away with the words of a Love Song...

So what the Hell had been the reason for that ?


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