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"Mom, I'm going to be late to practice!"

"Shut up and let me grab my shoes!"

"I'll be in the car waiting"

"Come here and help me search! You are always on that damn phone"

I got lucky today, my mom was not in a bad mood, which is rare now. This is actually one of the few times I've seen her sober. It is just like old times, when we were just a happy family of four. Now there are two left.

Incoming call: Rose

Oh no, not again. I can't do this anymore.

Call declined

I really can't do this right now. She needs to back off like now. Rose is my therapist. I first started going to her after my brother and father passed away. They were murdered. By my mother.

If you call the golfstick that was bashed into my fathers head an accident, then she is innocent. Or maybe you want to call the vase, which held my grandmothers ashes, that was smashed directly into my brothers 6 year old face, an accident? Or even the bathtub that was supposed to be my death, filled with soap and bubbles. The one where she would drown me six years ago.

So why is my mother not in prison? Good question, due to an administration problem she got released and all charges were dropped. So now I'm living with a murderer.

New voicemail: Rose

"Hey Leah, it's Rose. We have to sit together some time soon and talk about where we left off. For dicussing our next appointment: how is Friday for you? At 3 PM maybe? You can't ignore me forever, you know. Talking about death isn't easy but it is necessary. Call me back ASAP please"

"Damn it!"

"Hey! No swearing!"

"Sorry mom, can we go now please?"

"Don't talk back at me! You see I'm busy"

"But you are applying your make-up right n-"

"Listen here young lady, I'm going with you today because it is your first practice of the season and they need signatures. If you say one more word to me until we arrive I'm turning around and you will receive your punishment later, you understand?"

"Yes, I'm sorry"

At training

"Leah! Pass!"

"Damn it, Leah, that wasn't even close to where I was standing!"

"I'm sorry, I'm off my game"


"Hey! Your attitude isn"t going to help it, Annie!"

"If you are performing like you should, then I'll have no attitude. Until then, remember who the captain is! It's not because your mother gives you shit that you have an excuse!"

"What did you just say?"

"I said-"

"No I heard what you said! I mean, why would you say that?"

"Common Leah, I've seen how your mother treats you"

"I've got to go, she is waiting for me at home"

How the hell did she see my mom? I'm in deep shit now. I need to make sure that nobody else finds out. And most importantly, I need to make sure that my mom doesn't find out about this.

"Girls, gather around! Wait, where is Leah?"

"She had to go home a little earlier today coach"

"Oh? We can walk in and out of practice whenever we want now? Did you see her leave?"

"Yes, she left like 10 minutes ago"

"Then that's 10 extra laps for you young lady!"

"But coach-"

"No buts, you let her leave, you get the laps. Now for the rest of you, we are going to try a new drill"

Leah's home

"Mom! I'm home!"

Where is she? Oh God I hope that she didn't find the booze again.

"You little brat! You hid the Vodka!"


"Come here right now or you gonna be in some deep trouble!"

I just need to get to my room and close the door. I can do that, it is me against her. I also have three different locks which I'm still forever grateful for, I need them.

"Leah if you are not down here in three seconds you will be grounded for the whole year!"

It's a good thing she is drunk because if that were really true, then I could expect a beating every day.


Oh, I really got to start moving.


Almost there, a few more steps.


Made it. Now put the locks on and stay calm.

"You little shit. Open this door now!"

So, I'm in for a long night. Again.

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