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I am awake for quite a time now. Where am I? Well, Ash organized with the manager of the hotel that I could stay in an extra room, she is such an angel. Of course, I didn't sleep well. I had a nightmare again, the same as always. It's 5 AM now, so I still have some time until breakfast is served, which is at 7:30. The annoying part is that here, I don't have my boxing sack.

I still have to meet the rest of the team... What if they don't like me? What if they want me to stay away from them and Ash? What What if they call my mother?

7:20 AM

Okay, I'm almost ready to go downstairs.

*Knock knock*

Who could that be at this time?


"Hey kid, sleep well?"

"It was alright"

"You don't have to lie to make me happy, you know"

"I had the same nightmare again, I was up at 3:30 AM"

"Well, you can sleep later, I'll stay with you today, we have a day off"

Oh no. A day off means people. Lots of people, all around me...

"You okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine"

"You know Leah, we still haven't discussed your call-up"

"You guys still want me? Even now you know what you are dealing with?"

"Look, it's not going to be easy but who says you can't kick a ball in the mean time?"

"I'll think about it"

"Uhm, what I heard was 'Yes OMG girl I would love to join you and your amazing team for practices!' or something"

"Oh my God if it gets you to stop talking like that then fine! I'll join you guys! Can we go downstairs now so we can actually eat something?"

"Yes we can!"

"Well thank you Mr. Obama"

"You little get your ass downstairs!"

"Last one down has to jump in the pool!" and I fled the scene. I ran fast and you know it, I was the first one down. The thing I didn't took into account was that almost the whole team was already in the room and some people were already staring at me. I didn't realize this yet because I was busy watching where Ash was.

"You little"

"Ashlyn Harris you finish that sentence and you get to sleep on the couch the whole camp!", Ali shouted. I snorted which caused to now everyone looking at me.

"No I'm sorry Ali!"

I turned around laughing but I stopped just as fast as I came downstairs.

So many pairs of eyes were staring at me.

"Everyone meet Leah, Leah this is the USWNT"


I hate myself for being like this. I was never shy. I had to tell the whole world about everything and anything. I had to annoy everyone and was always busy doing God knows what. Ever since my mom did what she did, I'm shy, nervous, quiet.

"Hey Leah, I'm-"

"Alex Morgan"

"Well, yes, yes I am"

"I'm sorry I'm never this akward and I just made myself sound like a stalker"

"That's okay, I've met with people who were in a worse state then you", she said. I couldn't believe this was true because I am terrible at social things.

"Uhm, yeah"

Uhm yeah? Oh my God just kill yourself already, what the hell are you doing?

"Okay, since Leah is making a fool of herself right now, I suggest we go take a seat", Ash said and even though what she said wasn't flattering, I was still grateful for getting me out of that situation.

I took a seat at an empty table, the only one left. Of course, Ash took a seat next to me and Ali also joined us. The sleepers of the group, and thereby I mean Tobin and Megan, were down just now so I guess they would join our table too.

And just how I predicted it, they took a seat across from me while they looked very confused.

Ash stood up and because everyone was already looking in our, well my direction, they all grew quiet. She joined Jill up front and whispered something in her ear.

Ash was about to speak when Jill began. Ash trew a glance in my direction and gave an eyeroll. I chuckled softly about how childish she can be sometimes.

"Girls, as Ash already said"

Ash looked at me once more and again gave an excessive eyeroll, only this time Jill noticed it.

"Ashlyn are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, please continue"

I almost started laughing, but I lost it completely when I saw Ali looking at her with a dissaproving look. I laughed loudly so everybody could hear and soon Tobin joined in. I was surprised she would laugh with me, but not even seconds later the youngsters Lavelle, Mal and Horan started laughing as well. The pranksters O'Hara, Megan and Sonnet followed and soon everybody except for Jill, Carli and Becky were laughing uncontrollably.

"Girls, please!"

"Guys please let Jill finish", Carli said. True leadership I guess.

"As I was saying, Leah joined us because she will be training with us for this camp"

Everybody was surprised but soon I was being congratulated. I felt like home here. I stood up because I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what I had to say. So, I said the only thing that would make me likeable.

"So, yes I'm Leah, and Ash just lost a bet. Now she has to jump in the pool, who wants to see that?"

And that way I was being swarmed with thank yous and I was integrated into the group.

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