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Incoming call: unknown number


"Hello, Leah, it's Jill"

"Yes, hi, thank you for calling me"

"Leah, I know you haven't had it easy, so that's why I want to give you another shot. I didn't get to see you play yet and I want my opinion to be based on your playing, not your personal life. If you want to come, we have another camp next week. It's in Virginia"

"Thank you so much for trusting me and this process! I won't let you down!"

"I hope so, Leah, I hope so. Now, how do you want to handle things with the girls? I can imagine they won't be thrilled with you when you are back. You did leave without a heads up"

"I know, don't worry, I plan on focusing on soccer. Nothing more"

"I'll let you get back to what you were doing. See you in a week Leah"

"See you then! Thank you again!"


Call ended

YES! I get to go to camp again!

One week later


New camp, new me. I'm ready to tear the competition apart!

"Babe, did you see my shoes?"

"Ali, you already put them in your bag! We're good to go you know"

"Just checking"

"Yeah, for like the fifth time"

"Are you okay? You're a little snarky today"

She's right. I'm apparently still not over the fact that I can't do anything about the Leah situation. And the bad part is that I'm taking it out on Ali and the rest of the girls.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Ali. For these two months you've been by my side and I was nothing but a brat to you. I'm sorry and thank you for being you unconditionally"

"It's okay Ash, everybody has had a hard time with this"

"I just wish she'd, I don't know, let us know she's still alive, you know?"

"I know, I know"

I hate this. I hate that I don't know anything. I hate that I can't do anything.

"Common, we have to go"


All packed. This wasn't hard, I have almost nothing left. That's what you get when you live in a park. I still have my training gear in my duffle bag but I don't have much clothes. Luckily they give you training clothes when you are in camp. I guess I'll just have to wear those.

I got on a bus without paying because I have no money left, it all went to my phone. I messaged Jill to let her know I was on my way. Nobody knew I was called up again. It's been two months since I last was the girls except for Ashlyn and Alex, I saw them one month ago. I still don't know what I am going to do when I arrive.

'Hi girls, I know I was off the grid for two months but I'm back now! Lets get back to our lives like nothing happened!' Who am I kidding.

Also, they know about my mother. Everybody. They know what she used to do and they know about her arrest. I don't want to let that define me. I'm a good soccer player, not the daughter of that abusing murderer.

I messaged Jill again to tell her I arrived.

New message: Jill Ellis

I'll come out of the lobby, wait for me

Alright, I can do that.

"Leah, it's lovely to see you again"

Wow, she sure knows how to flatter people.

"Hey Jill, how are you"

"I should be asking you that question. How have you been with everything that's happened the last two months?"

"I'm okay now, I had a hard time but I'm still here", I told her. I want to ask about the girls and how they've been in my absense but I don't want to seem rude.

"They are all already here, do you want to go see them?"

"No please, I just came here to play the best I can, not to fix anything"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes I am sure"

"Alright. I already know the answer but I still have to ask: do you want a roommate or do you want to room alone?"

"Yeah, alone"

"Right, this is your roomkey then, see you at dinner. It starts at 7 PM"

"Thank you Jill, for everything"

"Sure thing kid"

In Leah's room

Okay, I think I need to call her.


"Hey Rose, It's Leah"

"Leah, nice to speak with you again"

Yeah I don't know about that.

"I don't want to, but I think it's for the best if I talk about my life with you. I need to process things so I can leave them behind me. I'm still haunted by my father and brother"

"I have a sloth open tomorrow at 3 PM if you want?"

"I would like that"

"Leah, it's very good that you made this call and this decision. It's going to help you a lot"

"Yeah, I hope so, see you tomorrow Rose"

"See you then"

Call ended

Now that that's out of the way I feel much better. It's 5:30 PM now, that means I've got one hour and half to waste time until dinner. Until the interrogation begins. I want to go out on a walk. That's what I'm going to do. Clear my head and come to terms with everything that's happened with my life.

And just like that, it was dinner time. I've never been so nervous. What am I going to say? I won't speak or even look at Ashlyn or Alex. But the rest deserves an explanation.

I went downstairs and I was so glad I didn't encounter someone. I was standing in front of the dining room but I couldn't go inside.

"Leah? Is that you?"

I didn't want to turn around to that voice. Alex. So, I did the only other thing I could do: I went inside.

Firstly nobody noticed me, but I didn't even stand in line for two seconds or I heard whispering around me. I put down my plate and looked at the ground. I knew I should just speak now or otherwise the questions would begin to roll in like crazy.

"Hi everyone"

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