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And there goes my promise to myself, to not run away anymore. Well technically I'm not, because I'm still here physically. I can't throw my soccer career away before it has even started. And certainly not because of them. They all betrayed me. I can't let them in anymore, I'm afraid I'm going to have to distance myself.

I still think this isn't real, that this is all just a terrible dream. I thought I found my people, my home. Turns out they're just as bad as my mom, if not worse.

I was laying in my hospital bed because I needed to stay the night. It was after visiting hours but I had told the nurses I didn't want to see anyone anymore a while ago. Just one more thing they'll want me to explain tomorrow. My phone was also blowing up, probably from all the confused messages and them asking me if I was okay.

I was going crazy from all the notifications so I decided to send a single message in the group chat. After I typed it, I looked at it satisfied.

"Is that too rude to send?", I asked one of the nurses

"I don't know what happened so I can't help you, I'm sorry", she answered me and I had to chuckle

I don't think it's too rude and so I hit send.


We were sitting in the lobby when suddenly all of our phones went off. We each looked at our screens and went through the notifications.

New massage:

Guys I'm fine, why don't you ask Alex and Carli what happened? I'm sure they can talk away. Don't message me anymore, you all are giving me a headache. I'm serious. I'll be back tomorrow.

"Wow, she doesn't hold back", I said to no one in particular

"What the hell happened in there Alex?", KO asked her best friend. We were all left in the dark because Carli wouldn't say a word. She said Alex had to explain but she left the hospital before we did.

"I told her the truth, finally. She didn't take it so well", she said softly with her head down in her hands

Oh yeah. The truth, that she is her aunt. Would she have known about Leah's living conditions too? And still didn't do anything? Right. Damn.

"And so she didn't take it well. What do we do now?", KO continued to ask

"How about we let her be in peace?", Jill said and everybody grew quiet.

"Girls, this whole situation is not easy, but we have to remember that we are here to play some soccer. We have to prepare ourself for the matches. It's not ideal that Leah doesn't want to speak to any of you now, but so be it. She is a good player so I expect you can all act like grown ups. Yes O'Hara and Rapinoe, I'm talking to you!", she followed

"Auwtch, what a way to ruin my reputation", Pinoe shouted and that brought everyone to laugh, even if it was just a stiffle one

"Why is everybody laughing?"

The next day


Alright, so I'm getting ready to go back to the hotel now. I texted Jill to come pick me up and we're going straight to training from here.

"Hi Jill", I welcomed her

"Leah, did you sleep okay here?", she asked

"I actually slept good for once, thanks for asking", I answered

"If you're still not feeling great, you can skip this training, you know? Take it easy, okay?", she told me

"I'm fine and ready to go", I brushed her off

"Alright, just, please tell me when you need a break. Even if it's just five minutes", she tried to settle

"Thanks Jill, for looking out for me. I do appreciate it, even if I don't show it all the time", I smiled at her

"Let's get out of here, why don't we?", she said and with that we were out of the door and in her car

I wondered how the rest was doing, but I didn't want to show that I still cared. I didn't even want to care anymore, each and everyone of them broke my trust. And I think this time it is beyond repair.

We drove to the field and I saw that nobody was there yet. That was a relief, then nobody could start to ask questions. I think this time, Carli won't be talking to them because now, she is a part of 'them'.

We pulled up in the parking and made our way to the entrance.

"Are you ready?", Jill asked my once more

"Bring it on!", I was getting pumped

"Alright, that's the right mind set! Why don't you start with some stretching while the others arrive?", she advised me

I put my things down and was getting in the zone when I heard a lot of noise. They're here.


We arrived at the field and I saw Jill and Leah already standing there. Time to get some answers. We moved towards her but Jill stopped all of us.

"Girls, we are strictly here for a training session. If I notice that someone approaches anyone who does not want to be approached, then they will be benched. Are we clear?", Jill said straight down to buisness

Nobody answered her so she kept pushing.

"Does everybody got that?"

"Yes chief", some of them answered while others such as myself just nodded

There goes our chance to talk. This will be a long training session.

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