We were finishinig up because we did well and Jill gave us the rest of today off to recover. We were cleaning up the field and got back onto the bus that brought us here. Leah wasn't on it. I was looking for her everywhere but Jill called my name.
"Tobin, we're leaving!"
"I know, but I can't find Leah! She's not on the bus", I answered her while still looking for her
"Tobin, I know, I'll explain it when we're back. Please come and sit down", she said
What is she talking about?
At the hotel
"Girls, everybody come to the meeting room in five", Jill called and after that she disappeared
What the hell is going on?
"Does anyone know where Leah is?", I asked to the team. Of course, nobody answered.
We all went into the room already because we were here anyways. We were just waiting on Jill.
I went to see Leah. Normally, she should be leaving right now. I knocked on her door and she shouted that I could come in.
"Are you ready to go?", I asked her
"I'm all packed", she answered me
"I'm not asking you if you are ready physically, Leah", I pushed
"I know Jill, my answer stays the same though", she said sadly
"I promise you, your time will come. It's a shame how this turned out to be, but people already know you and they want to see you play. You have a fresh contract at Portland and you know some people there already. If only you would forgive them and let them in...", I said
"I'm not having this conversation with you", she told me curtly
"I hope that Hope got through to you, are you staying with her?", I went on
"You know she's here?", she asked me surprised
"Leah, I called her and brought her here. I thought you needed some wise words", I said with a smile
"Thanks I guess, yes I'm staying with her. Look Jill, I'm really grateful that you gave me an opportunity. Twice actually. I know I've been a pain in the ass but I promise I'll be back and ready once I get my head in the right space. I know I've said that last time too but I didn't realize how much I was suffering, and still am actually"
"Leah, I know you will, I've got faith in you kid", I reassured her
She smiled.
"My ride is here. I've got to go. Thanks again Jill, for everything", she ended our conversation
"Good luck Leah. Please, don't be afraid to call once in a while, even if it's just to talk, okay?", I called after her
She looked back and smiled one last time. With that she was out the door. Time for the meeting, this won't go well...
We were still waiting on Jill. Damn that woman sure can take her time. She walked through the doors like she wasn't late for like ten minutes.
"Sorry I kept you waiting guys, I'll go straight down to business", she started off
"Where is Leah?", Tobin asked just before I could. I send her a grateful smile as appreciation.
"Yes, so that's what we are here to discuss right now. Leah left a couple minutes ago. She made the dicision to step back and wait until she was in the right mental state again. She has had, and stil has a lot to process right now and it all got a little bit too much. Of course, we have to remember that she is still only eighteen. I'm sure each and everyone of you hadn't made it easy on her but I'm also sure it went both ways. That's why, if any of you need to, I'm always here to talk. I've promised Leah her chance will come, she just needs to be ready. Right now, she is the only person who can determine when that will be. I hope you all respect her dicision", Jill explained
I was sad. She didn't even say goodbye. I didn't really expect she would to me or Alex, but at least to Carli or someone, so they could tell us how she looked. How she was.
"Is she okay now?", I asked while looking at the ground. I felt Ali's hand on my thigh for support but I didn't need to have that now. I needed Leah.
"She is physically. Mentally, that's a whole other story", Jill answered
"Look, I know this isn't easy for any of you, but she needs this. She'll be staying with someone we, the staff, trust. We can always contact her in case of emergencies. Other then that, we, both her and I, ask you to leave her alone this time. She will be back", she continued but I wasn't listening anymore
"Who will she be staying at? She doesn't even have a house here, let alone money?", Tobin continued
"We won't be sharing that information with you guys because then you certainly wouldn't leave her alone. Just know she is safe and we are still in contact with her. We'll give you updated every now and then until she's ready to come back", Jill said and then went over some other topics to discuss
We arrived at my place. I mean, our place now. I'll have to get used to that.
"I'll show you around and lead you to your room. You can do whatever you want, just don't let it get out of hands", I told her but it seemed like she was really out of it
"Hey, are you okay?", I asked but again, she didn't respond
"Leah", I said while I waved in front of her face
"Sorry, what? Did you say something?", she said after snapping out of her daze
"Look, I know you're having a hard time with all these adjustments in such a short timespan, but this is your new normal now. Our new normal. We both have to get used to this, but we can be there for each other. I can be there for you if you let me", I said
She didn't respond. I sighed but then I felt her arms wrap around me from behind me. I turned in her embrace and hugged her back.
"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere soon"
"Thank you Hopey", she sniffled

Life can be Crazy
FanfictionLeah Morris has a rough life. Her mother, a killer and not imprisoned, doesn't exactly help. After she meets someone, her whole life will turn around. Welcome to 'Life can be Crazy'. This story is a roller coaster so fasten your seatbelts! DISCLAIM...