I was juggeling a ball around when everybody came onto the field. I felt some of them staring at me but I wouldn't bite. Jill went on explaining the drills for today, but it was a lighter session because it was matchday tomorrow.
"Does everybody understand?", she said and I realized I zoned out. Shit.
"Yes", some of them answered
"Then line up", she now shouted because we were already in the middle of the field
The goalkeepers were off doing their own training so we had to shoot in unguarded mini-goals. It wasn't my day, and everybody made sure I knew that.
"Leah, that shot is way off, again!", Jill shouted once more in my direction
I became frustrated because I couldn't do anything about it. I signalled her that I needed a break and she nodded understanding. I walked over to the side line to drink a little bit water but before I could bring the bottle to my mouth, it was snatched away from me.
"Follow me", someone said and I couldn't even made out who it was because they were already gone
I picked up my speed because whoever this was could walk like crazy.
"Leah Morris", she said while she turned around
Hope freaking Solo.
"You're Hope Solo", I said, still not believing this
"Yes I am, nice to meet you", she continued while she sat across from me
"How are you here? Why are you here? I have so many questions! Do the rest know you're here?", I bombarded her
"Look, I know we don't know each other, but I've been wanting to see you play. You're the new talk on the streets, you know", she told me. Do people really know me? Wow.
"You? The best goalkeeper in the world? Wants to see ME, a nobody, play?, I said very confused
"Like I said, we don't know each other, but what's going on? You were off all practice and it seems like the communication between you and the rest didn't go so smooth. Did something happen?", she pried me out
And so I told her everything that happened. It was a relief to tell a stranger everything and not thinking about the consequences. After I was done, I told my whole life from the moment my mom killed my dad and Luke. She was silent the whole time, just letting me speak.
"Wow", was all she said afterwards
"Yeah", I added to that
"Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to make amends with the rest. I know they made a mistake, but this is new for everyone. You can't expect them to know how to handle this situation from the first try. And sure, this mistake wasn't a light one and certainly won't be the last one, but they are still by your side", she said
"I don't understand. I am telling you Alex is my aunt, like actually my family and that everybody kept that information from me. Including her! Not to mention that she knew about Astrid and what she did. How can I forgive her for that? How do you expect me to?", I said, almost in tears. I don't want to call Astrid my mom anymore, she never was anyways.
"I don't even want to know if the rest knew about Astrid too. I'm scared of their answer but I'm assuming they did. They are just like that", I went on
"Leah, I understand you, I do. I just think you need to consider how she felt. Don't you think you wouldn't know what to do either if you were in her shoes?", she asked me
"Maybe my answer is biased, because I was the victim here, but I would never keep silent like she did. I would've at least done something. At least I would have tried to help. She didn't even need to tell me we were related, you know. I would've liked to know sooner but she didn't have to because she wanted to escape from her former life, and I understand that. But how could she leave me with an abusing mother? She was the only other family I had left that I didn't even know of, and she just left me there. She went on with her life like nothing happened", I said, now crying
Hope kept silent but hugged me instead. She just held me until I calmed down a little and then went to sit across from me again.
"Give it time. Get your head right because you need to process a lot of things right now. I suggest you take a break from them, focus on being okay, mentally", she advised me
She's right. I jumped into this opportunity too soon. I'm not ready for this, not now anyways.
"Thanks Hope, this really helped me. You're right, I do need to get my head in the right space, but I don't even have a house. I can't keep living on the streets anymore", I told her sadly. I sighed desperate while I let my head fall into my hands.
"Come stay with me", she said determined
I looked up confused and surprised.
"You don't even know me? Why would you help me?", I asked sceptically
"That way we can both get to know each other and keep ourselves fit. You can keep focussing on your training and stay in the soccer world. Maybe you don't believe this, but I still have friends who play, you know", she said and that made me chuckle
"I believe that, no worries. Are you sure about this?", I asked once more
"Go get your things, I'll fill Jill in about all of this and then we can go", she reaffirmed me
I am going to live with Hope Solo. This is a crazy world.

Life can be Crazy
FanfictionLeah Morris has a rough life. Her mother, a killer and not imprisoned, doesn't exactly help. After she meets someone, her whole life will turn around. Welcome to 'Life can be Crazy'. This story is a roller coaster so fasten your seatbelts! DISCLAIM...