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I'm still in the room. The two hours have now passed. Ash is still not here and I begin to think I'm being set up. But then all I can think is why? Why would she care for me and bring me here? Maybe she is in on it too, maybe she knows my mom and they have a plan to abuse and kill me. I need to get the hell out of this place.

5 minutes later


"Leah? Where are you?"

What is this? One minute she's grateful and happy and the next her bags and herself are gone. I don't understand. Wait, isn't that her phone? Damn it, she left it on purpose.

"Ash? Where are you babe?"

"I'm in my room Ali!"

"What's wrong?"

"She left. She left damn it!"

"Ash calm down. Who left?"

"I can't explain everything now but I promise I will. I gotta go right now! Love you!"

"Yes uh yes love you?"

I need to get to Jill ASAP, how much it pains me to say it, she'll know what to do.

"Jill! Jill! She's gone!"

"Calm down Ash!"

"Why is everybody telling me to calm down?! She is gone, her bags are gone! But she left her phone."

"Maybe it's for the best? She probably wants to go home"

"Jill, how can you say that after I filled you in about her situation?"

"I know what you said, but maybe she wanted, I don't know, attention?"

"Who are you? You are not saying that about Leah!"

I need to get the hell out of here, how dumb to think Jill of all people would know what to do!

"Where are you going?!"

"Out of here, I'm going to find her"

"Damn it Ash, wait! I'm going with you. To prove this is nothing"

"Suit yourself"

Okay, where would she go? She definitely didn't go home or to school, but where would she be? Maybe if we follow the path from her home to her school. I know there is a park with a lake between those places.

"Hop in, I'll drive"

"Ash, do you know where you're going?"

"Please, shut up for two seconds!"

Uhm, remember that she is still your coach and she has like, a say in things for example your playing time...

"I'm sorry, yes I know where to go"

"Then hit the gas pedal!"


At the park

I heard tires screaching and some loud voices. That usually never happens, almost nobody comes to this park anymore.

"There she is!"

Damn it, I know that voice. How did she find me? Doesn't matter, I need to get out of here.

"Leah, wait please!"

"Ash, what are you doing here?"

"Is that even a question? To find you of course?"

"And then to abuse and kill me along with my mother"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh please, it has to be something like that! Otherwise why would you help me?"

"Leah oh my God please sit down for two minutes"

"Two minutes. That's all you get"

"Leah, ever since I saw you, I somehow knew subconsciously that you needed help. Then I discovered your bruise, you told me your story. I wanted to help you because I can. Because I have the means to."

Yeah, that can add up... I feel so increadebly stupid right now. No! Not the tears again, not now.


And there were the stupid tears. Oh, her arms are around me again. Wait, it's actually a nice feeling.

"Girls, are you both okay to drive back to camp? We will discuss things further there"

"Oh, uhm, hey Ms. Ellis"

"Hi Leah, are you okay?"

"Not really, no..."

"Let's go!"


At camp

She looks so fragile right now.

"So Leah..."

"Jill, wait. Let her sleep for now. I think she needs it"

"Okay, I'll be in my office if you need me"

"Thanks Jill"

I'll just lay on my bed until she wakes up I guess.


"Are you okay?"

"Can you lay with me?"

"Scoot over"

She put her arms around me and just laid there. Poor kid. I still don't understand why she just dissapeared. Oh, I still need to talk to Ali! Now I have to wait until Leah sleeps until I can go check on her.

"No! Wait no!"


Oh she's having a nightmare. Okay what do I do now? Do I wake her? She is sweating like crazy.

"Leah, hey, it was just a nightmare"

"H-have y- y-ou seen all of that?"

I gave her a weak smile.

"I guess I need to tell you some things, right? It's only fair"

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