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Today is the day. I'm finally making my debut for the USWNT.

I had a long talk with Tobin and it ended with the both of us in tears. I tried to do a sentimental talk with Ash aswell, but as soon as she saw me, she hugged me and I didn't even need to say anything. She just knew. We had that sort of connection.

I also talked to the group. I told them what happened, but that I'm back now and it ended in a group hug. Which brings us to this moment.

We've arrived at the stadium and we're making our way in. We stepped into the locker room and there, I saw it for the first time.



My first USWNT jersey. I couldn't take my eyes of it, it was so beautiful. Jill told me I'll definitely play today, she just doesn't know how long yet. I don't care, I just want to make my debut.

We're playing Costa Rica today, so a win should be easy. I was sitting next to Ashlyn because she's 18 and I'm 19 so we messed around a little. She had been given a warning though, because she got the start today. That way she could get some minutes and Alyssa could get some rest.

"You ready for today, kid?", she asked me

I missed that name, despite that I'm not a kid anymore.

"I was born ready", I said with a straight face, but the moment I was speaking, it was really quiet for a moment, so everybody heard that strange sentence come out of my mouth.

"I'm so sorry, that was disgusting", I added after that which had Ashlyn crack up. I followed soon and again, the whole team was being sent into a laughter fit.

It was good to be back with my family.


It's the seventy-ninth minute right now. I'll have to make some changes, don't I?

"Kid, get ready! You're going in", I told Leah which made her face light up. Everybody on the bench was congratulating her while she was taking off her jacket. She did some streching exercises and some drills on the side line, and before I knew it, she was standing next to me.

"Alright, are you ready to play for your country, Leah?", I asked

"I've waited my entire life for this moment. I said that in a dramatic way because I had to. I'm technically still just eighteen, so my whole life was a third of yours, but whatever", she answered which made me chuckle

"I need you to enjoy this moment. We're up five-nil, so we've got that win in the bag. You can always try to score some goals, but don't put any pressure behind that thought. Just try to not get injured, okay?", I filled her in

"I got it coach", she said firmly

"Then go and play. For your father and brother", I said to her. She smiled with a little bit of tears in her eyes, but they were happy tears and we both knew that.


"And now we see young Leah Morris getting ready on the side lines to make her debut for the US. She is just eighteen years old but has been training with the squad since she was seventeen. Due to circumstances she couldn't play until now. We're excited to see what she's got. We see that Tobin Heath comes over to her and gives her a hug. Even Ashlyn Harris comes out of her goal just to high five Leah. We're seeing here that they are a really close team that support their youngsters"

5 minutes later

"And our young substitute attacks down the left wing. She still has the ball! How is that possible after that strong tackle from Costa Rica's side?! She's still going! She made her way through the whole defense! She scores! Leah Morris, everyone! Scoring on her debut at just eighteen years old!"


I was watching in the stands. I couldn't miss this game. Kelley, my now girlfriend thanks to Leah, was playing and Leah made her debut. I was watching her score and I felt satisfied. I helped her come to this moment, I helped her grow and overcome her troubles and fears. I was so proud of her, she deserved it so much after all she has endured.


I watched her score. My niece. I watched my niece score on her debut. I couldn't be more proud. Tobin was subbed of a couple minutes after Leah came on and came to sit in between me and Christen. I accepted a while ago that I couldn't have her after I saw how happy they were, so I made my peace with it. The three of us looked at her.

"She did it, Al", Tobin said

"She did it", I repeated while the three of us smiled


This is surreal. I just scored a goal on my debut for the US. I can say that a million times, it won't get through to me. I didn't have more time to think about it, because I felt someone on my back. And then another one. And soon, I was part of a dog pile, with me being the person on the bottom.

"You did it kid, you really did it", Ashlyn said

"Ash, what are you doing so far out of your goal?!", I asked her frantic because our opponents could still attack us

"The final whistle was blown already, didn't you hear? You scored in the last minute", she said while she chuckled

"I guess I really did it, didn't I?", I said, still in disbelieve

"You did it, I'm so proud of you, Leah"

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