We're just finished with all the arrangements. It's 1 AM but it will all be worth it. Ali and I stayed in the mess hall after dinner, together with Pinoe, KO, Alex, Sonnet and Tobin. Carli and Becky were here too but after a while they went to sleep. We have arranged a whole party and we each reached out to some celebrities we know. We got confirmation that Taylor Swift and Adele will be there to sing some songs. We also messaged Rihanna but she didn't respond. Yet.
"Is that everything?", KO asked, clearly everybody was tired and just wanted to go to sleep.
"Even if it isn't, we can do the rest tomorrow", Ali answered and they all seemed relieved.
"Great", Pinoe said, her eyes were almost closed
I had to keep myself from laughing in their faces. They looked terrible. Well, except for Ali. She looks great and I never can take my eyes of of her, in whatever state she might be. I'm so whipped.
"Ash are you coming or are you gonna keep staring at Ali?", Tobin called out to me. Oops!
"Coming, coming" Damn it.
"I'm going to sleep like a baby", Alex told me. I know the feeling, it wasn't very nice to sleep while not knowing how Leah was doing. After that we fought, so that didn't help either. Now everything is back to normal, so I understand where she is coming from.
"Same, Alex, same. We got her back you know. You got her back", I smiled sadly at her
"Hey, Ash, listen to me. She maybe isn't over everything but deep down she already forgave us. Forgave you. Don't beat yourself up now, okay?"
"You really have a way with words Morgan" I flattered her
"I know right", she said and then did a hairflip. God this woman. I chuckled at her antics and took her in a headlock. I ruffled her hair and then took of running.
"Good thing I'm tired, Harris, you're so gonna get it tommorow!"
"See you Morgan!" I yelled while I laughed. I missed these interactions, it's good to be back.
I was up at 4 AM. Again. I still don't sleep good, but it gets better and better. Maybe if I try, I can fall back asleep. I closed my eyes and waited until sleep consumed me again. But it didn't, of course not. Damn it, I thought it through too much, now it's not going to work anymore. I got out of bed and began to do some yoga. Christen advised it and she said it's very helpful so, why not?
I never know what to do when everybody is still sleeping and it technically is still night. I'm always bored but now it's worse. I just want to have some fun.
I went downstairs to the recreation room. I couldn't believe what the hell I just saw!
"TOBIN? CHRISTEN? What are you guys doing here??? Why are you guys licking each others faces off?", I yelled, that sure got their attention because they jumped apart for like four feet.
"Leah! Uhm, well, you see Well, the thing is...", Tobin started
"Tobin what the hell? It's four in the morning, I don't make anything out of your half sentences", I told her, I was beginning to find this very funny.
I wanted to play with their minds a little bit.
"Do you guys not trust me?", I told them while I looked at the ground
"What? Of course we trust you Leah, where is this coming from?", Christen immediatly answered me. Oh she is such a sweethart, I can't play with her like that.
"I'm just messing with you guys! I'm so happy for you!", I gave both of them a hug and I winked at Tobin while giving her a thumbs up.
"You little shit, come here!"
"Tobin!", Christen yelled, glad to know she takes my side in this
"Oh Leah I'm going to get you later", Tobin told me while looking me right into the eyes. I had to admit, that was very intimidating. If I didn't know her, I would almost be scared. Of course with my background, it's hard to scare me anymore.
"Yeah, I'm sorry but you're a little too old for me plus you're taken so it seems!", I threw back at her while I gave a mischievous smile
"Okay Tobin, I take back my words, go for it", Christen said which caused me to laugh and run upstairs right away
I got to my room and locked my door just in time.
"I'll get you tomorrow Morris!", Tobin shouted from behind it. I imagined the sight of Tobin yelling to a door and again I had to laugh. It was this exact moment I promised myself to never run away ever again. I need these people around me and apparently so do they. Now I just need somewhere to stay for when I'm in Portland, I don't even have a house here.
Do I ask Tobin? Maybe Lindsey? I don't want to seem like I'm using them.

Life can be Crazy
أدب الهواةLeah Morris has a rough life. Her mother, a killer and not imprisoned, doesn't exactly help. After she meets someone, her whole life will turn around. Welcome to 'Life can be Crazy'. This story is a roller coaster so fasten your seatbelts! DISCLAIM...