Chapter 3, A checkup?!

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The past few days for Shinobu and Giyuu has been overwhelming due to their tight schedules for patients who were badly injured or affected with illnesses, Mitsuri started to notice that Shinobu had been getting a little more stressed then usual and decided to speak about it to the Medical Director, Giyuu Tomioka.


As I was filling in documents for my patients, I suddenly heard a knock on my door and calmly said "you may come in.." I saw a tall female with pink and green hair that was long but braided into 3 parts of her hair, she also had big nature green eyes with a very sweet face that could convince anyone with. "Hello Medical Director! I am Mitsuri Kanroji, Shinobu Kocho's best friend...may I speak to you regarding her situation?" I nodded and asked her to sit down, wondering what was going on with Shinobu..."So lately I have seen Shinobu Kocho looking exhausted with heavy eyebags under her eyes, especially when she has been starting to get more stressed then usual...she's been wasting lots of paper including that she's starting to stay up until perhaps...5:00 PM? Either way my point is...could you perhaps give her a break if it's possible?"

my eyes widened as I heard what happened to Shinobu, she must be stressed because of how many ill patients have been coming in lately...and I know that these patients are in need of her medicines but I believe there may have not been enough stock for her medicines which made her stay up almost every night to create new medicines and creating more of her affective medicines that had went out of stock.

I nodded and asked Mitsuri, "could you by any chance...a-ask Shinobu Kocho if I could come over to her place today at 8:00 PM? I would like to give her a checkup to make sure her health is stable." Mitsuri immediately thought of something and happily accepted, smiling and blushing a little. "Why are you blushing, Mitsuri?" Mitsuri immediately covered her blush and giggled, "its nothing! I was just thinking of my...husband! Yes, husband!" I tilted my head to the side but shrugged it off, then Mitsuri said her goodbyes to me and left my office.


"KYAAAAAA!!! I TOTALLY THINK THEY BOTH WOULD BE THE PERFECT COUPLE!!!" I screamed out loud, everyone turned to me, looking at me in confusion...I realised what happened and immediately bowed down in an apologetic way until I saw Shinobu, walking towards me with her sweetest smile!


I chuckled as I saw Mitsuri bowing to everyone in an apologetic way, "Ara ara Mitsuri! What brings you here today?" I smiled sweetly as I saw her bright smile. "Shinobu! Guess what? Giyuu is coming to your place at 8:00 PM!!!" my jaw dropped immediately when she said that...GIYUU...COMING TO MY...PLACE?!!! Oh my lord, what is my sisters gonna think? that I have a BOYFRIEND?!! I sighed quietly and kept a calm expression with my gentle smile and said "Ara ara! Why is he coming to my house?~" I wanted to scream in my pillow, I wanted to vanish.

"Well...I may or may have not spoke with him about how you've been really stressed out and other stuff lately, so I kinda asked him if you could take a break and he agreed but he would like to come to your house just to do a medical checkup on you!" Mitsuri sweetly smiled at me, how could I ever be mad at Mitsuri? I nodded and waved goodbye to Mitsuri before she walked out of the hospital.

I finally went back to my personal laboratory and screamed at the top of my lungs, "WHY IS HE COMING TO MY HOUSE...WHAT ARE MY SISTERS GONNA ASSUME?!!" I place my two fingers onto my temple, feeling stressed and a little furious...why am I always bumping into him randomly? Is he my babysitter or something? Gosh...he's driving me mad.

I decided to go onto my phone, but what Mitsuri said was true...I really needed a break, I opened my camera app and flipped the camera it towards me, I saw my heavy eyebags under my eyes along with my messy bun that made me look like I came out of a dreadful rainforest.

I placed my phone down on my table and sighed as I rested my head onto my folded arms that were on the table, making me have a huge headache and a pounding in my head as I grunted like an old lady who hated the old folks home and wished to be in her young ages again, many people asked me what I was doing in my 20's...why was I spending my life in a dreadful state like this? God, I don't have the energy to even answer them.

As the time went by, I felt a little bit worried about Giyuu coming over to my place...what if my sisters think that he's my boyfriend? What if Giyuu dislikes them? Gosh this is making my head pound, probably because I'm draining myself out from all of those sleepless nights.

I suddenly felt someone touched my shoulder gently which made me scream out of fear, "AHHHHHHH!!!!" Giyuu immediately flinched when I screamed..."Shinobu, it's just me...Giyuu." I turned my face to face his and I blushed out of embarrassment.

"A-ah! So sorry Tomioka-san!" Giyuu stared at me with his deep ocean eyes and nodded in forgiveness for my actions as he decided to monitor me by walking me back to my house, either way he was coming over to do a health checkup on me.

{I'm so sorry that this chapter was short, the next chapter will be longer!}

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