Chapter 7, Bloody rain

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As time flew by, Shinobu started to get back to work while Giyuu was traveling to a few different countries to help patients who are in need of more doctors who were professional...Its been 3 months ever since Shinobu and Giyuu met each other, they started to build a slow friendship bond together which helped both of them to develop their feelings towards each other too.

When it was finally August 24th which was Kanae's birthday, Sanemi proposed to Kanae which made both of them the happiest couple in the entire world until a few days later, tragedy strucked on their parade.

{Yes, I'm not joking...Kanae's birthday is actually on August 24th! Correct me if I'm wrong.}


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As I was walking towards Kanao's school with an umbrella shielding me from the drizzles, I got a phone call from...Sanemi? Why would he even call me? I picked up my phone and greeted him on the phone before he shouted. "SHINOBU ITS YOUR SISTER...SHE GOT INTO A SERIOUS CAR ACCIDENT WITH SOMEONE!!!" my face immediately turned pale with my eyes widened as I heard the news from Kanae gonna die?...I had no time to waste, I started running towards Kanao who was waiting for me infront of her school gates after I hanged up on Sanemi.

I grabbed Kanao by her hand tightly and ran with her while Sanemi sent the address of where she was, "! SHE BETTER NOT DIE ON ME!" I said with my cracked voice and with my tears falling from my cheeks.


As Shinobu ran as fast as she could with Kanao while it started to rain heavily, Kanao was shocked and didn't know what was going on...she felt like the world was collapsing as she slowly started to realise what was going on, Kanae is going to die. Kanao's eyes were filled with water as she was running with Shinobu's hand that was tightening around her hand.


{You can skip this part.}

<---- Emoji to alert you of an option to skip this part because of trigger warning, etc.

❗When they got to the scene of Kanae's car accident, Shinobu and Kanao saw Kanae that was bleeding with her deep wound that was on Kanae's stomach...blood splattered all around of the inside of her car as she laid on the road like a lifeless body, they both saw her cuts and pale lips as they knew that Kanae would die by the time the paramedics Shinobu immediately ran towards Kanae, pushing Sanemi aside and started to do CPR on her while Sanemi grabbed a thick cloth from his pocket and placed a pressure on her deep wound with it to decrease the blood loss.❗

❗Kanao stood on the sidewalk as she stared at Shinobu and Sanemi who was trying to save Kanae from death, Kanao dropped down to the ground and started to scream and bawl out her eyes as she finally realised that Kanae could potentially die and if she died, Kanao will no longer hear the cheerful speaking of her older sister and Shinobu would be deeply depressed.❗

A few minutes had gone by as Shinobu and Sanemi still repeated their same actions to try to save Kanae from death, the paramedics finally arrived and took over as Shinobu sobbed heavily while Sanemi was screaming angrily at the driver who caused the huge car accident.

Giyuu immediately rushed to the scene as he found out that Shinobu's older sister Kanae, got into a serious accident and he knew that Shinobu would be breaking down into tears which made his heart he decided to head over to the scene and found Shinobu sobbing badly with her red puffy eyes that was producing non-stop tears.

He hugged Shinobu from behind and once Shinobu felt his hug, she immediately knew it was Giyuu who was holding her and she immediately turned to face him and hugged him tightly while she sobbed with her red puffy eyes as Sanemi, Kanao, Giyuu, Shinobu and everyone else including Kanae was soaking wet in the heavy rain.


After a long time of sobbing in the rain, I was escorted into a police officer's vehicle with Shinobu, Giyuu and Sanemi...Sanemi was sobbing while Shinobu was sniffling as she held Giyuu close to her, they looked like a couple.

I looked at the car window and saw the paramedics rushing Kanae who was on the gatch bed into the ambulance while they placed a oxygen mask on her mouth before the officer drove us off.

I wiped my tears but couldn't stop my tears from flowing as I heard the sobbing and sniffling of Sanemi and Shinobu, I went on my phone and saw 8 messages from Tanjiro...I opened up his messages to find out that he was worried about me because of the heavy pouring rain, I decided to reply his messages now because I didn't want to worry him anymore further.


Tanjiro Kamado

Tanjiro: Kanao! Are you alright? It seems to be raining heavily...

Tanjiro: Kanao? Are you there?

Tanjiro: always reply me fast whenever I send you a message, are you okay?..

Tanjiro: Kanao...please tell me your alright!

Tanjiro: Is there something going on?

Tanjiro: Kanao...?

Tanjiro: Kanao please be safe, the weather conditions are really worrying nowadays..

Tanjiro: Kanao, I'm really worried about you.

Kanao: Sorry Tanjiro...I didn't see your messages..{SEEN}

Tanjiro: Are you sure? It seems like there's something more to it...are you okay?

Kanao: No..{SEEN}

Tanjiro: Whats wrong Kanao? You can tell me anything if your comfortable with me..

Kanao: ...can I let you know later?..{SEEN}

Tanjiro: Of course, let me know once your ready to speak to me...feel better soon! ❤


Tanjiro is such a sweet person...he's always been caring for me and I love him a lot, but on the other hand, my sister Kanae is in risk of death...I looked down and my tears fell as I knew that Kanae could possibly die...the Kocho family didn't have a strong bloodline for strong bodies which meant that we didn't have strong hearts but that's beside the point, Kanae's life is also in the risk of death because of how much blood she had loss including that her stomach wound was really deep.


After 20 minutes, the four of them finally arrived at the hospital that Kanae would be in...they were escorted by one of the police officers into the hospital which meant that they would have to stay there for a few hours until they could finally visit Kanae.

FACT: Kanae was taken to the same hospital that Giyuu and Shinobu worked at, because it is one of the best hospitals in Japan.

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