Chapter 4, My heart is fluttering

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I finally got to my house with Giyuu and opened the door as I saw Kanae with Kanao, sitting in the dining room together while having a conversation which I don't plan to eavesdrop on. Kanae immediately turned around and saw me with Giyuu, "Ara ara! Whos this man Shinobu?" I could tell that Kanae had tricks up her sleeves which made me sigh and replied "w-well...he is the Medical Director of my hospital and he just wanted to check-" before I could finish my sentence, Kanae immediately asked Giyuu a question, "Konichiwa Giyuu! By any chance do you have a crush on my sweet sister?" She grinned as she had all sorts of ideas in her mind that was relation to me and Giyuu being together.

Giyuu was stunted and blushing, nodding in disagreement..."are you sure? Because your face is turning red!" She smiled sweetly at him while I looked at her and shouted "KANAE!!!" with my red cheeks which made Kanae laugh at both of us. I smiled sweetly at Kanao and dragged Giyuu up to my plain but massive bedroom, "so...this is where you sleep?.." I nodded and sat down on my bed sighing.

Shinobu's bedroom

Giyuu started to grab his stethoscope from his medkit and wore it, he slowly grabbed the bottom of the stethoscope and placed it onto my heart area to check my heartbeat

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Giyuu started to grab his stethoscope from his medkit and wore it, he slowly grabbed the bottom of the stethoscope and placed it onto my heart area to check my heartbeat.

He then took off the stethoscope and placed it in his medkit, he grabbed his ophthalmoscope and began to check my eye as I admired his gorgeous blue eyes, looking into my eyes to check if I have anything wrong with it...he then took out a anotoscope to check my ears, I felt his face getting closer to my ear to check the insides of my ear which made my ears turn a little red.

After he was done with the checkup, he prescribed me with some sleeping dose incase if I wasn't able to sleep after those sleepless nights I had and I understood that I am not suppose to overdose myself with it.

As he was about to leave my room to head back home, I immediately grabbed his wrist without thinking and stared at his beautiful ocean eyes...he looked at me with the most angelic face and I slowly leaned towards his face with my tippy toes until he snapped me back into reality and asked "Shinobu...what are you doing?" I immediately let go of him and went back down to my height level as I bowed down in apology for my careless actions...what am I doing? Giyuu nodded and left, I felt so embarrassed that I grabbed onto my pillow, shoved my face down into the pillow and screamed in my pillow while Kanao and Kanae were talking about Tanjiro and other stuff.


As I walked across the streets, I turned red thinking about what Shinobu did to me...does she love me? That couldn't possibly be...she would never love someone like me especially when she's to pure for my heart, she makes my heart flutter whenever I see this what you call love at first sight? I shook my head, hoping to release these thoughts out of my head but I just kept thinking about Shinobu and her actions towards me.

When I finally got home, I saw Tsutako playing some games on her console while she waited for me...she looked up and turned her head towards me with a huge smile, "onii-chan! How was work?" She ran up to me giving me a hug as I answered her back, "its was fine, just the usual.." I hugged her back and immediately went up to shower and threw my coat into the clothes hamper after she hugged me, I don't want her getting the germs from my coat that was from my patients, especially when she could get sick easily even if she recovered from that deadly disease years ago...I made sure she washed her hands before she touched any of her face parts.

I was an overprotective brother, even if I don't show it through emotions doesn't mean I don't care for her...she's my only family member left and I promised myself that I would care, love and cherish her before anything happens to her.

After I cooked dinner for her, I went on my phone to see a message from someone...I opened the message slowly to reveal a message that was surely sent by Shinobu, but I'll ask if this is her for safety reasons.



???: Hello Tomioka-san, I'm truly sorry about today again...I didn't mean to do anything to you on purpose.

Giyuu Tomioka: Ah, I understand...but who are you? {SEEN}

Shinobu Kocho: Ah! Sorry, I'm Shinobu!

Giyuu Tomioka: Oh, hello Shinobu..and thats alright I understand how you feel, I forgive you. {SEEN}

Shinobu Kocho: Arigato for forgiving me! And by any chance could we...

Giyuu Tomioka: ? {SEEN}



Gosh...why is nii-san making me do this? Can't I just stay at home on the weekends and enjoy watching movies or even studying about medicines? I sighed as I slowly typed out "would you like to drop by at a nice little cafe on Saturday by 12:00 PM?" I was sweating as I was about to send my message.


I immediately turned a little red as I saw her message, going out to a cafe with her on Saturday at 12:00 PM?...what's going on? I replied her message in agreement to meet her up at the little cafe on Saturday, she sent me the address and went offline.

My heart started to flutter and I immediately told Tsutako that I'll
be heading up to my room to rest, she can place her plate and utensils in the sink for me to wash later...she nodded and I went upstairs feeling warm and fuzzy on my insides, was I dreaming or am I being an idiot? I sat on my bed feeling red and hot as I grabbed my pillow and hugged it, do I really love Shinobu?

Could I Ever...Love You?...{Giyuu x Shinobu}Where stories live. Discover now