Chapter 6, Do him?..

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Ever since that incident happened, Giyuu had decided to extend Shinobu's break from work...including that he would visit her once a week to do a health checkup on her and monitor her as the weeks went by. Kanae and Kanao were always worried about Shinobu after that incident, which led them to try to comfort Shinobu and made her favourite meals to make her feel less upset of what happened to her.


As I was sitting in my office doing some documentation for my patients, I suddenly got a phone call from someone...I didn't recognise the phone number so I decided to pick the phone call up and I suddenly heard a loud but upset voice saying "MEDICAL DIRECTOR IS SHINOBU OKAY?! I HAVEN'T SEEN HER AT THE HOSPITAL AND SHE HASN'T BEEN REPLYING TO MY MESSAGES!!" I could tell it was that same woman with her pink and green hair that was tied into a braid to 3 separate parts.

"Yes, she's doing alright...she's been having a rough time lately, she's at home as usual so you can try to go visit her if you want." She understood what I meant so she thanked me and hanged up, I might aswell visit Shinobu again because of her health checkup and everything.

I rose up from my seat and checked my watch, it was already time to head out anyway...I packed up my bag, took my medkit with me and left the building as I had the female nurses staring at me with their heart shaped eyes. As I was walking, a memory came to my mind.


???: Tomioka-san! *pokes him on the shoulder*

Giyuu: *takes a bite out of my sandwich*

???: Can't we be friends? Your always so lonely! *smiles gently at him and claps my hands together*

Giyuu: *continues to take a bite out of my sandwich*

???: Ara ara! Guess you have no hope in life then!~ *jumps up from my seat and walks out of the classroom*

Giyuu: *sighs* when will that girl ever leave me alone for once?..


what?..who even is that girl?...I can't recall her face at all, her face was too blurry for me but she acted a little bit like Shinobu tho. I decided to shrug it off since I believed that it could have been just some similar personality traits between her and Shinobu, I had finally reached the Kocho's residence and rang the doorbell as I heard some footsteps coming towards the door.

Kanae opened the door and welcomed me inside of the house, I saw a man sitting on the couch...he had white spiky hair with lots of scars and he had pale purple eyes that looked a little creepy since it looked like his eye veins were about to pop out in any second.

He stared at me with his creepy eyes, I decided to not waste my time on examining him and went upstairs to Shinobu's room.


Who's he? He seems like a scumbag who knows nothing about mathematics. Kanae immediately chuckled which made me blush a little, God I'm so lucky to have her...she told me about what happened to Shinobu which I didn't really care about but listened anyway as I knew that Shinobu was Kanae's middle sister who she cares for to.

I am a maths teacher at Kimetsu Academy for Junior and High schoolers. I'm never the type of friendly maths teachers where they let their students do easy maths work, that's not gonna get them anywhere and they should be doing work based off their age groups, if it was Junior school there would be an acception for them since their unable to comprehend maths faster then a high schooler.


While I was reading my book, I heard a knock on my door and I agreed for them to come was Tomioka-san which made me confused, isn't he supposed to be here only on Fridays each week? I decided not to push myself any further and asked him. "Ara ara Tomioka-san! I thought you usually come on Fridays, its Wednesday!~" I asked with my gentle smile, he told me that he wanted to make sure my health was stabilised which made me chuckle a little by how worried he was about me.

Which reminds me, Mitsuri visited me today...she was worried sick about me which caused her to have a breakdown beside my bed when she saw me but everything was alright after I reassured her my health and safety, I found out that she asked Giyuu about me and Giyuu told her everything which was why she came to visit me.

As Giyuu was checking my health, I stared into his ocean blue eyes once I falling for him? Do I love him? All of this made no sense to me, I never wanted to ever fall in love with another man after Douma...I despised men, but Giyuu was different towards me.

He didn't act like a playboy nor did he try to steal money from his patients, this did not make sense to me...did I to myself about what I thought Giyuu was? This made me feel uneasy with butterflies filling up the insides of my stomach.

When Giyuu was done with the checkup, I decided to try to ask him if he has any crush so I asked "Tomioka-san! Do you have anyone that you like?~" I pretended to chuckle happily while Tomioka-san looked at me with his deep blue eyes. "No..I don't.." I understood but I suddenly felt sadness and jealousy inside of me, what's going on? Why do I feel like this? Do him?...I nodded slowly at him as he looked at me with his angelic face.


As Giyuu walked out of the Kocho residential, we starts to think about Shinobu and her question...he started to believe something that he never thought he would ever believe in...


Could I Ever...Love You?...{Giyuu x Shinobu}Where stories live. Discover now