Chapter 11, How could you?...

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For weeks, Shinobu avoided Giyuu as much as possible which made Giyuu confused and upset. He didn't know what he did to her nor did he believe that he had done something one day, he decided to pay Shinobu a visit at her house.


As I was typing out the documents for my patient in my laptop, I suddenly heard my doorbell ring. Could Kanao be back from Tanjiro's house this early? She told me she'll be back by 4:30 PM and its only 1:10 PM...I slowly walked towards to my door with nervousness and finally opened the door, it was Tomioka-san.

I stared at him with my bright purple insect eyes as he slowly stepped into my house...I instinctively tried to push him out of my house but he was too strong for me and I eventually gave up, I slowly led him to my dining room...feeling anxious as I knew that he would ask about why I had been avoiding him for weeks now.

As me and him sat down onto the chair opposite each other, he grabbed my hand gently from across the table which made me blush...but I can't be someone who's stubborn enough to fall for his manipulation. "Shinobu, please tell me whats wrong...I know that your upset with me, so can you please tell me whats wrong?" I was immediately stunned by his words, how could he not know?...gosh, it pains my heart badly.

"Tomioka-san, how could you?..." I let go of his hand as he looked at me with his widened eyes, "what do you mean, Kocho?.." he asked. I felt my eyes tearing up as I spoke up, "remember you confessed to me at the arcade while my ex and his boyfriend was there? you clearly used me as your confession doll to make him jealous because you were jealous and upset about him talking to me." I immediately got up from the dining table and ran upstairs with my tears flowing down my cheeks.

Tomioka-san immediately ran after me and just before he could reach my bedroom door, I slammed it and locked it as I heard his apologies and his upset voice which made me break down into heavy tears. "Please, just leave me alone Tomioka-san...PLEASE!" I begged which made him pause, and then he left after a few minutes. I cried heavily as I heard him exiting my house, I didn't want this to happen...I thought we could have been a sweet couple that could possibly get married and have kids one day.



It was finally 4:20 PM, I decided to head home because I knew that Shinobu would be calling me up in a few minutes asking me where I am...I stood up from the couch and told Tanjiro that I had to go. Before I went out of his house, he grabbed my hand gently and kissed it which made me turn red as a tomato...Tanjiro immediately chuckled and stared into my pale purple eyes.

I slowly went closer to him as he slowly grabbed my waist gently and pulled me closer, I leaned into his lips and shared a passionate kiss with him as I felt my body heating up. After a minute, we parted our lips from each other which made me hug Tanjiro...Tanjiro was laughing as his face turned red as a tomato which made me giggle a little.

I finally took off from Tanjiro's house while I remembered the feeling of our passionate kiss, I knew that I was only 3 blocks away so it shouldn't be too far. I walked for 5 minutes and finally reached back home feeling happy and relaxed, but then I realised...wheres Shinobu? She's always around to greet me when I'm back home. I looked around to find no one so I decided to go upstairs to look for her, when I finally reached her room door...I heard sobbing from her.

I knocked on her door gently, "Ane, it's me Kanao..." I immediately heard her walking towards her door...she finally opened her door to reveal her puffy face and her teary eyes as I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a warm hug, letting her cry on my shoulder.

Could I Ever...Love You?...{Giyuu x Shinobu}Where stories live. Discover now