Chapter 15, True Love & Happiness

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A few days had gone by since Shinobu's kidnapping incident, Shinobu rested in the hospital for at least four days and took a break from work given by Giyuu, who made sure that Shinobu would get plenty of rest during her recovery from her forehead injury.


I sighed softly as I looked out at the window provided in my hospital room, relieved that Giyuu had saved me alongside Tanjiro, taking care of Kanao for now till I fully recovered. Suddenly, I saw Giyuu with his ocean blue eyes and the lovely appearance of a doctor opening the door, he looked at me as if I was the only person in his world which made me flattered and blush.

"Ara ara Tomioka-san!~ what brings you here today?" I giggled lovingly as Giyuu sighed softly and told me, "I'm here to see you, my love. Are you alright? your forehead injury is still recovering slowly, so please rest.." I blushed when I heard him say that, making me chuckle. I then saw him walking up to me as I was sitting on my hospital bed, connected to a few IV as he gently leaned his body and face in to kiss my soft lips. As we kissed, the ray of the sun shone down on us through my hospital room's window as it was a beautiful moment for the both of us, finally reuniting after that kidnapping incident I had.

Once we broke the kiss apart, he instantly told me, "My dear, please be more careful when going out at night...I don't want the same thing happening to you ever again." It made me smile as I nodded, leaning slightly forward to hug him as I realised now, the person standing right in front of me was my true love this whole time without me even realising it at all, I guess I was really naive about Tomioka-san and my feelings this whole time. I then broke the hug apart, giggling as I spoke, "Tomioka-san, promise me that you'll stay with me forever?..." I knew that it was an instant agreement and promise from Tomioka-san as it nodded with his serious and promising facial expression, which made me realise too that Tomioka-san was never a playboy or some kind of man who would harass women, he was a real man who would go through a tsunami for me.


After that day, their relationship grew stronger, and they instantly bonded together. However, after Shinobu finally discharged from the hospital, Giyuu was much more protective of Shinobu as he didn't want to lose her again by accident. Now, Shinobu was picking Kanao up from school as she had fully recovered and was now able to take care of Kanao once again.


As I switched my shoes from Uwabaki to loafers at the shoe rack area of my school, I saw Tanjiro walking up to me from the distance as he waved happily at me. My heart instantly thumped, I love everything about Tanjiro from top to bottom, I wouldn't ever think about leaving him for another person as I realised that I finally know what is true love just like how Kanae described it to me. Tanjiro then finally reached me as he gently hugged me, which made me instantly blush. I then heard him whisper in my ear, "Kanao, you've been through so much, and yet you're still so friendly to everyone despite your unhappiness regarding everything you've been through, just know that I'm always here for you no matter what and I will love you for as long as I can." I widened my eyes the minute I heard him whisper that into my ear, I smiled shyly as I nodded and broke our hug.

Tanjiro gave me a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek before I left the school building, which made me blush instantly, but I knew that nee-san doesn't like to see Tanjiro being too affectionate with me so I tend to keep quiet regarding me and his relationship around her. I then saw nee-san standing in front of my school gates, waving at me with her sweet loving smile, which reminded me of Kanae, who was once around. I recalled about Sanemi as I walked up towards nee-san, I recall that Sanemi told me that he will be leaving Japan and moving to Europe for a getaway and to start a new journey there, despite his sadness regarding Kanae, he told me that Kanae will always be around in his heart no matter what, and that he would never find another woman till he sees Kanae once again one day.

As nee-san took my hand gently and walked down the streets of Japan with me, I also recalled Muichiro and Genya. I heard from Sanemi, that, Genya is already engaged with Muichiro and that they'll be getting married soon. Which leaves me wondering, did Mitsuri succeed in getting pregnant with Obanai's child? that left me a huge question mark as I continued to walk down the streets of Japan with nee-san holding my hand. I will find out soon anyway, for now...I'll focus on the present as I now not only have nee-san, but Tanjiro and all of my lovely friends who has been by my side since day one. I quickly glanced at nee-san, seeing her sweet smile as she smiled at the strangers passing by, which made their moods light up instantly. I always knew that nee-san was the type to light up everybody's moods with a simple smile, just like how Kanae was.

As I continued to walk down the streets of Japan, I saw a nice bakery full of sweets as I was interested in grabbing some nice pastries. I tugged on nee-san's hand to stop, which made her look at me in confusion. I then spoke quietly, "nee-san, can I get some pastries?.." which made nee-san chuckle and nod in agreement. Once we headed into the bakery, I realised that it was Tanjiro's mother's famous bakery, which made me smile shyly. I decided to buy some cookies from Tanjiro's mom, which made her smile as she also recognised me.


I chuckled slightly as I saw Kanao talking to Tanjiro's mom, I was happy that Kanao was finally communicating with more people rather than last time as she was extremely shy last time. I then heard a text message notification from my phone. It was Mitsuri.


Mitsuri Kanroji 🍡

Mitsuri: SHINOBUUUU!!! >v<

Shinobu: Mitsuri, konichiwa! 💜 {SEEN}

Mitsuri: Guess what... :D

Shinobu: What is it, Mitsuri? 🫢 {SEEN}

Mitsuri: I'm...

Mitsuri: PREGNANTTT!!! ❤️ <33

Shinobu: ...WHAT?! {SEEN}

Mitsuri: I knew you'd be surprise! remember Kanao told you that I was trying to get pregnant with Obanai's child? Well, I am now! 💗

Shinobu: Wow, it's extremely surprising, Mitsuri! {SEEN}

Shinobu: But congratulations, Mitsuri, I'm so happy for you! <33 💜 {SEEN}

Mitsuri: Thank you, Shinobu, LOVE YOUUU!!! 💗

Shinobu: Love you too, sweet Mitsuri! <33 💜 {SEEN}


I was still surprised as I placed my phone back into my purse. Not only did I find out that Muichiro was engaged to Genya a few days ago due to an online wedding invitation sent to me by Sanemi, who was Genya's brother, vut I also found out that Mitsuri is pregnant?! That's interesting! I giggled to myself as I thought about it till I snapped back to reality as I felt a tug on my hand, which was Kanao, who had finished buying the pastries she wanted and finished talking to Tanjiro's mom. I smiled sweetly at her before walking out of the bakery with her by my side.

Hello everyoneee! your beloved writer here, I will be aiming for at least 20 chapters or 25 chapters until this story ends. Thank you so much for all of the favourites and reads of my book. It's really amazing how far I've gotten since day one, I hope you all continue to read my book till it ends. ♡

- PTS: I know I published this chapter earlier then expected as I said that it will be published on 7th April, but I decided to publish it earlier and the next chapter will be longer then this chapter! 💗

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