Chapter 1

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EDIT: I changed the time conversion. 1 year in MHA is equal to 1 month in HxH. This will be important for the chapter released on April 5th.  

"Congratulations on clearing the game. Please choose three specified slot cards from your binder. Any three that you desire." Gon proceeds to take out the three cards that Killua, Bisky and him decided on. "You've chosen number two, 'Strip of beach', number 81, 'Blue Planet,' and number 84, Paladin's Necklace. Are you positive that these are the three cards you want?"

"Yep." Gon answers.

"Alright, before I return your ring, as the first finisher of the game you have the option to go to part 2 of Greed Island."

"Part 2?" Gon questions.

"Part 2 of Greed Island will send you to a new world where new adventures can commence. You are allowed to bring up to 2 people with you that have not yet completed the game. Is this something that you would like to do?" Gon pondered this, part 2 might give him more clues on
Ging's whereabouts, but it might lead to another dead end. An adventure would be fun though. After a brief silence Gon answered.

"Can I bring the two people I would bring before I make my decision?"

"Sure. Please give me their names and I will bring them here."

"Killua and Biscuit." Gon smiled at the twin.

"Sending Killua and Biscuit." A bright light commenced signaling the teleportation of the two people.

"Gon? What are we doing here?" Killua asked.

"Miss Elena said there is a part 2 to Greed Island and I want to do it with you guys!"

"Huh! You can't just make that decision for us." Killua yelled at Gon.

"I know. That's why I brung you here! Will you come with me?"

"Sure, I have nothing better to do." Killua quickly answered and proceeded to look at Bisky, waiting for her response. The two boys were met with silence.

"Well, me and Gon are going so if you don't come, you're gonna have to wait to get your card." Bisky sharply exhaled, "Fine, I'll come." She said exasperated.

"Yay!" Gon shouted. "Us three will be going to part 2." Gon said, turning to Miss Elena.

"Wonderful. The objective of part 2 is to complete one of 3 parts. Unlike part 1, part 2 has no cards and completion of part two is measured on the completion of each part. The three parts are hero, villain, or citizen. The part you want can be decided upon arrival. Upon completion of your chosen part you will be sent here immediately where your cards can then be redeemed. In order to return all three must complete their chosen part. It is important to note that every year spent in part two is equivalent to a month here. Any aging that occurs in part two will be automatically reversed upon arrival. Good luck! Travel will commence in 5 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." With that a flash of light occurred and the three hunters landed on the ground.

A/N: Hello! I hope this lays enough groundwork for the rest of the story, like how they got to the mha universe. It is set after greed Island because I couldn't bring myself to watch the rest of the series after I was told what happened. It made me to sad so my logic is that if I don't watch it, it didn't happen lol. I'm open to constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy the story and please don't hesitate to comment and tell me what you think of the story at any point.

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