Chapter 2

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The 3 hunter's landed and quickly stood up. Their eyes scanned their surroundings spotting a small playset with children on it a few meters away. No one seemed to have noticed them randomly appearing due to them being quite a distance away from any person. Gon started walking toward the playset before quickly being stopped by Bisky. "We are really far away from home." Bisky said, directing her statement toward the two boys. A small rabbit hopped by and Bisky's eyes were locked on it. "There is no nen anywhere. Nothing has aura nodes." Bisky told the boys. Killua's eyes widened in shock before Gon started talking.

"That would make sense." Gon nodded his head while his hand was on his chin, seemingly in deep thought.

"What do you mean?" Killua asked, hands in pockets. Bisky fixed her eyes towards Gon, recovering from the shock of no one having nen.

"Miss Elena said she would send us to a new world." Killua's fist tightened before swiftly bonking Gon in the head.

"Idiot! Why didn't you tell us that?!" Killua yelled at Gon.

"Huh? I didn't think it was important. Miss Elena cleared all my concerns so I didn't think to tell you." Killua shook his head back and forth, deeply exhaling.

"Book." Bisky said, seemingly out of nowhere.

"What are you doing? There are no cards here so the book is useless." Killua told Bisky.

"Yes, but Elena said that there were three tracks that we would decide on once we got here. Books is the only way we would be able to choose those tracks." Bisky explained. Killua's eyes widened and a smile formed at his lips. "And it looks like I was right!" Killua and Gon came over to Bisky's side, looking over her shoulder at her book. The book no longer looked like a book but instead a small rectangle, bigger than a phone, that could be used when touched. On the screen were the three tracks written out with seemingly the first quest to activate each track. On top of the screen written out was, 'Please touch your desired track, then complete the first track.' Gon and Killua swiftly called on their books as well to decide their track along with Bisky.

"I'm going to be a hero!" Gon proudly declared.

"Huh? Didn't you see the first quest for that one? You have to go to school; a highschool at that. And you are struggling with basic math, you really think you'll survive." Killua berated Gon.

"I know but I've never been to a real school so it sounds like that will give me the best adventure out of everything. Getting a job sounds boring." Gon reasoned but Killua shook his head.

"What about the Villian path, that would also give you an adventure." Gon shook his head.

"Nuh-uh. If Villains here are like those in comic books in our world then we would lose the fight against the heroes and I want to win the fight." Gon pumped his fist in the air and Killua just laughed.

"Fine, I guess we'll both be heroes." Killua turned towards Bisky after selecting the hero option. "What about you Bisky?"

"I think I'm going to go with civilian."

"What! That's so boring." Killua yelled to Bisky.

"Well I'm not about to spend a day with a ton of highschoolers and I don't feel like being on the bad side of the law. We don't know how strong people are here. They may be nenless, but this world may have a different, more powerful power system. So I'm not going to be fighting anyone."

"So what should we do now?" Gon asked after a few moments of silence.

"I say we find a city and find out where we are." Killua looked into the sky and saw the sun setting. "Then we should find a place to stay for the night. We can figure out how we can get into that highschool tomorrow." Killua started walking toward the park, parents were starting to grab their children due to the late hour. Once they reached the park Killua tapped the shoulder of a woman, grabbing her young child.

"Excuse me miss, me and my friends need to find our way back to the city, can you give us directions." Gon said with his puppy eyes.

"Oh, of course. Mustafu is that way." The woman said, pointing down a path.

"Thank you!" Gon said while running toward the path. The two other hunters started jogging as well to keep up with Gon's energetic attitude. Gon got a little farther ahead but they caught up eventually to see Gon staring at the bustling city. "This is like York New." Gon said, feeling Killua and Bisky's presence.

"Is that hiragana?" Killua asked.

"I've only ever seen it in Jappon in very isolated villages." Bisky added.

"I've never seen it before!" Gon chirped.

"Can you read it, Killua?" Bisky asked.

"A little bit, but there are some characters I don't recognize. However I have the general idea of what things are saying." Killua sighed. "If this is the written language they use around here it'll be ten times harder to get into highschool."

"You can teach us Killua!" Gon said excitedly.

"I'm going to have to if we want to get into highschool." Bisky turned to look up at the sky.

"We need to find a place to stay for tonight. Our hunter license will be useless here so let's try to find an abandoned building or an alleyway." Bisky said as the three of them started walking on the sidewalk. In between the cramped buildings were spaces barely big enough to fit the three of them. The three were looking down the alleys hoping to find a spot where all three of them could fit, which they did eventually. Killua initiated a turn and walked down the alley into an opening a little bigger than other buildings. Aged cardboard boxes were scattered around in the opening which Killua decompressed to make a makeshift cot. Gon and Bisky did the same and they went to sleep.

Thankfully, while the three slept, no one came by the alleyway they were sleeping in, giving them a full night's rest allowing them to be able to figure out what they need to do moving forward the next day.

"Ok. The first order of business is to find out more about this place. Then I should go find a job while you two try to get into that school." Bisky stated, still in the alley way.

"I think our best bet would be to find a library or something like that to do our research. I can also teach you guys some of this world's writing while we're at it." Killua started to walk out of the alleyway onto the bustling streets. After walking for a while, the three found a place that resembled a library and walked in. Killua walked over to a shelf that said 'History' and picked up one of the books. He opened it to the summary, which gave him everything he needed to know about this world. Some of the stuff he had figured just by walking to the store, like the fact that there were heroes and that they were a big deal, and almost everyone had some sort of nen like ability that wasn't nen. After a few moments of silence Killua begins to explain what he knows to Bisky and Gon. "I think this place is pretty black and white to most of the public. If you break the law you're a villain and if you save people with credentials you are a hero. This place also has some sort of nen like ability, but it seems to be a lot more limited. People can only do what their quirk specializes in, so Gon and I need to come up with a name for our quirk." Gon and Bisky looked at Killua while he was explaining before nodding. Killua picked his head up from the book and saw flyers in a plastic container at the end of one of the book shelves. On the flier it read, 'Join UA! On examination day, please bring identification, quirk confirmation papers, and permission sheet signed by your guardian.' Killua flipped the top page back and looked at the stapled sheet behind it. It was the permission sheet. Killua grabbed another sheet before the three walked out of the store. Once they were out of the store, Killua kicked the ground. "Damn it. I totally forgot about identification."

"What about it?" Gon asked. Killua flicked him.

"To get into school they need to make sure we are actually kids and not some creepy villain."

"So we can just go to a place that'll give us identification."

"But we are only 12. A legal officer might have a lie detector quirk so even if we lie and say we are 15 they wouldn't break the law for us."

"So we just do it illegally." Killua pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"I guess that's our only option. I'll find someone tonight."

"I'll probably need an ID too if I want to get hired. I don't think anyone would believe I'm old enough to work." Killua nodded.

"At least we're in the right place for illegal work. The cities are the best places." Killua smiled. This going to be so much fun.

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