Chapter 15

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Gon, Izuku, and I have been training with Bisky in the months leading up to the sports festival. The training isn't too different from what we did on Greed Island, but it's 100% more intense because we can't train all day with school. Even when we are at school, Bisky has us hold ten and then trains us during the hour of hero classes we have. Then before and after school we train as well.

Izuku has gotten some control over his power. We still aren't sure what his specialist abilities are, but he can activate his quirk now without breaking his bones which is a plus, though the output is small. Despite the large amount of overlap between our powers, Izuku's is still different in a variety of ways. For example, his life force seems to be more than he can handle at the moment, which is strange because nen normally grows with the user. Izuku was given all of this power with no means to contain it, let alone control it. Izuku also can't do certain advanced applications of nen like en and shu. In general, Izuku's quirk is still a mystery, not even All Might knows anything beyond that it's a power handed down through generations.

If only I could unravel the mystery in the month we were given before the sports festival, but I should've guessed that would be nearly impossible. But there's no point dwelling on it now. The sports festival is now, and Gon and I have to be in the top 5 to go onto the next quest. Speaking of Gon...I should go see what he's up to. That idiot can not be trusted alone.

I go to walk out of the class 1-B waiting room, but... "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING ZOLDYCK!" The same yellow haired annoying person blocked my exit. He has been following me around since the start of the school year because I apparently don't show enough loyalty to class 1-B, and instead opt to spend my time with, 'The green haired class 1-A freak.' AKA Gon.

"Where do you think?" I reply, not giving any reaction. If he doesn't move, I can always just remove him by force.

"You're going to see your little class 1-A friend."

"Bingo." I push Monoma out of my way. "I don't understand your deal. I was friends with Gon from the start of the school year. I'm not going to leave him just because we're in different classes now." I walk away and place my hands behind my head. Class 1-A's locker room was right next door so it wasn't too much of a trek. Before I could open the door, however, I was trampled by none other than Gon.

"Killua!" Gon ran and jumped onto me, tackling me to the ground.

"Gon!" I struggle underneath his body weight. "Get off me!" I push him off, and he just laughs.

"I'm so excited for the sports festival! Things got super intense in there." Gon gestured towards the locker room. "Get this, Shoto declared war on Izuku, isn't that crazy!" Gon stood up and brushed his gym uniform off.

"Crazy." I replied in an uninterested tone. Outside, I heard Present Mike calling for all first years to get ready to make an entrance. "Guess I gotta go now. See you out there!" I wave and start running to our class.

"AHAHA! I see your back from your rebellious spree!" I hear Kendo make a frustrated noise towards Monoma's actions. I really don't get this guy's beef with 1-A, what'd they ever do to you? We start walking down this long dark highway; there is a light at the end and I can hear the roaring cheers. Emerging out of the hallway, my eyes squint slightly at the bright light. The thunderous cheers seem even louder now that they are surrounding me. I follow my class to a big stage. Pro Hero Midnight standing on top of the stairs.

"Now the introductory speech! And for the student pledge, we have GON FREECS!" I looked over towards where Gon was standing. He was surrounded by his classmates, so I could barely make him out, until he appeared on the stage next to Midnight.

"Hey everyone!" Gon waves to the crowd of people surrounding him. "So, I kinda forgot that I was supposed to come up with a speech, so I guess I'll just tell you guys that me and Killua are going to win!" Gon turns around to face the students behind him. "But you guys should still try your best. It's no fun if we win by default." The group of students erupts in boos and displeasure. Was that really the only thing he could come up with on the fly? Gosh he's an idiot. Gon steps down from the stage and bounces over towards me. "I'm so excited! What do you think the first phase is going to be?" Gon asks.

"Without further ado it's time for us to get started!" Midnight calls out. The crowd erupts into cheers.

"Guess we're about to find out." I point up towards the screen labeled 'first event'. The screen starts rotating through a selection of games, too fast to make out the words before finally settling down on one event, an obstacle course.

"Awwww." Gon starts bouncing in place. His eyes sparkle towards the sign. "This is gonna be so fun!"

"Wanna race?" Gon turns towards me, the sparkle in his eyes increasing ten fold. He excitedly nods his head up and down.

"But the winner buys dinner!"

"Better get ready to empty your pockets then. I'm thinking of a whole lotta chocolate." I pat my stomach, imagining all the chocolate that I wouldn't have to pay for.

"No way! I'll definitely win."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Now then take your places contestants..." Midnight's voice breaks us out of our friendly banter. Gon and I follow the hoard of students that crowd the large red arch way that is the start of the course. There is no way a normal person would be able to make it through the doorway without getting trampled. The first green light goes out. So it's a good thing I'm not normal. The second one goes out. I activate my hatsu and feel electricity coursing through my body. The third and final light goes out and I rush forward. By the time Midnight yells the word begin, I'm already at the end of the hallway.

"Hey no fair! Since when did you get that fast?" I glance behind me and see Gon a few feet behind me, he'll catch up soon enough due to the strain this power puts on my body. This is a new trick I call godspeed. It lets me transcend normal speed, but it takes a lot out of me. The short burst nearly drained all of my electricity reserves, but it is probably the only way I could escape that tunnel without being trampled. I place my hand on my pocket, a small taser inside. I can recharge before the next event.

Sure enough, Gon and I were running side by side in no time. "Oh, hey Shoto!" Gon must've heard his footsteps, only a super human like him could hear footsteps over all this noise.

"I told you to call me Todoroki." The Shoto guy replied with a stoic expression. He shoots a wave of ice towards us, but we manage to dodge.

"Awww, come on Shoto. Don't be like that. We're classmates after all!" Gon continued running alongside me; this was nothing. Running like this is so easy. We got this in the bag.

Word Count: 1265

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this part! Don't forget to vote and comment. I love hearing your thoughts on the story.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 

a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 

a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend a time to be silent and a time to speak, 

a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

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