Chapter 4

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Today was the day of the UA entrance exam. The 3 hunters have been preparing for this day in many ways. Not only have they been training, but they've also been coming up with a cover story. They have been brainstorming about any little thing that people could ask about. They've also fixed the issue of not having a house. With the fake documents acquired, Bisky has been able to obtain a job at a gym as a personal trainer, which has given them a stable income, along with Killua's paycheck from his assassin work, they were pretty comfortable. There was only one problem, Gon. Bisky and Killua weren't worried about Gon's ability to pass the test, they were worried about every other aspect of school and keeping his mouth shut. The three had agreed that Gon and Killua would hold back their skill level, pending the skill levels of others, to be completely average. Back in their world, while yes the 2 were strong, they were relatively weak compared to many other hunters. The two just showed immense potential which had spread their name through the hunter community. Bisky and Killua weren't 100% sure that Gon fully understood how much stronger they were compared to everyone in society. Further, Gon is really stubborn, so if anyone were to challenge him, the 2 weren't sure if he would stand through to his previous promise of keeping his strength average. The second problem was Gon's total lack of social cues. The 3 hunters had practiced in engaging in conversation with other high school students in the area and Gon had failed the practice. When asked about where he came from he went on and on about things from his world and despite the confused look on the students faces he continued. He didn't stop until he was pulled away from the conversation by Killua.

On the contrary, a worry that all 3 hunters had were Gon and Killua's ability to assimilate into highschool culture despite being 3 to to 4 years younger than everyone else. Another worry was the school aspect of the hero school. The written language was still relatively new to both Gon and Killua and the translation process still took a long time mentally.

"If only we had like 3 more years." Killua said, putting his hands behind his head. Gon nodded in agreement. They were currently walking to UA with Bisky who was going to wait for them by the gate. Bisky didn't entirely trust the boys to be alone as when she had let them go off and explore on their own previously, they didn't return home for a whole day, apparently getting distracted was the 2 boys only excuse. Because of that Bisky was going to accompany them to and from school to avoid another such incident. Approaching the school Bisky stopped followed by the other 2.

"I'll be waiting here. Remember the rule." Bisky said, looking directly at Gon during the second part.

"Don't look at me." Gon held his arms up in surrender. Bisky sighed before turning and sitting on a nearby bench, watching as the two boys walked to the entrance exam. Walking through the gate, Killua and Gon scanned their opponents, looking at anyone who may hold potential at getting in. Conversation by other participants led the 2's eyes toward a boy with spiky blonde hair. He had apparently survived a villian attack, and people were betting on him to get in. Killua and Gon didn't observe long, as they quickly made their way to their seats in a large auditorium. There a test took place. This was the one part of the exam that could break their chances of going to UA. The test was hard and Killua had only understood half of the test while Gon admitted afterwards that he guessed on a majority of the problems. After the test, everyone received a hand out on the physical exam. Killua started to write a plan to give to Gon. There was no way Gon was going to get in with an average physical exam score and a failing test so he had to win the whole thing. Killua was confident that he passed the written test, maybe barely, but passed, so if he can get in the top 30, in the physical exam, he should be able to get in. On the paper he wrote, "Go for the top Gon." Gon's eyes lit up upon seeing the paper and fiercely nodded his head. Killua smiled and turned his head to listen to the instructions, which were self explanatory: destroy the robots to earn points, and avoid the really big robot as you don't get points. Gon and Killua were in different zones, but it was probably for the best. Gon would probably destroy all the robots before anyone else can, so Killua wouldn't even be able to make it in the top 30s.

In Gon's zone the signal to start came across the crowd. Gon immediately rushed into the fake city and started taking out villain after villain. Using Ko in his fist the robots crumbled under his power. Robot after robot, the number available to other participants slowly dwindled as Gon took them out. He followed the scent of metal to each robot making him have a multitude of points. He walked around with a disappointed look on his face. "Aww man, I thought this would be harder." Just then a large crash echoed through the city and a large robot emerged that towered over the buildings. A smile came across Gon's face as he eagerly jumped in the air and punched the robot. The robot collapsed and the timer for the end of the test came across the testing center. Gon walked out of the test glumly, looking for Killua.

When Gon spotted him he once again lit up. "Killua!" Killua turned towards Gon's voice and all eyes also fell on Killua.

"Keep your voice down, moron." Killua mumbled, feeling the eyes on him and Gon. "How was the test?" Killua asked instinctively before immediately regretting his decision. Gon obviously found the test boring. It was boring, but Gon had no filter and would say that very loudly and then promptly give an example of something he was expecting. Seeing Gon open his mouth to say just that, Killua slapped his hand over Gon's mouth. "Forget I asked. You can tell me Bisky when we get home." Killua removed his hand and started walking toward where Bisky was waiting. On the way back to their apartment Killua explained his decision.

"What are we going to do when he gets in then?" Bisky asked. "He can't have an amazing score on the entrance exam then all of the sudden be average on the hero work in school."

"If we're in the same class I'll be able to keep an eye on him. Make sure that he doesn't go overboard but if we're in a different class we'll just have to nail it into his head." Gon walked quietly while this conversation was happening.

"I'm right here you know." Gon said, annoyed.

"And do you know that you can't keep your mouth shut?" Killua retorted, causing Gon to slip back into just listening to the conversation.

"If you two aren't in the same class I'll see if I can negotiate with the principal to get you two in the same class." With a plan set in stone, the three now just had to wait for their confirmation letters to arrive.

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