Chapter 9

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 "As you all know, my quirk can suck things up and turn it to dust. But my quirk could easily be used to kill. Please keep that in mind as—--" 13's voice faded away as I snapped my head toward a dark aura. Soon after that, a dark portal opened up and villains started crawling through the portal. This was a good place for an attack. We were isolated and very few people know where we are. I took out my phone and texted Killua and Bisky. The villains continued to multiply. I knew Mr. Aizawa was strong, but this many people would be hard for him. He is not THAT strong. I put my phone back into my pocket. I felt a buzz in my pocket, but I ignored it. I needed to be locked into my surroundings right now.

"Thirteen get them out of here, and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too." Aizawa said. The gravity of the situation was starting to dawn on the class, but I'm just so excited that I get to fight! And Bisky and Killua might come. It'll be like Greed Island all over again. It'll be so much fun! I start bouncing in my feet. Aizawa jumped down and started fighting the villains. Just as I thought, he's pretty good. I shifted my attention to a guy with blue hair with a ton of hands on him. He wasn't fighting, so he must be the leader of sorts.

"Come on Freecs!" I heard Iida calling me, but I stood still. I'm not gonna miss out on an opportunity like this.

"It's okay, you can go on ahead." I called out. I heard Iida start to back track to drag me away, but a villain shrouded in black smoke stopped him from dragging me back to the rest of the group.

"We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves to this haven of justice to say hello."

"Hello!" I called out. "So why are you here? I mean, it seems you guys thought this out, but there isn't really a point to attacking highschool students like us."

"Isn't this a fitting place for All Might to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here, but there seems to be a change of plans. I guess in the end it doesn't matter." The fog villain indirectly answered my question. Before I could answer another question though, Kirishima and Bakugou attacked the fog villain, causing the villain to encase us in its fog. Before I knew it, I was in water. I started swimming up, but villains came up and tried to attack me. Fighting in water was hard, but I managed to deliver a kick powerful enough to knock him out. I continued upwards, and once I surfaced, I saw a large ship, and land nearby. I swam towards the shore and sat there, watching Mr. Aizawa fight. I didn't want to interfere with Aizawa right now. He seemed to be in the zone, and I didn't want to ruin it for him.

I turned around at the sound of water moving behind me. I turned around and saw Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta. "Oh, hi guys!"

"Freecs?" Midoriya's eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to watch Aizawa fight, so I came here. Bisky and Killua should be here soon."

"What? How'd you get a hold of them?"

"I'm not sure. I think my beetle phone just sends it to them." I pulled out my phone to show them. "I can't text anyone other than them with this phone though." I watched as the villain with blue hair hurt Aizawa. I knew he must be super strong because he was the leader, but disintegration is super useful.

Gon sent me his location. He must want me to go to where he is. "Yo teach, I gotta head out. I'll be back later." I waved my hand and left the classroom despite the objections. Gosh, what did this idiot get himself into? I walked out of the building and started running to the location sent to me. It would take me a few minutes, so Gon would have to hold out till then.

When I arrived, I passed by Iida who was running full speed. He didn't seem to notice me. "Wow, perfect timing." I said, walking to the building. I looked at my surroundings and saw both 13 and Aizawa severely injured. I didn't see Gon anywhere though. I looked for the presence of nen which helped me locate Gon. He was behind a rock, looking at Aizawa fighting, and three other people were with him too.

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