Chapter 18

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 Was Gon's plan in using Jan Jan Ken to narrowly miss? Surely he knows how dangerous hitting someone with that is, especially in the face. Then again, I shouldn't over estimate Gon's knowledge. "I have to get going." I swiftly stand up from my seat. At least if I'm within hearing range, I should be able to stop him.

"Okay then. Catch you later!" Mt. Lady gives a wave as I exit the observing room.

On the field

Killua screeches to a stop with Shoji's and Iida's team cornering them. "Should I use Jan Jan Ken?" Gon asks, leaning forward slightly.

"Bisky will probably be mad if you hit them with that. Let's stick with evading." Killua watches the movements of the two teams closely, preparing for any possible move that could happen.

"Now, Iida, forward." Todoroki calls. With that clue Killua bends his knees and prepares to jump. Killua jumps over Iida landing on the other side of them.

"Phew. You almost forced us to attack. Nice try, but not good enough." Killua starts running with Iida's team trailing behind. Todoroki throws bursts of ice attempting to freeze Killua in place, but he dodges. Killua looks behind, seeing the strategically placed ice blows before letting out a small laugh.

"So your plan was to push us into a corner. Fine, we'll attack. Are you ready Gon?" Gon nods, preparing to jump off the horse. He reels back his arm and lands a punch on Todoroki's face, causing the team to stumble backwards.

In the announcing room

"What are you doing here, Ms. Kruger?" Aizawa says in his usually monotone voice.

"I was afraid that Gon would use his special attack on that team, and I'd need to stop him." Bisky lets out a sigh of relief, collapsing into a nearby chair. "But it seems my lectures have at least somewhat gotten through that thick skull of his." It's not that Gon didn't know how to control his power. He did, but the people in this world were comparatively frail. Gon's attack would normally carry little damage, but Bisky was sure that the people of this world would get severe concussions and a multitude of broken bones from the same attack.

"Doing something like that would get Gon disqualified."

"I'm talking multiple broken bones and a severe concussion from that one attack. I'd much rather have Gon get disqualified than someone nearly dying." Bisky sighs. "That'd be a hassle to deal with."

"It seems like you care more about the paperwork than someone actually dying." Aizawa muses.

"And that's time!" Hizashi screamed into the microphone. "In first place it's team Freecs! In 2nd place it's team Bakugou! In 3rd place it's team Shinso, and in 4th place it's team Midoriya!"

"If you'll excuse me." Bisky stands up, brushing off her skirt. "I need to talk to Gon and Killua for the upcoming event." Bisky walks down the stairs, quickly running into Gon and Killua.

"Bisky!" Gon runs up to her, with Killua following shortly behind. "How'd we do?"

"I'm glad you didn't use Jan jan ken. Never use that on someone here. Do you understand?" Gon gulps and gives a small nod at Bisky's serious tone of voice.

"Good. Anyway, you two did okay out there. Evading was a good tactic. Of course some of your movements could've been more efficient, but overall you two put on a good show. The final is a one on one battle. Don't fool around too much. Remember, you need to place in the top 5 to get the next quest."

"That was the plan. Right, Gon?" Gon nods happily.

"Whoever beats their opponent the fastest wins!" Gon pumps his fist in the air.

"And I'm not one to turn down the opportunity for free food." Killua smirks. "Anyway, we gotta get going now. See you around." Killua turns and starts walking away.

"Good luck!"

Before Killua's Match

Killua is up against a girl named Ibara Shiozaki. She is pretty chill in Killua's eyes. She isn't one of the students that constantly berates him about hanging out with Gon so frequently, so she has his respect in that aspect at least. Thankfully he was paired up against someone in his class because he has a decent understanding of her quirk thanks to the hero training. Still he could've won without that knowledge.

"Start walking out now kid." A worker at the sports festival told him.

"Thanks." Killua says, taking a step out into the loud stadium. It reminded him of heaven's arena. The booming cheers that sounded more like one loud scream. All of those cheers for this fight.

"...vs. the cold and calculating KILLUA ZOLDYCK!!!!!" Present Mic shouted as Killua made his way into the fighting ring. Killua watched as Ibara slowly stepped into the ring, signaling the start of the fight.

"Sorry that I can't make this more interesting, but I have strict orders to not play around during these fights." Killua dashes forward, delivering a sharp chop on Ibara's neck causing her to collapse. Killua watches as she swiftly falls to the ground, the crowd is silent as Midnight announces Killua as the winner before quickly exploding in cheers, even louder than when Killua first entered the stadium.

"Great job, Killua!!" Gon cheers as Killua sits next to where Gon was standing.

"Thanks, but it wasn't like I was gonna lose." Killua lays his head on the table in boredom. "Anyways, are you ready for your fight? It's coming up so you should get going."

"Yah, I'm going to leave now. I just wanted to congratulate you before I left." Gon opens the door. "See you soon!" Gon happily waves, running towards where he was supposed to go for the fight.

"Oh good, you're here." The guy facilitating the people going into the stadium glances down at his clipboard. "Gon Freecs, right?" The guy glances up, meeting Gon's smiling face.

"That's me!"

"You can walk to the battle ring now." Gon nods and walks out, seeing Tokoyami approaching from the other end of the stadium.

"...vs. the little powerhouse! He has shown immense physical capabilities from the start despite his small size. From the hero course, Gon Freecs!!" Gon waves at the crowd as he steps into the fighting space. "Begin!" Present Mic yells over the loudspeakers.

Gon immediately goes to close the gap between the two, dodging attacks from Dark Shadow along the way. Once within arms reach of Tokoyami, Gon gives a firm push, sending Tokoyami flying out of bounds.

Once Gon arrives to where Killua was, Killua gives Gon a congratulations. "You did good, Gon. That push was just like Heaven's arena. It's like a repeat of it all over again."

"Yah, being out there with all the people cheering for me was just like at Heaven's Arena. It was so much fun! I'm excited for the later fights though because they'll be harder."

"I wouldn't get your hopes up too much." Killua warns. "Despite that, we shouldn't let our guards down. Get ready for your next fight." Killua leaves to start preparing for his. The fights in the second round will probably take longer, so he'll have more time to prepare. The start of the finals is going well.

Word Count: 1206

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment your thoughts and vote if you enjoyed the chapter. Have a blessed day <3.

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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