Chapter 13

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 I can't believe I'm doing this. I stare at the door in front of me. The door that Freecss brought me to last week. I was doing that meditation exercise Bisky gave me. I really just followed her advice out of desperation. I really need to learn how to control my quirk, especially now with the sports festival coming up. I was doubtful that anything could happen, but I started feeling my quirk activating during meditation. It eveloped my whole body. I look down at my body, a faint glow surrounding it. I raise my hand in a fist and knock on the door. Freecss was the one to open the door. "Oh." Freecss looked me up and down, before calling out. "Bisky! Izuku is here!" I tense. He just shouted as loud as he could, and it was the middle of the night.

"Quiet down Gon." Zoldyck came into vision, his icy blue eyes meeting mine. I feel a shiver run across my body. Gon stepped to the side, allowing room for me to enter. I stepped in and looked over the small apartment. It looked the same as when I came here a week ago.

"Looks like you've got ten down." Bisky said as soon as she entered the room. All three of them were coated in the same stuff that was covering my body.

"Is that what it is?" I say, looking between the three, then down at myself.

"Sorta." Bisky said, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of water. Zoldyck had left. "It's your life force, aura as we call it."

"Wait, so do you guys have the same quirk as me." Bisky placed a glass of water down in front of me. Zoldyck was back in the room now and placed a leaf on top of the water's surface.

"We're probably quirkless." Zoldyck admitted. I look at him in disbelief.

"Then how can Gon do all that stuff?" I ask, referring to the times he had demonstrated his quirk. That couldn't have been a fluke.

"We're from a small community of people that don't have a quirk. Instead we are born with aura nodes, which allow us to control our aura. Depending on how we manipulate our aura, we can manifest powers similar to quirks." Zoldyck said. "We've told you this, but you guys seem to have a life force quirk, because as soon as your quirk is deactivated, your aura nodes disappear as well. Turning back into a normal human." Zoldyck was probably referring to All Might.

"Anyway, Gon, demonstrate." Bisky snapped at Gon. I tensed, but Gon just nodded and hovered his hands around the glass. I saw the stuff coating his body drift toward the cup, causing the water to overflow.

"Now you try." Bisky pushed the glass toward me. I hovered my hands in front of the cup, concentrating on my quirk transferring toward the glass. The water started to rise up in coils, the coils moving at various speeds. The water left in the glass starts boiling and water droplets start to rise up and float above the glass, vibrating then moving at great speeds, dodging other water droplets. I remove my hand away from the glass and look up towards Bisky. She held a shocked expression. I turned towards Killua who was giving Gon some money. Did they bet on me? Nevermind that, what just happened? Before I could say anything, Bisky spoke. "You're a specialist." She said. I have absolutely zero idea what that means.

"What?" I ask, trying to get clarity.

"You see, there are 6 main aura types, these types dictate what you can do with your aura. For example, Gon is an enhancer, meaning that he can enhance his physical features using his aura. Killua on the other hand is a transmuter, which means he can use his aura to mimic a substance." I look over towards Zoldyck who lets electricity spread between his fingers.

"So what can I do?"

"In all honesty, I've never seen a specialist ability like the one you have. I would need more information on what you know about your quirk."

"I promised I wouldn't say anything."

"What's there to hide at this point?" Freecss chimed in.


"I mean we already know that you got your quirk from All Might. Isn't that the main secret? Plus, it isn't like we need to know, so we can hurt you. Bisky wants to help you." I sigh. He does make some good points.

"All Might said that this is a stock piling quirk that gets stronger from generation to generation." Bisky's eyes widened in realization, but a stoic impression quickly overtook her face.

"I have some ideas on what it could be. You said your quirk enhances your body right?" I nod. "Then I guess we can do enhancer training as that is how it seems to manifest right now. Your training starts tomorrow morning. Your training starts at 5:30am."

"Wait. Why so early?"

"Gon has to take supplementary tutor lessons to stay at UA, so he has to be there by 7:00am." Zoldyck answered, playing with yo-yos.

"Well you should probably go home and get some rest. Training starts bright and early tomorrow!" Bisky tried pushing me out of the door.

"Wait!" I said, causing her to stop. "What is your theory about my ability?"

"Your ability is yours to find out. I can't give you the answers." Bisky said, shouting the door in my face. I walk home silently, thoughts over taking me. Those three are so strange. The presence that they have is almost overwhelming at times. I deactivated my quirk, the aura disappearing. Upon turning it back on, the aura returns to its normal state. How do they know so much about one for all? Maybe All Might knows. I'll ask him about it tomorrow.

The Next Day

"Midoriya?" Mr. Aizawa says, almost questioning my presence. I had decided to go to the training Bisky invited me to, and it was brutal. She had me practicing ten, zetsu, and ren. The constant turning on and off of my quirk was tiring.

"Izuku came and trained with us this morning! It was really fun!" Freecss said, sitting down at the table Mr. Aizawa was at.

"Is that so..." Aizawa stared at Zoldyck with suspicion, almost like he was waiting for him to do something.

"Come on old man. Don't give me that look. I have no reason to do anything to anyone." Zoldyck holds his arms up in defense. Aizawa locked away and pulled out the homework for today, handing me a copy as well.

"Since you're here, might as well get a head start as well." I start doing the homework, listening in on Mr. Aizawa's and Gon's conversation. Gon would be able to work through a total of one problem before he would have something to say. Mr. Aizawa always guided Freecss back to the problem at hand though. Mr. Aizawa was surprisingly good at teaching and keeping Freecss on track. In other classes, Freecss would always ask the most irrelevant questions, and say that they were connected somehow. It was almost impossible to get him back on track until his question was answered. Mr. Aizawa, however, was really good at directing Freecss back and teaching him.

"Killua!" Freecss said loudly after a few minutes of silence.

"Gosh, don't you know how to be quiet." Zoldyck flicked Freecss. "What is it?"

"What do you think Kurapika and Leorio are doing?" Unlike before, Mr. Aizawa made no attempt to redirect the conversation, just listened.

"Leorio is probably doing doctor things and Kurapika is probably doing what he was doing last time we saw him. Where is this coming from?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking about the last time we saw them." Freecss said happily. "How many eyes do you think Kurapika has now?" Freecss leaned against the table.

"Mmmm." Zoldyck pondered the question. "The eyes are pretty hard to find, so I'd be surprised if he's even gotten another pair yet." Freecss nods and just continues doing his work. The conversation itself seemed tame, or was until they started talking about eyes. I decided no to say anything though, scared about what the answer to the question might hold.

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