Chapter 10 - More than just a Discovery

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The scenery changed to the outdoors as a now sixteen year old Bandit was within an empty grassy field that was seconds away from his house where he dug a huge hole in the ground, looking for anything unique or out of the ordinary. "Digging a hole, digging a hole. Looking for something inside the ground" He sang while digging.

"The more I sing, the more I dig. Hopefully I can find something so I can-" however as he was about to finish the song his shovel then managed to hit something underneath which made him stop in confusion. "Uh. What was that?" Bandit asked himself as he put the shovel down and continued on digging with his hands. "Biscuits. Hoping I didn't hit a water pipe, Mum would make me pay for it for a whole...." Bandit then slowly stopped talking as his breath was taken by what he saw in front of him, a large white Bone with a little bit of dirt around it due to it being in the ground.

"Month" Bandit finished his sentence from a second ago before proceeding to pick up the bone and take a look at it. He glanced all around it for a good minute which then he realized it was the real deal and was utterly shocked.

"Mum! Dad! Stripe and Radley!" Bandit yelled as he took the bone with him out of the hole and back to his house to tell them what he had done and found. A few hours later, it was nighttime and the heelers were now at a museum where both the family and the owner of the museum were looking at the bone who was placed on a red pillow among a small wooden table. Suddenly some doors were then opened revealing other bipedal dogs wearing black and white suits as they all made an entrance for a male border collie who stepped inside the room wearing a white suit, black tie, black shoes and finally a gold flower pin attached to the right side.

"Can I help you sir?" The owner of the museum asked the white suited man. "Oh you certainly can. My name is Marcus Dwayne Frederick, negotiator and operative for the AFI. I am here with the group who plans on scanning the bone the boy had found while also investigating it myself," Marcus explained.

"Well it's right here, check it out" The owner replied, presenting them with the bone. Marcus then snapped his finger to which The bipedal dog next to him nodded, pulling out something small and white that looked like a gun but it wasn't as he pulled the trigger to which it projected a green light, which shined around the bone.

"What do you think they are doing?" Bandit asked his brother Stripe. "Come on, scanner. Whatcha got?" The dog in the black suit said to himself as the scanner stopped shining the green light and began to beep repeatedly. He then looked at the small screen on the gun and this made him both shocked and surprised by what he saw which Marcus caught wind of.

"Did it find something?" Marcus asked the man in the black suit. "Sir. It found more than something, this bone is the one the national Brisbane museum is trying to find" He told him. "Wait, you mean the one they would pay a hefty price to have in their display?" Bandit's mom asked with surprise in her voice as Marcus went over to Bandit with a smile. "Mr. Heeler?" Marcus said to the blue heeler.

"Um yeah?" Bandit responded back in confusion. "Let's just say kid. Today's the day you just made your parents proud" Marcus told him as the scene faded to white and returned back to the restaurant where Bandit, Stripe and Radley were still in their seats waiting to order until Stripe broke the awkward silence by doing a clap with his hands.

"So Radley. I heard you finally proposed to Frisky two days ago" Stripe said to his older brother. "Wait? Really Mate?" Bandit asked, surprised himself by the news. "Well yeah. I took your guys advice and proposed to her at the beach and to my surprise She actually said yes" Radley explained to his brother who smiled in response.

"Wow Radley, congratulations!" Bandit replied happily to the news. "So when's the wedding gonna be?" Stripe wondered. "I will say it's definitely not far off. But the plan is to have the wedding on another beach and the party in a luxury hotel in, get this... Italy!" Radley announced to his brothers excitedly.

"Woah Mate. That sounds a bit pricey, Don't you think?" Bandit asked, being a tad concerned. "Nah. I mean I'm gonna have this be special after all and the best part is both of your rooms and room service are on the house courtesy of me. except for your plane tickets or anything else that's purchasable there because... obviously" Radley told them.

"That's awesome," Bandit responded to what his brother had said. "Mates. We should do a toast on this" Stripe suggested before he raised his glass to which Bandit and Radley nodded as they raised their glasses as well. "To a new beginning!" Stripe said. "To a new beginning!" Bandit and Radley both said in unison as the three of them clashed their glasses together before taking a drink.

Meanwhile back at the orphanage, Shane still sat on the floor while Scarlet was pacing around the room in disbelief at the story the human had told. "So you're actually being serious, right? You really bumped into His wife's sister at the gas station?" Scarlet asked him. "I wouldn't be lying to you about this. I seriously did, heck she even showed me a picture of him and his family" Shane explained to her.

"Did she say her name?" Scarlet asked the human. "She said her name is Brandy, Brandy Cattle" Shane answered her question. "Huh, that's a nice name. However it doesn't really ring a bell all too much" As the corgi took a second to think, the door to their room opened up revealing Rosemary on the other side to which they both looked at her.

"Hey sorry for not knocking but Scarlet can I get your attention?" She asked the corgi. "Sure What is it?" Scarlet asked back in a concerned tone of voice. "Well there's somebody in my office that would like to speak to you right now, so is it okay if you can come with me for a little bit?" Rosemary said. "I'll be fine Scarlet. You should probably go" Shane jumped into the conversation, giving Scarlet a brief smile to which she did as well.

"Ok, let's go then" Scarlet said as she exited the room with Rosemary who shut the door after leaving Shane alone within the room. About an hour later Shane was laying on his bed watching Unicorn Warriors Eternal on phone until he saw both Rosemary and Scarlet come into the room which made him pause the show and get up from his bed. However when he looked at the corgi she acted a bit different than the last time he saw her.

"Scarlet? Is everything alright?" Shane asked her to no response other than she ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Shane proceeded to hug her back before looking slightly angry at Rosemary who was also saddened as well but then turned around and opened the door once again.

"Did they say something? What did they say to her?!" Shane asked Rosemary with an angry tone of voice but just like Scarlet, She didn't answer instead she walked out of the room while Scarlet continued to hug him as the door to their room closed.

To be continued

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