Chapter 14 - Heelers

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"What are we gonna do about him?"

"Realistically I don't know, but it's best we keep him rested... well until something comes up about him either being lost... or missing"

Voices could be heard circling through Shane's mind as he remained unconscious but still breathing and his eyes showed nothing other than darkness due to him being asleep. However his moment of resting would come to an end, when he quickly awakened, his eyes now opened seemingly wide as Shane saw he had slept on a orange, looking couch and was no longer in the alleyway he stayed in previously but instead a nicely decorated living room while he started to breathe heavily, getting a feel of the perfectly temperature room. "Where am I?" Shane asks himself.

Last night

It was now midnight once again and within the Heeler household, a red cattle dog named Chill was standing with her smartphone placed alongside her ear as she's been in a conversation with her fellow family member. "Relatively speaking Trixie. This does sound like the time when you eat all my chips, so I agree with Stripe that it's time to get off the lemonade well you can-" Chill was speaking on the phone, however her conversation would end when see heard the front door being kicked opened and saw it was Bandit who stood there holding what to her as something large wrapped around in a blanket.

"Honey, I need your assistance!" Bandit shouted to which Chill's eyes suddenly widened, by the sight and how urgent he sounded. "We'll talk later" Chill immediately hung up the phone and looked at Bandit. "What's happening? And what is that?" Chill asked him. "I'll tell you in sec. Let me lay him on the couch" Bandit responds as he went around to the other side of the couch and laid the mysterious thing down but while doing so he unfolded the blanket revealing to his wife a human being.

"Is that a human, a human kid no less. Who is this Bandit?!" Chill freaked out, demanding questions of her own on why her husband brought a human in the house. "Don't be mad at me, but I have a reason for doing this" Bandit said trying to explain himself. But as he was about to, he and his wife then heard some noise coming from upstairs and noticed looking down was there kids, Bluey and Bingo.

"Mum, Dad. What are you doing?" Their oldest daughter, Bluey asked them to which Chill and Bandit both looked at each other trying to find a way to explain all this to their daughters. "Oh nothing sweetie. Just go back sleep you and Bingo ok?" Chill told her daughters, they then both nodded and went back to rooms as Bandit then looked at her and sighed.

"Look, I was driving home from work and I saw this kid walking down the street, I thought nothing of it until I noticed he was lumping only to then go into an alleyway. I parked in that same alley and found him sleeping in a cardboard box using newspapers as blankets! I decided to pick him up, put him in my car and take him home so he would be safer" Bandit confessed to his wife, who in return facepalmed.

"Bandit. You can't just bring some random kid here, what if his parents are looking for him?" Chill asked him back which Bandit knew was right but continued to explain more. "I couldn't leave him there, Chill. Yes you're certainly right that I shouldn't have brought here, but look at him" Bandit said as Chill looked at the human, asleep and with a bruise on his left leg.

"He was out there... alone with possibly no way to defend himself, especially with his leg injury. I felt that me leaving him like that would be cruel on my behalf, he doesn't deserve it and I want to help him the best I can, the best we can" Bandit explains as he then holds his wife's hand to which she did the same. "I promise I'll find whoever or wherever he belongs to and take him there safe and sound however it's best he stays" Bandit adds to which Chill has a moment of thought as the room becomes silent for a bit before Chill breaks the silence.

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