Chapter 20 - Not a normal fishing trip part 1

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"I won't. I don't care if it breaks me, how many sacrifices I'm going to have to make or even if I won't be able to be with my parents and I'm stuck here longer, the heelers do not deserve this... and I will not let that happen."

That very saying kept me up the majority of last night. Everytime I think about it I feel goosebumps on my arms and my body slightly shakes, realizing how much weight I have on my back and the fact that I need to speak with Bandit and the others about this now serious situation.

It was the beginning of the the next day more specifically, morning and I was walking through the hallway of the Heeler's house, on my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash some water on my face to wake myself up, I still wore my pajamas because in all honesty I was too lazy to change into my normal attire and even then it's not like I was planning on going anywhere anyways, so I proceeded to not care as much about changing clothes.

After a couple seconds, I finally made my way into the bathroom, there I grabbed some toothpaste which I squeezed a bit on my toothbrush before putting in my mouth and began brushing, while doing so I felt the taste of... bubblegum on my teeth? Huh, that's not the toothpaste I use... Oh. Hold on, I just realized... This was Bluey and Bingo's toothpaste. I saw mine to my left next to Bandit's Chili's and Brandy's toothpaste. *sigh* Eh. Whatever... if my teeth are clean and white then that's all that matters as I grabbed and drank some mouthwash, slashing it inside my mouth before spitting it out.

*Loud drop* However as I finished getting the mouthwash out of my mouth, I heard something drop onto the floor. It was loud, loud enough for me to hear it coming from behind me, so I turned around and saw it was just a regular soap bottle. I was confused at first as to how it fell onto the ground... but gravity does exist for a reason, so I went over and grabbed it, planning to put it back.

"Ha. Thought you could escape, didn't you?" I joked to the bottle of soap but really myself as I put it on the sink. *Crash* The moment after doing so, the bathroom suddenly became a darkened red, I was scared the crap out of it when the mirror in front of me cracked and showed a strange small like creature that had blackish colored fur and sharp teeth with the main feature being its bright purple eyes.

"What the..." I said as it stared at me before out of nowhere trying to jump at me which I yelled. "No wait!" I tried to defend myself by covering my face but as I did, the bathroom returned to normal. The lighting was no longer a darkened red and the mirror had no cracks on it, not even the strange creature was nowhere to be seen. my whole body began to shake, I didn't know how to react other than just getting the heck out of there, so I headed back into the hallway.


Heading downstairs, it was dark and quiet with some sunlight shining through the windows as a source of light, it seemed like I was the only one awake within the house. "Hello. Honey?" Or so I thought as I turned to my left passed the kitchen and onto the porch of the backyard I noticed a red heeler sitting on the steps. I walked over them quietly, assuming it was Chilli but surprisingly it was actually... Brandy.

"Brandy?" I called out to her. "Ah!" She jumped in fear like she got spooked by a fake jump scare in a horror movie. She must have been surprised to hear my voice as the red heeler turned around to see me standing there. "Oh... It's you, you scared me a bit, mate." Brandy said before turning back around to look at her phone while I came over and sat next to her.

"Trust me, you're not the only one who's been scared this morning," I joked. "What are you doing awake, out here?" I then asked her, nicely wondering why she was awake. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?... *sigh* well I'm trying to get a hold of somebody but... that's not working out like I hoped." Brandy answered, continuing to try and call said person.

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