Chapter 16 - Home improvement catastrophe part 1

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Cream colored paint splashed onto the wooden walls of heelers household, being spread around In the process. The ones doing so were Bandit and Shane who were In the middle of repainting the house's walls outside to cover up cracks and old paint that changed color followed by being damaged overtime as Bandit pointed to Shane where he should paint next.

"Get those cracks to your left. Also don't forget to paint over the huge one to your right, Chilli has been on me about that one especially" Bandit guided him as the human teen listened, painting over the areas the blue heeler had recommended him as Bluey and Bingo the came over fascinated by what they were up to.

"Dad. What are you guys doing?" Bluey was the first to ask her father who dipped his paintbrush in a bucket filled with paint, that was next to both him and Shane before answering his oldest daughter. "Nothing. Me and Shane are repainting the house while your mother is gone. Shouldn't take much longer" Bandit told his daughter as she then responded with an "Oh. fascinating, come on Bingo let's get back to playing explorers" She said as they both ran off again leaving Shane and Bandit alone to talk amongst themselves.

"Hey. Thanks for helping me out while Chilli and Brandy are on a spa day, today would've been stressful if it wasn't for you being here" Bandit told Shane who was in the middle of painting another spot before dipping his brush again with paint.

"It's all good dude. Not like I haven't done chores before, however I never had much experience with painting honestly. My mom wouldn't let me to avoid ruining my house floors" Shane said back to which Bandit just laughed a little at the last thing he said. "Honestly Mate. I don't blame her," Bandit joked back while we were painting the wall.

Presumably 20 minutes had passed or it felt like 20 minutes to Shane and Bandit who were sitting on the ground breathing heavily, their backs against the wall that was only half way done from being completely repainted. "Dad? Shane?" The two then overheard the faint sound of Bluey to their right as they both turned and saw her running over to them as she looked at them with the face of confusion.

"Is everything alright?" The blue heeler asked the two as Bingo came over as well, painting heavily from running in a quick pace. "Yeah, is it?" Bingo said while trying to catch her breath. "Everything's fine, we're just a little... exhausted" Shane explained to them, breathing heavily like Bingo was doing a second ago, frankly he had no idea painting a wall would be so time consuming and tiring as Bluey responded again. "Well at least you got some of the wall" Bluey admitted, this comment from Bluey surprised the two as they looked up and saw they only had the left side of the wall finished and repainted, she was not wrong.

"Uh... I imagined we were closer to done" Bandit uttered, He swore they were almost at the homestretch, but his thoughts ended up incorrect. "Guess not," Shane responded, grabbing a water bottle next to him and putting it to his mouth, attempting to take a drink out of it only for his tongue to receive a droplet of water and nothing more.

"Biscuits, by the time Chilli and Brandy get home we're still going to be out here, this is going to take forever," Bandit said, in favor of just wanting to throw in the towel. "What? You really wanna give up that easily, Bandit?" Shane asked him, confused as to why he wants to give up so soon especially when they're almost close to being done.

"Well kid, it is rather hot out today, My thirst has already gone down the drain and now I want to consider taking a dad nap. maybe some more cold water could help though" Bandit suggested which gave the young blue heeler an idea. "Umm.... Tell you what. If Me, Bingo and Shane go inside and gather a cooler's worth of water... Would you consider helping him finish the wall?" Bluey offered to which Bandit did a brief thinking face, wondering if he should agree to this or not but his mind would be made up when he responded.

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