Chapter 6 - An unexpected discovery

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Earlier that same night, Shane and Scarlet made their way back to the orphanage as the Corgi slowly opened the front door of the cafeteria heading into the main lobby. "Come on, the close is clear" Scarlet quietly said as crouch walked through the main lobby with Shane following her as they both passed the door Rosemary went into with the large glass window next to it. However they would immediately stop hearing the sound of something being slammed which scared them both a tad bit.

"What in the heck was that?" Scarlet quietly wondered as she turned her head to look at the human right behind her. "I don't know. Kind of
sounded like something being punched" Shane whispered back to her question as she then turns her head back around. "Whatever it was, we don't need to be a part of it, so let's keep going before-" Scarlet said only to stop her sentence after She and Shane heard a conversation in the background.

"No I'm not agreeing to this, Shane doesn't need to deal with this right now" They said, The voice itself sounded similar to Rosemary which caught the twos attention as they both turned their heads to look at the large window. "Umm did they say your name?" Scarlet quietly asked the human with a concerned look on her face. "They did... I think we should go check it out" Shane said before proceeding to almost crouch walk but his arm was grabbed by Scarlet which made him turn to look at her. "Are you seriously considering going over there? What if we get caught?!" Scarlet quietly asked.

"We won't, I promise I'll be careful.... hopefully, besides you did say we could check it out after we get back" Shane responded. "I did but Shane... *Sigh* actually you know what trying to stop you is like trying to stop a daredevil from jumping over twenty five school buses. *Sigh* fine let's go look but make it quick" Scarlet said to which the human nodded and so they both crouched and walked over the large window to take a look, hiding under the window before taking a peek.

There they saw Rosemary talking to a two legged dog and a human within what it appears to be Rosemary's office. "Unfortunately he will have to, the kid is connected to the case and there's nothing that can be done to change it" The Human sitting in a chair told Rosemary. Their voice sounded feminine and they were wearing a business suit with a name tag attached to it that had the name Amy Davidson and under the name it said The Advisor. "I understand, but Shane is under my care until we get this resolved!" Rosemary responded back to the human.

"That is not your decision. It is up to the parents to decide the course of action regarding where he would go with the airport in Vancouver, facing issues with malfunctioning, being forced to close for the time period and so that is exactly why we were called here. Two weeks on a Thursday afternoon his parents would like to speak with him personally and also privately... there, and only then they will come to a conclusion" The Advisor said while Shane listened to all of it having a look of sadness on his face as he stopped looking to which the corgi noticed and looked at him.

"Shane I'm...." Scarlet tried to say something but he ignored it and began to walk away heading towards the door to the hallway. She then peaked at the window one more time before proceeding to follow him leaving the three to continue talking. "Anywho now we must discuss the other... Scarlet" The Advisor said to Rosemary as the scene faded to black.

Two weeks later

A couple weeks have passed as the human and the corgi were both in their room. Shane sat on the floor changing the channels on the Television with the remote control trying to find something to watch. As for Scarlet, she sat on her bed staring at the phone she bought from 7-eleven as it was placed on the bed connected to the charging port waiting to finish whatever it was doing, though after a few seconds the phone made a random dinging noise which caught the attention of Scarlet as she look at the phone.

"It's done?" Scarlet wondered as she unplugged the phone before turning it around to open the back side showing there was no battery inside which Scarlet knew and so reached into the 7-eleven bag next to her, grabbing the battery from out of the phone's box. "All righto now all it needs is the battery and....." Scarlet said as the battery was placed into the phone. "Bam!" She comments before flipping the phone around and it instantly boots up making her smile.

"Oh my dog! It works, it actually works!!" Scarlet said with glee. "What works?" Shane asked, overhearing her excitement. "The phone I bought. Dude I have been waiting so long to save enough to get my very own smartphone, now I can finally be on Paws" Scarlet answered as she went over and sat next to the human on the floor. "Paws? Is that like social media here?" Shane asks after what she said. "Not exactly, it's basically another equivalent to what you humans created. Twitter but ten times better" Scarlet responses back.

"Huh to be honest I think anything better than Twitter" Shane jokes. "In other news, today is February tenth on a beautiful Wednesday as we're outside the Brisbane Arena made for concerts and other venues but instead today is the live showing of The Adam Spencer Show featuring Brisbane's upcoming rising star Bandit heeler coming from the rankings and became a top archaeologist as he plans on being interviewed with his newest discovery later today" The reporter on the TV announces as behind her a crowd of humans and dogs waiting outside the arena waiting to head inside.

"Wait, it's today, shoot. I completely forgot that. the one and only Bandit heeler is finally back in town!" As for Scarlet, she was ecstatic hearing what the reporter said, however Shane looked in confusion not exactly aware of who this Bandit heeler was. "Who's Bandit heeler?" Shane wondered.

"You don't know? Mate's like the new popular celebrity around here. He came from a wealthy background or something like that but one day while digging at the age of sixteen, he managed to dig up a bone, one that when scanned was found to be a rare find and so was worth up to get this... four million, four hundred, nineteen thousand, five hundred, eighty-five Australian dollars. Which in America is apparently three million dollars" Scarlet explained as Shane's eyes widened after hearing how much it was worth.

"Dang" Shane responds. "Here this is what he looks like," Scarlet said as she looked up a picture of Bandit on the internet. After finding one she showed the human a photo of an older blue heeler dog, his fur being mostly blue with a bit of light blue and tan with the main part being his face which had black fur around resembling a mask. And finally he was spiking a mullet haircut with some gray stripes around his black fur.

Shane stared at the photo with surprise, realizing that's the same individual who was mentioned by the red heeler back at the 7-eleven "Yeah they are, in fact her husband his name's Bandit right here is sort of a celebrity around here" the voice of the red heeler floats around his mind as he then turns to look at the corgi. "No way, Scarlet you would believe this.... But I actually met his sister-in-law" Shane admitted to her.

To be continued

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