Chapter 8 - The onesies strikes back

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Meanwhile that same day. A red heeler with light and dark orange, light cream fur, a brown nose and black eyes only wearing a black plain hoodie was driving in their personal vehicle, following the directions on GPS while listening to music that played on the radio in the background. "Turn right, one minute left before reaching your destination. Brandy" the automated voice announced to her. "Good. Almost there" Brandy said before following the directions to the assigned location.

A minute later, She drove on a straight road seeing a cul de sac in front of her which gave her a sigh of relief knowing she had finally made it. "You have reached your destination!" The GPS announced as the red heeler saw the house on the end and proceeded to park in the driveway.

The home itself looked to be an old but very colorful household with cream wooden walls, white fences and accents, a red roof and bricks that supported the house

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The home itself looked to be an old but very colorful household with cream wooden walls, white fences and accents, a red roof and bricks that supported the house. It was also accompanied by a poinciana tree with red flowers around it that's in the backyard. Brandy on the hand walked into the front yard before going up some steps to the front door where she pressed the button on her left activating the doorbell.

In a matter of seconds the door opened up, revealing another older red heeler that looked a bit similar to Brandy but only by fur color as they smiled at her. "Brandy. It's good to see you" They said with a feminine voice. "Hey Chilli, how's everything?" Brandy asked the red heeler who was named Chilli.

"Fine for the most part. Dealing with the kids, of course. Come inside" Chilli responded back, letting Brandy inside the house before closing the front door. "So where's your husband?" Brandy asked her sister. "Remember that interview I was talking about earlier?" Chilli responded by asking her a question back.

"You mean the one about the Adam Spencer show?" Brandy replies. "Yeah. It's happening today and get this... Bandit was the guest star" Chilli said with excitement. "Ah I see. You must be happy to see him succeed huh?" Brandy said.

"Pretty much sis. Though me and the kids couldn't get to see him unfortunately. Tickets sold out like crazy and even then Bluey and Bingo would have probably been bored out of their minds" Chilli jokes. "True, actually speaking of Bluey and Bingo, where are they?" Brandy wondered which made her sister's eyes widen, realizing the girls hadn't shown themselves.

"Good question. I swear they were in the living room a second ago.... Bluey? Bingo? Aunt Brandy is here-" Chilli tried to call out to her daughters only for her and Brandy to hear someone screaming loudly upstairs which they both knew was Bluey's voice as they looked up at the stairs.

Where the two saw a young blue heeler who wore a zebra onesie while running down the stairs over to Chilli

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Where the two saw a young blue heeler who wore a zebra onesie while running down the stairs over to Chilli. "Bluey? What is this  commotion about?" Chilli asked her oldest daughter. "It's Bingo she's turned into tiger again!!" Bluey yelled as all three of them turned up to stairs again, seeing a much younger red heeler, sporting a tiger onesie while growling like the aforementioned animal. 

"OOh!!! not again" Chilli and Brandy said In unison to which Bingo responded with a growl before walking down the stairs. However the younger red heeler stopped where she only needed to make two more steps and instead decided to jump over it as the red heeler then landed on her two feet onto the floor making another growling noise.

"Ah! She did a Spider-Man!" Bluey yelled, proceeding to run away. Chilli and Brandy followed suit to which Bingo followed as well, chasing them around the living room and kitchen out into the backyard where they searched for somewhere to hide. "We need somewhere to hide... quickly!" Brandy said as the three realized Bingo was still in the kitchen looking for them.

"The Shed. Let's hide in the Shed" Bluey said, pointing at the shed. The two sisters nodded as they all ran over to it and went inside, where they took a little breather. "I thought you got rid of those onesies, sis" Brandy asked as Chilli then looked at her oldest daughter with a serious expression on her face. "Bluey. How did you end up with the onesies again?" Chilli asked the young blue heeler.

"Well.... Me and Bingo found them in laundry room" Bluey replied with a guilty voice. "I thought you hid them away?" Brandy asked her sister. "I did. But Bandit must've found them in the closet and threw them in the laundry basket" Chilli responded back as suddenly the three overheard a loud growl which Brandy looked out the small window on the door and saw Bingo walking past the shed before she returned to hiding.

A few minutes later

Bingo continued to hunt down the three heelers as she made her way in the living room where it was empty until the younger red heeler overheard a tennis ball being tossed down the stairs which made her turn and growl before heading up the stairs into the hallway.

"Hey Bingo" She then heard someone call out her name and so she looked to her right and saw Bluey standing there as she ran into a random room where Bingo followed her, finding herself now in her parent's bedroom. She then glanced around the room, looking for the young blue heeler but to no avail until suddenly Bingo heard her voice once again.

"Mom. Do it!" Bluey said as Bingo turned around and saw she shut the door. The red heeler then growled before running towards her, however she would pause, turning again to see Chilli and Brandy doing the same dance they used to do for their mom while music plays in the background. "Hips first, remember" Chilli told her sister as Bingo got on her knees. "It's working," Bluey comments. "NOOOO!!!!" Bingo said in defeat as she took off the tiger onesie, and threw onto the ground finally being free from it. "Wait, is it. Over?" Brandy asked as she stopped dancing along with Chilli who shut the music off.

"I think so. Bingo, are you still there?" Chilli asked her youngest daughter. *Growls* Bingo then replies with a growl, scaring the three once again. "Oh no. She's still a tiger!" Bluey said with a panicked expression on her face. "Ah. I'm just kidding you all" Bingo responded as they sighed with relief that it was a joke.

"Hooray!!!" The four said in unison while Chilli went back over to the speaker and played the music once more. All four of them then proceeded to laugh and dance while Bluey took off her zebra onesie and placed it on top of the tiger onesie. "So what are we going to do with these?" Bluey wondered while looking at her mom. "Oh don't worry Bluey. I think I have an idea" Chilli said, turning to Brandy with a smile on her face as her sister knew what Chilli has in mind.

To be Continued

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