Chapter 1 - Ties that bind

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Bandit asked the group his question, only to be given a confused expression from all of them. "It seems like it did," Somebody in the group said but Bandit didn't know who said that. "So... what is that thing supposed to be exactly? It doesn't look anything human like" Another one in the group commented. "Human? Is that what you all are?" Bandit asked in his head, completely confused by what he just heard.

"The resemblance appears to be some kind of dog... but it stands on two legs like us" out of the blue an older fella wearing glasses and a raincoat stepped out from the group to say his opinion as he then pulled out a camera and took a picture of the blue heeler which the flash from it blinded him for a moment.

"Thanks captain obvious, however in your defense, it's interesting in itself that the thing has fur to begin with which... oddly it's blue" One of the women in the group responded before the one who had the shovel slowly walked over to the blue heeler but was greeted with a growl from Bandit. "Stay back! *growl* My dad taught me the art of karate and I'm not afraid to use it if I have to" Bandit proclaimed while in a fighting stance. "Awwwwww he took inspiration from the karate kid... that's so cute!" Another woman commented which made stop his stance in confusion.

"Wait, what's the karate kid?" Bandit asked but unfortunately his question would go unanswered as everyone saw a stick set on fire being thrown next to them which startled the group. "Bandit! Run!" Suddenly Bandit heard a disembodied voice that sounded like his younger brother Stripe which convinced him enough to do what he said and so ran off. "Hey!, come back!" The man holding the shovel yelled as the group caught wind of his escape. The blue heeler ran as fast as he could, passing through all sorts of tents and other objects placed around, trying to find the way back to his older brother only to realize he couldn't tell where he was one bit.

"Woah... why are there so many tents, how many of them are here?" Bandit wondered to himself only to hear somebody's voice. "Search around the area! I know he couldn't have gone far!" He heard from a distance. "Ah no time to think about that, I need to hide quickly, before they find me" Bandit searches around for a possible place to hide, seeing a tent that's larger than the others which gave him the opportunity and so he went inside the tent. After closing it shut Bandit proceeded to take his backpack off as he sat down to take a breather.

"Alright this is not good, this is really not good! I gotta get back to Stripe and Rad right now... maybe there's an alternative way I can take to get out of here" Bandit wonders as he pulls out his flashlight and searches around for a different route only to discover another entrance that was zipped up. "Yes!" He said in glee but it wouldn't be long when he saw the same purple creature that tried to attack him but unlike that one earlier there were three now instead of one.

"Oh biscuits" He responded before one of them started running towards his direction as he tried to pounce on which the blue heeler quickly dodged. "Ha nice try" Bandit said, the result was the second one to attempt to do the same, this time however when he dodged again he slipped and fell backwards due to the floor being wet, only to be caught by the wall part of the tent as he sat on the ground. He took a moment before moving his head up, facing the purple eye creature once again as it screeched at him. "That didn't seem to do anything, only making them angrier, shoot what do I do?" Bandit asked himself as he then turned to his left and saw some kind of racket.

"Hey? That's one of those rackets they use for squash" his eyes widened seeing it and so he grabbed it with his hand before proceeding to get up. "Maybe this could work on them" Bandit wondered as The creature on the other hand was vicious as it once again ran towards the blue heeler who stood his ground holding the racket preparing to swing. "Alright you left me with no choice" Bandit said before the creature pounced into the air only to find itself on the end of the racket as Bandit swung at it with a hard hit. As a result of the impact, the creature disappeared into nothingness only leaving a small bit of black smoke behind. "That was easy" Bandit comments before his eyes widen, looking back at the other two creatures who both screeched at him.

"Umm.... He's not dead right?" Bandit asks them but their response was running towards the blue heeler as he covered his face with the racket in fear, hoping to block the incoming attack. "Don't you dare touch him!" To his surprise he was greeted with the voice of his younger brother whom came out of nowhere and managed to take one of them down and then the other by burning the creature with a stick he was holding that was lit on fire.

"Stripe?" Bandit wonder in surprise. "Yeah... it's really me... thank goodness they fell for that distraction, I knew you would have gotten yourself into trouble somehow" Stripe replied back to the question. "And you were wrong... definitely not wrong cause we have a problem" Bandit told him. "Huh?" Stripe responds in confusion.

"The quote on quote "archaeologists" in this campground.... there not dogs like us" Bandit said. "What do you mean they're not like us?" Stripe asked again in even more confusion. "they stand on two legs like us... but they don't have fur around them... they're hairless, in fact as far as I saw the only source of hair on them was on their head" Bandit explained as Stripe responded by raising an eyebrow. "One of them managed to save me with a shovel, after that they started asking me bizarre questions about some karate kid, but as they were talking about something one of them refer to themselves as... human" Bandit told his younger brother.

"Human? That must be the name of their species, however the name doesn't ring a bell, I never knew a species like that existed up until now" Stripe replied back. "Me neither, that's why You, Rad and I need to report this to the police they can't be fair from here right?" Bandit asked. "Hold on, are you seriously suggesting to get the police involved right now? Aren't those humans trying to find us already trouble enough?" Stripe asked back.

"Mate, I get you don't wanna get into any more trouble as it is, but this isn't a joke. I didn't listen to you the first time... but now I have to make it up to you, I promise I will take the blame when we get home okay?" Bandit offered as Stripe thought for a moment before giving an answer. *Sigh* "Fine... come on, let's hurry back to Radley I opened the way out of here" Stripe said pointing at the alternative door being unzipped. "Yeah, Yeah" Bandit said before the two headed out of the tent and went back outside.

Meanwhile Radley sat on the cliff waiting for his two brothers to arrive back as he played with his portable gaming system until he heard some yelling coming from a distance as it started getting closer. "Radley!" The older brother heard as he stopped what he was doing and looked down to see his two brothers were waving for his attention. "Hey you finally came back, Bandit did you find the archaeologists?" Radley asked.

"Everyone! I found them, over here!" Suddenly the voice of someone came into the three's eyes which made Bandit and Stripe both panic. "Mate, drop the rope down! We need to go right now" Stripe demanded. "Ok hold on" the older brother quickly got up and grabbed the rope, unwinding it before dropping a line down.

"Hurry Stripe go first" Bandit said as Stripe did what he said and grabbed a hold of the rope moving his way up it. "Wait! Stop we're going to hurt you" a disembodied voice said as it revealed itself to be the same person who saved Bandit with the shovel as he and his group started heading towards them.

"Bandit hurry get up here!" Stripe told him. Bandit then grabbed a hold of the rope as he proceeded to climb up but as the blue heeler got closer to the top he and his brothers noticed that the rope was starting to wear out. "Mates?!" Bandit said with a scared expression on his face. "Just... keep... going Bandit" Radley told his brother as he started struggling to hold on to the rope.

Bandit nodded as he continued climbing until he saw he was just about to reach the edge and so raised his hand upwards for help. *Snap* "Well darn" Bandit responded as it was too late, the rope abruptly snapped causing Bandit to almost fall down as he screamed in terror but just in time Radley grabbed a hold of his hand. "You're not going down that easily" He jokingly said as he pulled his brother upwards and so he was back on top of the cliff with his two brothers. "You okay, Bandit?" Radley asked him.

"Yep, never better," Bandit joked back as he tried to catch his breath. "Come on you two, let's get out of here. we need to tell the police about this" Stripe said. "Please! come back, we just wanted to know..." the three heard from the man holding a shovel in the background. Both Bandit and Radley nodded as they and Stripe ran back into the brush to go find the police as the man yelled out from the bottom of the cliff.

"What are you?"

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