Chapter 4 - Early midnight sneak out

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"Hey dude" Shane slowly woke up after taking another nap on his bed waiting for the time the corgi told him but after looking to right he saw Scarlet standing there holding a flashlight in her hand while also noticing it was dark a tad bit outside. "You ready or what?" She asked. "Wait, what are you talking about?" Shane responds only to receive a sigh from her voice. "Seriously, you literally forgot. We're going out to celebrate, remember" Scarlet reminded the human, which made him realize that three hours had already passed by.

"Would you be mad if I said. I did?" Shane asked as she sighed again, being unsurprised. "Good thing this is your first night out" Scarlet responded back. "Anyways get your butt up, we got till midnight to get back in this room so let's move" She said before unplugging Shane's phone and threw it onto his bed along with a flashlight as after he replied by making a light groaning sound.

Seconds went by as Scarlet was the first to slowly open Her and Shane's room which she proceeded to step out into the hallway with following behind her as he closed the door gently. "Follow me. We're gonna head to the main lobby and pass by it first" Scarlet said quietly to which Shane nodded as they both quietly ran down the large hallway until Scarlet stopped midway when she heard footsteps heading towards where they were.

"Shoot" Scarlet reacted with a quiet tone of voice before looking around for a place to hide only to see the janitor's closet which gave her an idea, giving Shane a quick hand signal to follow her as they then proceeded to step inside the closet. Remaining quiet inside the closet the two both heard the footsteps get closer as suddenly stopped for a brief moment before continuing on their way passing by the janitor's closet which gave Scarlet and Shane the opportunity to step out of and move on to the main lobby.

There, they saw two of the caretakers standing from a distance in front of a door with a large rectangular window next to it. Shane saw one of them was the same individual he spoke with earlier while the caretakers talked among themselves, leading them to stop once again. "Damn again" Scarlet said quietly as she and Shane both hid behind some nearby chairs on the left side as they watched from the corners in hopes that the caretakers would leave soon.

"What do you think they're talking about-" Shane asked before he got hushed by the corgi as then they saw Rosemary come into view walking over to the caretakers and jumping into the conversation. "Oh good, you're finally here," The caretaker said. "I apologize. I had to wait for the place to get quiet enough, is she?" Rosemary asked them. "In their? Yeah go ahead inside, the advisor is waiting for you" the caretaker said as Rosemary proceeded to head inside the room. "The advisor?" Shane wondered with confusion after hearing the name. "Is that somebody who works here?" He asked. "I don't know. The name doesn't ring a bell" Scarlet replied. "Huh?" Shane responds back but then they both noticed the caretakers went inside the room as well.

"We can check that out later, come on" Scarlet said before she got out from hiding with Shane doing the same as ran past the door and also the large rectangular window making their way to the cafeteria doors and slowly opened the doors. Walking inside Scarlet went over to the farthest window in the back of the cafeteria where Shane saw outside the window a fire escape as the corgi opened the window and stepped outside. "This way, Shane" Scarlet said as He nodded and followed her out the window standing onto the fire escape, seeing the back alley of the orphanage down below.

"Alright let's head down" Scarlet suggested as she walked down the stairs of the fire escape with Shane heading down as well. "So... what's your story?" Shane asked the corgi. "What do you mean?" She asked back with a confused look on his face. "You know. Like how did you end up here?" Shane replied to her question. "Oh... funny enough I was actually wondering the same about you. I mean how does a Canadian like you end up down here in Australia? That's a pretty far distance to be here for no reason" Scarlet said.

"Actually I did have a reason to be here but it's.... complicated" Shane replied. "Huh. I believe it. frankly I'm not really sure either about how I ended up in an orphanage. The caretakers kept telling me the same reason every time I ask, it's always, I was left out on their doorstep when I was around seven, beyond that. they don't know who really dropped me off" Scarlet explains. "Wait if you were around seven years old, why couldn't you have remembered what happened?" Shane wonders. "That was years ago. Things like that are hard to keep track of, especially when there's new things cluttering it all" Scarlet told the human boy to which he responded in silence.

"Umm... changing the subject, the caretakers whenever they found some would give me these pins to put on my jacket, I don't have that many right now but maybe I'll add an extra one or two in the future" Scarlet said before showing him the three pins on her Jean jacket. Shane saw the first one that had an interesting design of a submarine colored yellow. "That one you're looking at, the submarine, it's apparently according to Rosemary an art piece from a band back in the last sixties called I think the Beatles. That's what she said from researching it" Scarlet explained.

"Wow that is pretty cool" The human compliments. "As for the two... there nothing special, this one is just an arrow through a heart and finally the other is a cute little kitty wearing sunglasses" Scarlet told him pointing at each of the last two pins. "Huh. Nice" Shane reacted with fascination. The corgi then made it to the bottom of the fire escape as she jumped down landing her feet on the concrete with Shane jumping down after.

"I can tell you the rest on the way there. But let's get out of this alleyway first... ok?" Scarlet asked to which she received a light nodded from the human. And so the corgi proceeded to run out of the alleyway, as Shane followed in wonder of what she had in store for him.

To be continued

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