Chapter 26 - Making things right

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Quietness began to flow through Shane's ears, his eyes were completely shut only showing a blank emotionless void of black, where he was is unknown but one thing was for certain, he felt like he was never going to wake up from this dream or more like a nightmare, especially when those purple eyed creatures returned, probably just a mess with him then strike at the perfect moment.

That is until his eyes began to slightly open up, taking a few seconds they opened just enough for him to finally see more clearly, his vision had returned to him. After doing so he now saw where his current location was, checking his surroundings he found himself within a bedroom, laying on a comfortable yet warm feeling bed. The room itself was dimly lit with the only light coming out of a lantern next to his bed, he didn't know where he was but could easily suspect being somewhere in Mort's house, the obvious giveaway being a picture of Mort on the wall to his left.

Seems like one of the red heelers must've saved him, then they brought him back to let him rest while figuring out if his injuries were severe or not, to his luck though they weren't as he could breathe, see, and move his head, arms and legs without issue.

The huge question on his mind though was where they have gone and are they coming back to check on him? That question however won't be answered immediately, he rested his head back onto the soft pillow that was probably provided by the three as he faced the door, waiting for somebody to come in.

After 2 whole minutes passed, he heard the sound of a door knob being twisted until his eyesight noticed his room door being opened, when the door opened up just enough, he saw the one coming in was in fact Chilli, she held a lantern in one hand and some bottled water along with bandage tape in the other, she appeared to be the only one there as she stepped into the room, the second Chilli saw him healthy, awakening and well, her eyes widened and her expression changed to one of joy.

"Shane." Chilli instantly said with excitement, quickly going over to him before placing the lantern and water on the table next to him. "Thank goodness you're awake." She added in a happy but still slightly concerned tone. He then looked up at her, having several questions on his mind, but chose to ask about the obvious elephant in the room.

"What happened?" Shane asked, his voice sounding raspy due to being unconscious for so long. Chilli's face turned serious, she sat on her knees to get down to his level as she cared to explain.

"Long story, but in short, you were unconscious for while, I managed to dive into the water and bring you back to the surface before you sunk down, however since you were knocked out we had to bring you home straight away, Mort checked your pulse and saw you were still breathing which is good, but I seen while you rest, you hit your head on an oar which is what knocked you out." Chilli answered, explaining to him what happened. He then rubs his head now noticing the white bandage wrapped around his head, it seems like he hit it pretty good.  

"A while, What time is it now?" He then asked in surprise, wondering exactly how long he's been out for and what's the time. "It's March 23, 1 o'clock in the morning, the sun should be coming up soon." She immediately answered. Shane only responded with a "Oh." Before asking something else, this one being about her saving him from drowning in the lake.

"So.. uh, you saved me." He said, with a hint of surprise when asking her the question. "Yeah, thank my dad for teaching me how to swim underwater, Me and Brandy used to go to the same lake and swim there as kids, it was always peaceful, it's just nice that he taught us stuff like this when we were little, especially with the knowledge from serving in the military." Chilli explained while wrapping some bandage tape around his right hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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