Chapter 7 - Brisbane's newest celebrity

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Inside the Brisbane Arena, within the backstage rooms an older blue heeler was sitting and staring at his own face in the mirror muttering some words under his breath before speaking more clearly. "You got this Bandit, you got this. It's only two hours, gonna strike a good balance with no mistakes" The blue heeler said to himself before hearing his door open and saw a crew member of the production standing with a clipboard in their hand.

"Bandit Heeler, you have been requested to head over to the guest entrance, it's time" They told him and then closed the door leaving Bandit alone to finish touching up.

"Righto I'm ready" Bandit said, giving himself a little slap before he got up from his chair and went to the door, opening it up before walking outside of the room to reveal a large and long hallway with humans and dogs talking amongst themselves as Bandit saw a large door over to his left which wasn't far from where he was, so he proceeded to walk down the hallway over to the door there he stood in front of the two large doors thinking of his mind about the very things that got him up to this point, his friends, his family, his wife and daughters, etc. however he stop after hearing a faint male voice behind him.

"Hold up. Mr. Heeler!" They said as he turned and saw a bipedal dog that resembled a Blue heeler kind of little Bandit but his fur was black on the right side and Blue on the left. He also wore a gray business suit with black dress shoes and finally a black fedora that was worn on his head as he stopped in front of Bandit to catch his breath after running to him.

"Ross? What are you doing Mate. I'm about to head on stage" Bandit asked The blue heeler with a confused expression on his face. *heavy breathing* "I know... I wanted to have a quick chat with you before you head out" Ross responds as he then stops heavily breathing. *Sigh* "Ok I'm good now Mate... So here we are" Ross said as they both looked at the large doors.

"Yep. this is it, the big leagues" Bandit replies back to what the blue heeler said. "To be truthful with you Bandit, I never saw this day coming. I mean you found a truly extraordinary thing and after that day it changed you became a teacher at a university, had a family and now became a celebrity your outlook changed Mr. Heeler, from nothing to something" Ross said to which Bandit nodded.

"And then there was me, a manager getting ready to watch his prodigy make one heck of a career path just right through this door" He added. "Bandit heeler. Head out on stage" A voice on the speaker told the two. "Well it's time for you to go out now, good luck Bandit leave the audience breathless" Ross says as he walks away, leaving the blue heeler alone once again.

"Here we go" Bandit told himself as he took a deep breath before opening the doors and walking inside the area, there He immediately was greeted by cheers from the audience as well as bright lights that were visible around the area with the stage right next to him as he saw the steps to get onto the stage and proceeded walk up them seeing the audience and waved back at them. He then approached two soft and leather chairs as he took a seat in the chair that had his name written on the armrest in paper when suddenly a voice came on the speakers once again.

"Welcome all to the Brisbane area! We Hope that you all enjoyed the early venue and festivities because the wait is finally over!" They said to which the blue heeler saw that the lights moved over to some blue doors decorated heavily with sparkles.

"So please sit down and relax cause it's now time. Live from Brisbane, Queensland in the land down under... It's The Adam Spencer Show! Featuring your one and only host... Adam Spencer!!" They announced before the doors then opened revealing a male human wearing a sparkly suit and tie holding onto a microphone while waving at the crowd who were standing and cheering at the sight of his presence.

"G'day my fellow aussies, and welcome to The Adam Spencer Show, where today we're going to be interviewing Brisbane's newest rising star" Adam said while he grabbed a small circular device out of his back pocket "Who lets say made a real... Pop! As of late" He finished pulling the pin out of the small device to reveal itself as a cane to which the crowd responded with laughter.

"Ha. you see what I did there, Mr. Heeler?" He asked Bandit while changing the cane back into its original state. "Here this is for you, take it as a token of my gratitude" He then tosses the cane over to the blue heeler which Bandit caught with his hands as the host proceeded to sit in the chair next to him looking at him with a smile.

"Oh thanks, Mate," Bandit replied. "Anywho, that's enough wasting time. Let's talk about you Bandit Heeler. I assume that's your name right?" Adam asks him. "Well pretty much. unless I have a different name by any chance, but last I checked my parents did name me Bandit" The blue heeler answered jokingly.

"Funny enough I always associate the name bandit among thieves, crooks, robbers heck even outlaws. It's like a swiper, no swiping type thing when you think of a name like Bandit, however you my friend are not like them cause you found something huge and swipe the reward after" Adam explains to both Bandit and the audience. "Yep pretty much" The blue heeler responded.

"So with that Mr. Heeler. We gotta know, how did you find such a rare piece? one that's worth millions in trying to discover not only more about your species, but the dinosaurs of yesteryear as well?" Adam wondered.

"To be honest it was... a strange coincidence. It was on a Friday afternoon, I dug in a random field by a lake. I was sixteen at the time and didn't have anything better to do outside of just trying to discover something, my parents knew I always wanted to be an archaeologist when I got older and so they helped me enroll in trying to make that dream reality for me. but after digging for a while in that field I found the very thing that would make my dream... real. It was scanned to be a bone from a T-Rex, the last one they needed and so they given me around four million in Australian dollars for the discovery which obviously I used to help fund my research but as I kept going I started gaining traction from the public which for lack of better terms lead me here" Bandit told the host and the audience.

"Mate. That is one story, I admit how I ended being a show host wasn't as simple either but the thing is that you can use that story to inspire others to build their careers and become just like you, what do you say?" Adam asks. "I agree. I think this can be taken as a positive note for up and coming-" Bandit said but stopped when heard somebody cheering from the crowd.

"Woo hoo. Go Bandit Heeler!" They yelled to which Bandit instantly recognized who it was looking around at the crowd to see a two legged dog with gray, white and black fur sitting in the middle of two other dogs as they stood up holding a glass in their hand. "Stripe?!" An elderly looking blue heeler said to another blue heeler, sitting to the left of the gray dog who was standing up.

"Oh! Honey you should probably sit down, you're starting to give Me, Nana, and yourself unwanted attention" The dog presumably named Stripe said to his wife all while Bandit looked with a face palm in embarrassment before muttering. "Oh biscuits" He said underneath his breath.

To be continued

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