Chapter 13 - Leaving the orphanage

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(Phone rings)

(Phone is then connected via somebody)

"Hey... you came to a decision? Are you in or are you out?"

(muffled audio)

"Alright Shane, I'll meet you in your room around 10:30pm. There we shall commence... are leave"

Later that very night

Hours went by, it was 10:45pm and The Doberman, Royce was the first to slowly open the door to Shane's room going into the hallway, it was clear as he proceeded to step out into the hallway while Shane with a large gray backpack containing all of his stuff followed behind him, he then closed the door gently. "Follow my lead. We need to head to the main lobby" Roy had told quietly. Shane then nodded as they both quietly ran down the hallway until Roy had to stop midway when he heard footsteps heading towards them.

"What are you gonna do?" Shane uttered with a quiet tone of voice. Royce scouted out for something that could help them, when he saw the janitor's closet which he opens and grabs one of the metal buckets, giving Shane a quick hand signal to follow him, they then proceeded to get closer to where the night guard was.

Remaining quiet as possible, The Doberman then threw the bucket into a dead end within the hallway. This caught the attention of the night guard as he instantly fell for the distraction looking straight in that very direction. "Hey! Who was that?!" He shouts, walking past them and going over there to see what the noise was about giving Shane and Roy the opportunity to escape as they ran off.

"Man. why am I some real déjà vu right now?" Shane remarks quietly while running. "Trust me dude, after a while it's going to feel the exact same. Me and Scarlet have done this way more than you think" Royce answers, jokingly, following Shane as they move onto the main lobby of the orphanage.

There. Shane saw nobody was around this time compared to when he did this with Scarlet, not even the light to Rosemary's office was turned on which Roy immediately assumed that she had most likely  gone home and with that he started to form an idea. "Shane. I'm not sure if you're down or have time to do this but... I can go and check out the caretaker's office?" Roy asks the human teenager. At first Shane thought in his mind it would have been pointless to go in there, considering the fact that he's been within the room earlier and there wasn't much to ride home about or anything special about it however since nobody's around, he decided why not and nodded back at Roy with approval.

"That's the spirit, Shane" Royce complemented his decision as they both proceeded to head over to the office door and go in. Heading inside, Shane saw the same contents as he saw previously. A desk, two chairs, another chair in the corner, and finally something he didn't point out before multiple metal drawers that were placed in random spots inside the room including an extra one that was behind Rosemary's desk.

"Shall we?" Roy says to Shane before pulling a flashlight out of his pocket and switching it on to add more light within the darkness of the room. Shane also did the same, turning his phone's light on instead before putting his backpack on the ground as he walked and opened up one of the metal drawers.

"So... exactly How did you meet Scarlet? Royce" Shane wondered which in fairness The Doberman didn't explain to him how he knew her so well. Roy was roaming through the drawers while he asked that which made him surprised that he wanted an answer about that but decided to give in with a response.

"Well 2 years ago, on the day Scarlet showed up here, let's say wasn't welcoming. She had nobody to talk to, until one day when I saw she was alone on a swing set in the orphanage's playground, I thought of talking to her to get to know and understand her better and maybe be her friend. After the point we hit it off and eventually time passed and we were now 15 years old. There, she had an offer... one to leave and explore the city for a bit while no one knew which is pretty much why I know my way around here, especially when we used to go on dates going the same route she took you" Royce explained in detail to the human who was fascinated after hearing the last part of that sentence.

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