Chapter 24 - Into the depths

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Shane and Mort observed from the other side of the boat as to what was going on between the two sisters, the entire time the four acted chill and collective towards each other but this didn't seem like the case up until now. Whatever the two discussed about a second ago escalated into Chilli randomly panicking for some reason. Shane worryingly couldn't predict where this would go beyond this point.

"Why am I just reeling in the fish I caught, am I doing something wrong?" Brandy asked in confusion as to why Chilli had suddenly panicked. Shane is just as confused as she was, until he looks down at the fishing rods and suddenly finds.

Mort's lucky rod had disappeared from the pile of other fishing rods. "Where did it go?" Shane thought in his head as he looked up at Brandy who held a fishing rod in her hands. He saw a familiar red bandanna wrapped around the handle, it's the very one Mort had on his, she was mistakenly using his lucky fishing rod and was unaware about it.

That explains why Chilli was freaking out, hopefully Brandy will notice. "No it's not that. You have dad's..." Chilli tried to warn her about what fishing rod she was holding but the fish Brandy's hook caught seemed to try and swim away as she was lightly jolting forward making her hold onto the fishing rod more tightly.

"Hold that thought sis, gotta reel it in one last time and that fish is ours." Brandy told her while she reeled as hard as possible to get the fish out of the water. However, doing so the pressure on said rod began to lose strength, it could snap at any moment and someone needed to stop her. "Brandy, wait!" Shane attempts to inform her but he was too late, a final pull from her led to the rod to completely snap in half. Brandy instantly jolted forward again, losing grip of the fishing rod and almost falling off the boat. Luckily, Chilli grabbed her by the arm in the nick of time, saving her from ending up in the deep waters. 

Unfortunately, her dad's prize possession wasn't so lucky as she was. The now snapped fishing rod floated in the lake along with Mort's red bandanna which Chilli was able to grab before it could sink down. However she wasn't successful in getting the fishing rod itself, both pieces quickly sunk down to the bottom before she had a chance to grab them,  Chilli's heart shattered into pieces as she held onto the red bandanna tightly.

Shane and Mort didn't say anything, only being shocked as told by their faces. Mort's lucky fishing rod was at the bottom of the lake and gone forever with no way of recovering it. Brandy meanwhile stood without saying a word, realizing what she had just done. "Oh no." Shane only responded while Chilli looked at the water in silence before her facial expression went from saddened to anger. "What, What have you Done?" Chilli quietly asked her sister. Shane could tell her voice was slightly frustrated while Brandy was worried.

"Sis.. I.. I didn't know, it was a mistake. I swear I grabbed..." Brandy tried to replied, in an attempt to defend herself. But Chilli cut her off, refusing to hear her side of the story. "Mistake? Mistake?! That was Dad's lucky rod. One he's had it since he was a kid, passed down from generation to generation and now it's Gone! At the bottom of the lake!" Chilli turned around and yelled, furious at what her sister had replied with as Mort then chimed in on the matter.

"It's not a big deal sweetie. The rod can always be replaced, I still have my bandanna and that's all that matters." Mort stated, trying to calm the situation down. Shane agreed with him at least his bandanna didn't go down with it as he then backed him up. "Your father's right, Chilli. This isn't a huge deal, let's just calm down." Shane said, standing aside her sister. But this made matters worse when Chilli stared at him, she recalled their interaction on the way to the dock and that Brandy was only talking to him about fishing lessons. Her eyes squinted as she started to suspect that wasn't true and they really were hiding something.

"What were you two talking about earlier?" Chilli then asked, now looking at her sister along with Shane. "Eh?" He uttered in confusion as to what Chilli was referring to. "Back on the tail. I knew you two weren't talking about fishing lessons. In fact... you've been hiding something from me and dad this entire time. What's really going on?!" Chilli dropped the question. Shane was speechless, she's caught on to what him and Brandy were discussing the entire day. He can tell this was starting to get blown out of proportion and they needed to come clean about it now.

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