Chapter 19 - Among the forest

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Bandit's POV

Gosh. I feel like I've been in a loop for an eternity now, listening to Chilli re-tell the entire story of why we have Shane living with us to my bros and Trixie who's reactions are what I would've expected as I was accompanied by sitting at this wooden table for a long period of time which is really starting to make my bum hurt. "Bandit, is this true?" My train of thought would be put on hold when I heard my brother Stripe ask me the very question, now hearing the full story.

"It is." I replied. He along with Trixie and Radley were stunned, I nodded that Chilli was telling the truth. "Why didn't you tell us?" Trixie asked, having a question of her own to which I immediately responded. "I was going to. But I didn't have time to meet with you all to discuss this... and even then I was afraid you wouldn't have taken it lightly." I explain to them honestly, their faces telling me I wasn't far off from being wrong, especially Stripe knowing I would do something like this.

"It's... a lot to process... obviously." Radley responds as he then took a drink from a cup of juice to relieve the tension, which Stripe then chimed in.

"Mate. Not to be biased that you're my brother and all... but I can tell you're handling him well enough, even with your two girls being by your side all the time... I can trust you and Chilli will treat him like your own. However at some point he does need to return to his parents." Stripe told me. I shook my head agreeing with that last part he said before responding.

"He's hoping. But things have gotten... odd lately." I said, he then raised an eyebrow wondering what I meant by that. "Why's that?" He asked, to which I elaborated. I had to tell him about the strange cameraman I seen a month ago who recorded my every move outside my own house, maybe he knows about it or even has had the same encounter with him.

"I need to ask you. Have you had any run-ins with a male bulldog recording your every move with a camera down the street?" I asked precisely. The whole table became an awkward silence as their faces became fearful and worried. Stripe began to look around the park urgently before turning to me with a serious expression, I was unsure as to what was going on but seeing my brother's sudden urgentness, this was far from some harmless joke.

"They've gotten to you too, haven't they?" Stripe questioned me, I was beyond confused as I immediately responded back with a. "What?" He then slammed his fist onto the table.

"Tell me?!" He asked, more aggressively compared to the times I've talked to him before as I questioned his sudden change. "What is your deal? Mate." I asked back, wondering as to why he was being hostile towards me. Seems like he must have caught wind of his sudden mood change and proceeded to calm down, rubbing his eyes before talking to me more calmly.

"Sorry... I just... *sigh* look. You're not the only one dealing with this, me and Radley have had suspicious cameramen recording our every move for the past month, same as you. I have lost a lot of sleep, trying to keep an eye out for anybody recording us in the day or night, even this very conversation, out in the public eye. They're stalking us Bandit, and for some reason I have a hunch it has to do with that manager you hired." Stripe said, mentioning my manager, Ross. I was unsure as to why he was thinking he had something to do with it, he's a decent guy and sure he can be... weird, maybe odd at times but I don't see him pulling off a stunt like this.

"Ross? You're joking right?" I asked them but it appeared to me they weren't joking about this potential lead at all. "Bandit. That guy is not to be trusted, he might appear to you as nice and well being. But that's only a way to stop you from finding out the truth of what he's really been doing, I received an odd phone call from him yesterday. He asked me if you were doing anything "out of character or going off script." I told him no. He instantly hung up right after I said that" Radley admitted to me, my mind began to grow worried. If they were being serious about all this and actually telling the truth about what they claimed to see, and hear. then Shane might be in danger but not only that, we all might be in serious danger.

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