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I walked through the big wooden door of my foster home and was greeted by 4 kids. Tony, Henry, Megan and Daniel. They all had their arms crossed and sour looks on their faces. "What do you brats want?" I said coldly.

"Where were you?" Megan growled.

"Why are you asking?"

"Because we want to know. You aren't supposed to leave."

"I'm 14. Sandys rules. When your 14 we are aloud to leave the house when we please but must be back by curfew." I looked over at a clock. "And I'm an hour before curfew." I huffed and headed up the stairs. I walked past Sandys room but didn't make it very far.

"Kendall get in here." I sighed and slid open the door to her room. She was sitting in the bed.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked sweetly but faking it. She moved her grayish hair from her eyes. She looked at me sadly but the coldness that was contained in her body showed.

"I can't keep you anymore. You've been here for over 2 years. The state rules say it's time to move you somewhere else. You have till next Monday." I sighed. I've been in 3 different foster homes in the past 6 years. I've been in 5 foster homes total and one was a living nightmare. The foster parents beat us for no reason. I still have scars and burns from them.

"I guess it's ok. I'm used to this. I'll start packing." I exited her room.

"Ha ha! Kennys leaving! She's just a teenager no one wants! She's so bad a girl jumped off a bridge to get away from her and a boy got hit by a train." Tony mocked. I snapped around and grabbed him by his shirt collar and shoved him against the wall. I lifted the 8 year old till he was on his tip toes. His face flashed horror.

"Did you read my journal?! You brat!" Tears streamed from my eyes and anger boiled inside of me. "Don't you ever say anything like that again. If you do I will hang you by your toes outside on the tree. Then I will hit you with a baseball bat like a piñata. Do I make myself clear?" I hissed. He nodded. "Good." I let him go and he fell to the floor and I strutted off to my room to pack. I didn't pack yet though. I laid on my bed and full on cried. I cried myself to sleep.
My 3rd foster home. I looked at the tall house. It was gloomy but it would be home for a while. I walked in the big door and the home was active. Kids running around and having a good time. The smell of cookies filled the atmosphere. I felt a tug on my arm. A small girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes was at my side and smiling. "Are you the new girl?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes. I'm Kendall. I'm 9. My other foster mum said I'm mature for my age." That was a fact I like to tell everyone because it's true. For a 9 year old I have the mind of a 13 year old.

"I'm Madeline. I'm 8. I'm silly." I laughed. "Your staying in my room. Come on!" She pulled my arm and we walked up the red carpeted stairs. We walked down the hall and turned left into a room that was painted purple. It had a green bunk bed and stuffed animals everywhere. She had glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and posters all over the wall. "You can have top." I slung my stuff on the bed. "Let's go meet the foster mum! Her names Mandy!"
After meeting Mandy and all the other kids I was excited to live here. This was the best one I've been to yet. It's better than the one where we were beaten. Right now I was trying to sleep but I just couldn't I was too happy. I heard Madeline stir. "Kendall are you awake?" She whispered.

"Yes." She climbed the ladder.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure." She crawled over to me and curled up in my lap. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. Before I came here my mum would talk with me when I couldn't sleep and now I have someone to talk to." She looked up at me and saw my necklace. She touched it gently. "Who gave this to you?"

"My family. I had a mum, dad, and brother. When they left me at my first foster home they left this with me. I don't know why they left me." She nodded then lifted her arm so I could see a dangly bracelet. It was a locket.

"My mum gave this to me saying one day she's find me again. I want that day to come."

"Me too."
Madeline is like my sister. No she is my sister. I've been here for 2 years and this is the 1 month of the third. Madeline and I decided to take a walk on a bridge over some Rapids. We were throwing rocks in the water. "Here hold this." She handed me her bracelet. "I don't want it to fall off." I stuck it in my back pack. She leaned over the side to look down. We didn't see the car driving by. But when I did it sped past her knocking her balance. I raced to the side of the bridge she was on but it was to late. She went flying over the side. She disappeared into the rapids seconds later.
I woke up screaming with tears streaming down my face like a water fall. I reached to the bed side table and opened the drawer and pulled out her bracelet. This was all I had left of her.

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