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"Wait why do you have it?" My eyes widened.

"Um how bout we talk about this over lunch or something tomorrow? It's a lot to explain." She nodded. "Here's my number." I handed her a piece of paper with my number written on it. The ripped it in half and wrote hers down and handed it to me. "Meet me at The Grill tomorrow at 10." She nodded and continued her walk inside as we walked out. I turned to look at Maxine. "How am I gonna explain to that lady that her daughter died?!" I was going into panic mode. I started hyperventilating and I was getting a major migraine.

"I-I don't know. Are you ok?" She was searching my face for answers.

"Yea I'm fine. I get like this when I'm nervous." I started breathing harder.

"Calm down. It's gonna be fine."

"How do you know?"

"Just trust me. She'll understand." I nodded and tried to even out my breathing. This is gonna end up being a waterfall.

I sat a patiently for Margret to get here. I tapped my foot rapidly. Right then the door opened to reveal Margret. She spotted me and walked over. I took a long sip of my tea then set it down. She sat next to me and turned to face me. "Do you want some food?" I shook my head.

"No thanks. My foster mum is making lunch later." She nodded. "Are you ready?"

"Yea. So why do you have her bracelet?"

"Let me start from the beginning..."

After telling her the story I was crying and so was she but she was more in shock. "I-it's all m-my fault. I-I'm so s-sorry." I cried through my tears. She placed a hand on my shoulder but pulled me into a hug.

"It's not your fault. You didn't see the car and neither did she. It's ok dear." We sat there for a while. Just us both crying into each others shoulders. "That's a lot of trauma for a young one isn't it?"

"T-that's not the w-worst of it." She rubbed my back.

"It's ok." We both pulled away and I slipped off the bracelet handing it to her.

"Here." She pushed it back to me.

"You keep it. You take better care of it."

"Thanks." I slipped it back on then checked the time on my phone. "I'm sorry," I wiped the tears away. "I have to go. I'll be late for lunch. Thanks for talking with me though."

"Any time. Thanks for explaining things." I waved her goodbye and headed out the door. My phone rang so I picked it up.


"Hey Kenz!"


"Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk in the park later?"

"Sure! What time should I meet you?"

"Meet me at the wooden bench next to the willow tree at 2."

"Sounds great!"

"See you soon!"

"Same! Bye!"


Hey sorry it's short but guess what?!


AFTER IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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