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"Morning." I turned from my spot at the stove in the kitchen to face Maxine.

"Morning Maxy." She smiled then spotted the food on the stove.

"Wow I didn't know you cook!" She moved her eyes from the omelet to my neck. "Whoa where'd that come from?!" She pointed to my baking necklace. I smiled slightly and held the necklace in my hand.

"Harry. He left it with Debby for me to open when he auditioned."

"It's adorable!" I giggled.

"I know." I handed her a plate with half of the omelet and I took the other half. We went into the dining room and sat down. It was just us.

"So you guys are...?" She took a bite of the omelet.

"Well we both agreed we will be something if he comes back but if not then we are friends. It's no big deal." She nodded.

-----YEAR LATER-----
I logged onto Skype and saw Harry was on. I clicked his name and it rang for a second or two then he answered. I smiled. "Harry!"

"Hey Kendall." He sounded and looked tired.

"Is this a good time? You look exhausted."

"No not really but I can talk in fine."

"No Harry. Go to bed. Just talk to me later ok?" He nodded.

"Ok." He sighed. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Not coming back. I wanted to be something but now that I'm working and stuff I can't and we can't talk as much. I'm sorry."

"Harry it's fine." I looked down at my bracelet. "It's not the first."

"What?" He was getting concerned.

"Nothing Harry it's fine. I'm ok. I have to go." I started to click off but he stopped me.

"Ok look, I know your hiding something now just tell me."

"I'm not hiding anything."

"Your lying! Where'd you get that bracelet and that picture? More importantly where did that scar come from?" I touched the scar.


"Tell me now." He ordered sternly. Tears started filling my eyes.

"No. I can't."

"Kendall tell me!"

"Harry it's none of your business! Why do you care anyway! This is my life not yours! Now get out of it!"

"Fine!" He screamed back. I logged off and huffed in frustration. I went and fell onto my bed in tears. I ripped the necklace from my neck tossing it across the room. It slammed into the wall. I soon found out it was the wrong necklace. I broke down into a storm of tears as I rushed over to the broken necklace. I held the pieces in my hand. I became angry and mad at myself and Harry. I held the necklace close to my heart. There was rough banging on my door.

"I heard yelling and crying! Open up!" Maxine yelled. She didn't wait for me to answer she opened the door anyway and found my sitting on the ground. "Kendall what's wrong?!" She came rushing over and sat next to me. I showed her the broken necklace. She took it in her hands and gave me a sympathetic look. "Why would you break it? I thought this is what your mom gave you?"

"N-never! I w-was g-gonna pull o-off Harrys!" I cried harder. "H-he t-tried to g-get me t-to tell about m-my past h-homes!" She pulled me in a hug making my feel a little better. I felt her rip Harrys necklace from my neck and threw it in the trash. "T-thanks." I said softly.

"Welcome." She pulled from the hug and looked at the necklace. "I'm gonna fix it. I promise." She stood up and gestured me to follow her so I did.

We went into her room and I was greeting by brand new posters plastered on her wall. "So I'm guessing you really liked Harry but he was concerned and tried to pry into your life?" She asked walking over to her desk and taking a seat. She started to work on my necklace. I stared at the poster.

"Um yea." She turned to me.

"Everything ok?"

"Um who is this?" I asked her pointing to one of the posters.

"Oh it's One Direction! Aren't they hot?"

"Um sure. Can you name all the guys?"

"Oh heck yea! Niall, Liam, Louis, and-" she paused. "Harry."

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