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"Get up lazy brat!" I heard loud knocking on my door. I rubbed my eyes and it continued. "Christa need you before breakfast!" the girl continued. I swung my legs over the bed Ana's opened the door to find Roxanne standing there.

"I'm up ok chill." I say a bit annoyed. She went back to texting on her phone and walked away. I groaned and made my way into my bathroom to get ready. I changed out of my pajamas and threw on a cute t-shirt that was pink and had 'my call' printed in green letters on it. I slipped on some grey sweatpants and threw my brown hair up in a bun.

I headed down the stairs and weird stares from some of the kids who were playing on them. I kept my head down and kept going till I reached her office. I knocked slightly. "Come in." I heard Christa say so I opened the door and walked in. "Good morning Kendall!" She said all cheery. "I just wanted to say that usually you make your own breakfast but on special days I make it for everyone." I nodded. "Oh and the library is always open." I nodded and headed out of her office. I wasn't in the mood for breakfast so I ate some of the cherries Debby gave me.

I was sitting on the window seat in my room and I twirled a stem in my fingers. I just stared out at the town and how alive it was. People running around, shopping and just walking and playing. I popped the stem in my mouth and started to tie it when there was a knock on my door. I hopped down from the window and went to see who it was. I pulled open the door to see the girl who was smiling at me yesterday. Her name was Maxine. She had her hair in a ponytail and wasn't wearing her glasses right now but I could see the contacts she had in her eyes. Her smile was still plastered on her face exposing her joy. "Hi. I just wanted to say welcome." She said softly but confidently. I took the ties stem from my mouth and chunked it in the trash.

"Oh um thanks." I have her a half smile.

"So sorry about the kids yesterday. They like to push the newbies to their breaking point." I rolled my eyes and laughed dryly.

"Not these again."

"You've had foster siblings like this before?"

"Yea they wouldn't leave me alone. Always being brats."

"Most of them are brats here too but they get better after a while."

"Good." I let my faint half smile turn into a full one. Wait what was I doing?! I said I wouldn't get attached! "I um have to go." I started to close my door letting the smile fade. Her foot caught the door.

"Wait. Can't we talk?" That's how it starts. Talking.

"No I um," need and excuse. "I have to go get something from the market down the street." I grabbed my backpack and opened the door passing her swiftly.

"Let me go with you!" She called after me as I raced down the steps.

"No I need to go alone! Thanks though!" I rushed into Christas office. "Christa? Can I go out? Like for a walk?" She nodded. I raced for the door but felt a hand touch my shoulder. I shrugged it off and raced out of the door.

I made my way to the bakery and opened the door. But Debby wasn't behind the counter it was Harry. "Hey Harry." I said softly. He looked up from his work and gave me a smile exposing his dimples which were the cutest thing ever.

"Hello Kenny." I sat on the stool and he leaned on the counter. "How's the new home?"

"Terrible. I've already broken down into- I mean I've already been called a brat and such." He gave me a confused look but it faded back into his smile. Then his eyes lit up.

"Hey try this!" He went into the back and brought out a chocolate cupcake with strawberry icing. I took it from his hand and was about to take a bite of it when spoke. "No no no! That's not how you eat a cupcake!" he went to the back to get his own. "Like this!" He took off half the bottom and placed it over the icing so it was like a sandwich. Cake, icing, cake. I did the same with mine. "Now there's icing in every bite." He smiled and took a bite of his and I did the same. It was so good!

"Mmmm! It taste like a chocolate covered strawberry! Like spot on!" I said finishing it. He finished his.

"That's what I was going for." he chuckled. He had some icing on his upper lip.

"Hey Harry you have some icing on your lip." I reached up to his lip and wiped it off and with my other hand went for a napkin to get it off my finger. I go the napkin but I felt something slimy wrap around my finger. I turned around to see Harry with my finger in his mouth. I squealed and ran to the sink in the back and washed all the Harry germs off. "What was that for?!" I yelled as I walked back to my seat. He was having a laughing fit.

"No reason." He choked out In between laughs. "You had your finger in my face so I took the chance." I laughed.

"Your such an idiot sometimes. Ya know that?"

"So I've been told." We sat there and laughed together until Debby walked in the door.

"Good morning children." She had her hands full of grocery bags.

"Morning Debby." Harry and I said in unison. We have each other glares as if to say "hey back off I thought it first". I broke down laughing at how cute his glare was. Debby pulled out 2 plastic bags full of candies. She tossed Harry and I each one.

"I thought you little ones might want something sweet so I got those."

"Thanks!" I said cheerfully and stuffed them in my bag. I looked to Harry and he already had 2 prices shoved in his mouth. I shook my head in a disapproving way. "Such a hog." he gave me another cold glare. Debby walked into the back. He ate the prices in his mouth and looked at me.

"How could you not eat these already? They are so good!"

"I'm not to big of a candy fan." He gave me a disgusted look.


"I just would rather have real fruit instead of artificially flavored with tons of sugar. But I'll eat candy every once in a while." He shook his head.

"There is something wrong with you."

"Shut up Styles."

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