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"I'm not kidding mum! I really think so!" I said into the phone.

"Sweetie I don't think so. I think your over reacting. Why don't you go lay down and take a nap."

"Mum I-"

"Go now. I'll talk to you later."

"Fine. Bye."


"I thought you said you were over him?" Maxine asked me as I paced the room.

"I thought I was. I might still love Harry but I love Niall too. I hate Harry though and he hates me."


"So when Niall kissed me I thought it was ok! But when I started thinking of Harry it kinda blew up." I sat in her chair and put my head in my hands. I couldn't stand the pressure. "I have to go." I said grabbing my things and taking off to my room.

As I walked across the stairs into the next hallway Christa called me from the bottom. "Kendall? Do you want dinner." I turned to her.

"Um no thanks."

"You sure? It's spaghetti."

"Positive." I turned back and ran to my room slamming the door shut. I dropped my bag and pulled out my phone and climbed out into the dark of night to the roof. I sat on the chair I brought up and pulled out my journal. I wrote things down about today. My phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey Kendall." Harry.


"Yea can we just talk. The boys thought it would be a good idea."

"Harry. Listen I know we have a little tension but I have a lot on my mind."

"Like what? Your past foster homes?" His voice became nasty and cold.

"You just can't have a normal conversation with me without bringing it up can you?"

"Kendall I'm so-"

"Save it Harry. Just leave me alone." I hung up the phone. He just won't leave it will he?

Today Maxine and I decided to go shopping. We were walking along the streets window shopping. "Ooo! Look at the cute top!" She pointed to a shirt that was long sleeve that was a little long. It was dark blue and faded into light blue.

"You want it?" She nodded. "What size?"

"Small." We walked into the store and I went to the rack and found the shirt. I paid for it and handed the bag to Maxine. "Thanks!" As we started to walk out I bumped into someone. She dropped her bags and I picked them up for her.

"I'm so sorry." I looked at the woman's eyes. They were very familiar. They were a sparkling hazel. She had dirty blonde hair. She gave me a smile and took the bags.

"It's ok, love." She looked down to my bracelet then back up to me. Her bright smile was now a sad frown. "Might I ask where you got that bracelet?" I held up my wrist.

"A friend. A really good one too. She was my foster sister. And yes I'm not Maddie. I'm Kendall." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I had a daughter named Maddie." I looked down at her wrist. She had on the same bracelet with Marg engraved on it just like Maddie. It had the other half of the heart on it. "May I see it?" I held up my wrist and hers clicked with mine. She put her wrist down and gave me a worried look. "Wait, why do you have it?"

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