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"Are you sure?"


"Ok Kendall but your gonna miss out."

"Maxine, just go." She smiled and nodded and took off backstage. I told her I didn't want to go to meet them before the show. So I headed to our seats. We were the only ones in the arena so I just played on my phone.

After a while I heard a few screams and fans started piling in. It's been an hour. Where's Maxine? I stood up from my seat and went to the door to behind the stage. "I'm sorry you can't go in there without a pass." The big bodyguard said. I showed him my pass and he opened the door. I walked and walked. I pulled out my phone to text her. I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into someone and we both went crashing to the floor.

"I'm so sorry." He said in an Irish accent. He had blonde hair and brown roots. He had braces and bright blue eyes.

"No it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention." He helped me up and got my phone. "Do you have any idea where the boys of the band would be? My friend Maxine is with them." He laughed.

"Im Niall Horan. I'm in One Direction." I laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm not to big of a fan. Secret reasons." He nodded.

"I see. Oh and your friend is in the room on the right. She's with the others. I got hungry."

"Aren't you always hungry? According to Maxine you love to eat."

"It's true."

"Well I'll see you around. Have a good show."

"Thanks." We started walking off when he called for me. "Hey wait! I didn't get your name!"


"Nice name." I blushed and turned and walked to the room Maxine was in.

I knocked lightly. "Come in." A voice called. I opened the door and saw Maxine and 3 other boys sitting on the couch. They were talking and laughing.

"Um I hate to interrupt but Maxine we need to go get our seats." I said stepping in front of them. She frowned.

"Do I have too?" She asked giving me the puppy eyes.

"Yes. Now come on." I said taking her hand and dragging her to the door.

"Wait at least meet them." She said stopping. I turned to the boys. The first one had dark hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Zayn." He said shaking my hand. I moved to the next one. He had brown hair that was shaved almost completely off.

"I'm Liam." I shook his hand. I moved to the last boy. He had brown hair and looked very familiar but I probably just remembered him from the posters.

"I-I'm Louis." He said uneasily. He shook my hand slowly studying my face carefully.

"Well I'm Kendall. I have to go now." For a second I swear I saw his eyes widen like he figured something out. I grabbed Maxine and drug her out of the room and too our seats.

I walked to the lounge with 4 cups coffee and 1 cup of tea for us. I opened the door and saw all the boys huddled on the couch whispering. When they saw me walk in they all turned their heads in surprise. "I uh got our drinks." I looked around. "Where's Maxine?" I passed out the drinks.

"She uh left." Liam said taking a sip of his coffee. I sat down in the arm chair.

"Ok why do I get the feeling you guys are hiding something?"

"Because we are." Niall said. Zayn slapped his arm. "Ow!" He said rubbing it.

"Her foster sister came and got her." Zayn said.

"Who's her foster sister?"


"Wait Kendall? Shes here?" They all nodded.

"I met Kendall in the hallway. She's so nice. Why would you hate her?" Niall asked.

"She was hiding things from me. She won't tell me where she got that scare because I know it wasn't a dog. She won't tell me where she got that bracelet or some picture of a kid, his family and his dog."

"I noticed the scar." He said.

"Lou you've been so quiet. What's up?" I asked. He was just sipping on his tea.

"Oh nothing. I just like the name Kendall. It's a sweet name."

"Ok whatever. Now let's go rock this show!" I said. We all stood up and jumped around and headed to the stage. I said behind to talk to Louis who wasn't very happy. "Come on Louis something's up. What is it?"

"I just feel like I've seen her somewhere before."

"Maybe the bakery?"

"No before that. Before One Direction."

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