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Before I take off to another home I decided to go and talk to Debby and Harry. I walked in the cold London air until I came upon the bakery. I opened it and the small bell dinged. Debby was hard at work so I took a seat on a stool and rested my head on the marble counter.

She pushed a small box to me. "Here dear I got you some cherries for your first day somewhere new." I took them from her and stuffed them in my backpack.


"Why so blue? Don't you want to leave Sandys home?" She leaned on the counter and came closer.

"Yea but I'm so terrified it will be like foster home number 2." I rubbed my cheek. I stuffed the memory into the back of my mind.

"Well if it is I'll get them arrested again. No one should be treated that way." The back door slung opened to reveal Harry. He came bounding in singing a song at the top of his lungs. "Harry calm down!" Debby said to him. He lowered the tone of his voice. "Now you take Kendall and go get some flour." She smiled. He linked arms with me and butterflies erupted in my stomach. No one knew it but Debby but I had a HUGE crush on Harry. On our way out Debby gave me a wink and continued to work.

We skipped down the street and came to the market. Harry purchased some flour and walked behind some of the house till we were at the edge of the field. "Harry the sidewalk is that way." I pointed back into the town.

"Well we are gonna go this way." He said. I shrugged and followed him. We walked peacefully until he spoke. "So Kendall what do you do in your free time?" I laughed at his conversation starter.

"Well I like to read and listen to music. I also enjoy painting and tying cheery stems with my tongue. What about you Haz?"

"Well I bake and sing. Hey do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Um sure go ahead." I was deathly afraid. What if he asked about it? He stepped in front of me and traced his fingers over my scar that ran from my eye to the center of my cheek. Please don't.

"Where did this come from?" No no no.

"Um well um... Foster home number 2." His emerald eyes grew wide showing his concern.

"What did they do to you?" he asked his voice getting lower.

"They um," what to say what to say? "They had a very vicious dog." I said. He relaxed and continued to walk.

"Ok good." He started humming a song and walked along. He can't know about Madeline, Nathan or foster home number 2. Those are my secrets that no one can know about. I won't let anyone know about them.

We made it back to the bakery and Harry set the flour down and started mixing some batter. I decided it was time for me to go so I waved them good bye and headed back to the home.

"Kendall are you ready?!" Sandy called from downstairs. I groaned. Her voice was so annoying. "Get down here!"

"I'm coming!" I yelled back and came down the stairs. I had my last bag in my hand. All the others were already delivered. I held the bracelet and the old picture tight in my hands.

"It's the one down the street. Here's the address." Sandy shoved a piece of paper in my face and I took it from her. "Now get out." She hissed. I stepped out the door and made my way down the street. I held the items tighter as I approached the house. The door was big and was a polished wood. The house looked fancier and more in shape than the others I been to. It had a wide front porch and many windows. I took the wide knocked into my hand and hit it against the door. I waited a minute or two then the door creaked open. A tall woman in her late thirty looked me up and down. She had red hair and a few freckles across her face. She had light brown eyes. They had joy exploding in them. She smiled showing her white teeth.

"Well you must be Kendall!" She said cheerfully. I nodded. She opened the door wider. "Come in come in!" I stepped inside the house. Right when you walk in you stand right in front of a grand stair case with red carpet. The floor was poised hardwood. There was a kitchen to the left and a library to the right. I followed her around the stair case till we made it to a small office under them. I sat in a chair in front of the large desk which she sat at. "Tell me about you sweetie."

"Well let's see, I'm 14, I'll be 15 in about a month. When I was little I was very smart and mature for my age. I'm still like that just not as much. I like to read and paint and get a little creative. I've been in 5 foster homes. This is my 6th." She gave me a sympathetic look. "I love to visit the bakery down the street and I love to take long walks and find hiding spots to read and think in. I love cherries and can tie the stem in 30 seconds." I smiled a small smile.

"Tell me about your past foster homes." She wrote some stuff down in her big notebook.

"Well number one was ok. There was tones of little babies there but I was 5 and 6 then so it didn't matter. Number two," I took a deep breath. "Had a vicious dog." I said it with edge in my voice. I could tell she noticed it but didn't comment. "Number three, I had something very tragic happen it that one and four. I don't feel comfortable talking about it." I gripped the items tighter and my knuckles were turning white. "Five had a lot of brats who bugged me and the mum was not very nice. Very annoying." She nodded.

"Tell me about your past family." She never met my gaze but kept her eyes in the book.

"Well All know is I have a mum, dad, and brother. They gave me this when the left me on the street outside of foster home number one." I held up the necklace. She studied it carefully then scribbled some stuff down.

"Are you allergic to anything? What sport do you enjoy?"

"Seafood, like shrimp, clams, fish, sushi. Not deathly allergic but I could swell up at the most and the least get a rash. Football." She nodded then smiled.

"Ok well now that is over," she closed the binder and but it on her desk. "I'm Christa. I'm your new foster mum." I shook her hand. "I'll show you to your room then we can meet the others." She walked out of the office and I followed. We walked up the stairs and ended up in a cross way. There was two long hallways with doors lining them. She pointed the the hall on the left. "That is for the 13 and under. I don't have small children. The youngest I have is 5." She then pointed to hall on the left. "That's the 14 to 18. At 18 you must move out or find a higher foster home. Your down there. Last room on the right. When you unpack and get settled meet me in the living room. That's where the kids are now." She went back down the steps. I walked down the long hallway and too my room. I opened the door and all my stuff was packed in boxes in the middle of the room. The walls were a dark purple. I cringed at the purple walls. Too many memories. One wall had green and pink chevron stripes. The carpet was a dark blue and was fuzzy. There was a queen sized bed. No sheets. But the bed frame was a light wood. It had a few pillow case-less pillows. Over on the stopes wall there was a small desk and a swirly chair. There was a huge dresser next to the desk and a full sized mirror on a different wall next to a larger vanity set.I set my back pack down on the bed and started to open boxes.

So how is it so far?! Comment and tell me! Please vote comment and share with your friends! I love you my wonderful people! Thanks for reading!!

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