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The early morning sunlight burned my eyes as they opened from my sleep. The smell of pancakes filled my nose and lead me to the kitchen where Harry was cooking. When he heard me come in he turned and looked at me. "Morning!" He said as his smiled. I sat at the small bar on the stool.

"Good morning!" I said back cheerfully. Then it hit me. What was I gonna tell Niall? He set the plate of pancakes in front of me and added a cherry on top. But my frown stayed.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting across form me.

"What do I tell Niall?"

"Oh yea. Just tell him the truth. Just don't lie." I nodded. "Now eat it took me forever to make those." I giggled and started eating.

"I would love to live with you guys. I wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore. I'd be free from stupid adoptive mothers and sisters and brothers. Well beside Maxine."

"Maybe you can." I choked on a piece of my pancake. He handed me a glass of water. I drank some of it and started breathing again. (A/N: KristinElmore16 )

"Yea that's why I said I wish. You can't do that. You guys would end up being my parents and I cannot date my parents."

"Well maybe your parents will adopt you."

"Harry it's just like I told Niall, they didn't want me so they don't want me now."

"I bet there is a perfect explanation for all of that. And he has 4 sisters now. I think they could take 2 more."

"4? 2 more?"

"Yea. Fizzy, Lottie, Daisy and Phoebe and I'm sure they would take Maxine too." I shook my head.

"That's to much to handle."

"Aw come on! At least talk to your mum and dad!" He gave me his little puppy eyes and I gave in. Have you seen his puppy face? You can't say no.

"Ugh." I groaned. "Fine." He clapped and cheered. "But first I have to talk to Niall."

All of the boys and I met at the bakery. My parents would be here later but I'm working and I need to talk to Niall. All the boys asked for personalized cupcakes so I made them. Now I just need to get them out of the oven. "Niall come help me please!" I called from the back. In about a minute Niall came into the back. He hasn't been to happy with me because of last night. "Actually they aren't ready yet. I need to talk to you." He sighed and leaned up against the fridge.

"Go on." I could tell he was still mad.

"Look Jonah backed me up against a table and he kissed me. I'm so sorry. I would never do that to anyone." But I did. His face lightened.

"I'm sorry I got mad." I nodded.

"But that's not all." I sighed heavily. "I'm not over Harry. I never was and I thought that I was when I was with you and I thank you for helping me but last night I realized he's what I've been missing." He looked down then back up.

"I understand. I kinda figured that you weren't over him and I was prepared for this."

"So your okay?"

"I'm totally fine. You should have seen Harry every time we mentioned you. He was a wreck. He couldn't stand being mad at you."

"So we are still friends and all." He gave me a hug.

"Always. You guys make a cute couple anyway." I laughed.

"Thanks Ni." The buzzer sounded and I opened the oven.

"Those smell amazing!" I pulled the pan out of the oven and went to the table to give them out.

"Harry I believe you have something to tell the boys while I go clean up the back." I winked and scurried off.

After cleaning up I went back to where the guys were. There was a lady and a man sitting at the table with them. They stood up when they saw me. "Kendall?" The lady asked. I nodded and her and the man came racing to me engulfing me into a hug. They pulled away looked me up and down and the lady's eyes glossed over in tears.

"Are you my mum and dad?" The nodded. I smiled a small smile.

"Aren't you happy?" My dad asked.

"Yes a little but what I don't understand is why you are."

"We've missed you!" My mum exclaimed.

"If you missed me then why did you give me away?"

"Well we weren't sure how things were gonna end up because we already had Louis and we're gonna have another child. We were in finance trouble." Dad said.

"Why me?"

"Well we didn't have a choice. Lou was old enough that soon he could work at a young age for money. Trust me. That was the hardest thing ever." My mum said as she had a few tears slip.

"We've been looking for you ever since Lou became famous." Dad said. "And we were delayed a few times because of your sisters."

"Well, I can't wait to meet them." I said a little more cheery. They hugged me again.

"Now let's talk about getting you back!" Mum said excitedly pulling me to the table. Well it looks like I'll be home soon.

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