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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the side of my bed. I picked it up and looked at the contact name.

Nialler <3:
Hey you still up for lunch today? Hope u didn't forget! ;) lots of love! Xoxo

I smiled. I texted back.

Nialler <3:
Heck yea! I wouldn't ever forget! Super excited! Wait... What should I wear?! I'm so nervous! :)

He texted back quickly.

Nialler <3:
Anything, love! You'll look great either way!

Nialler <3:
So if I wore a garbage bag is still look stunning?

Nialler <3:
Yes you would. Ur not really wearing one tho right?

Nialler <3:
No. I would never. See you in a bit!

I put down my phone and climbed out of the bed. I went to the bathroom and got ready. I went to my closet and looked at the mini selection of clothes. What to wear. I found a pink t shirt with 'CALL ME NEVER' printed on it. I also got a pair of denim shorts with pink flats. I looked at my phone and it was 10:58. I grabbed my purse and slipped on the bracelet and headed out my door only to be stopped by the twins. "Parker, Porter move. Now." I demanded.

"Play with us." Porter said.

"No I'm going out for lunch." I said trying to step past them but they only blocked my path more.

"Play with us!" Parker screamed.

"Listen just go play with Garrett!" The looked at each other and nodded running off to Garretts room. Oh he's so gonna hate me. Oh well.

I raced down the stairs and out the door. I saw Nialls black car sitting out front. I slid into the passenger side and sighed. A good one not a bad. "Tired?" He asked turning away from the curb and speeding down the road. I shook my head.

"No. Just relived. I rarely get out of that house." He nodded.

"Lots of kids?"

"Not just that but annoying ones. Especially Roxanne. She is a pain in butt! She's like 19 and still hasn't moved out yet!"

"What's she like?"

"Piercings, dying her hair black and purple, tattoos, cussing, and most of all smoking. It's terrible."

"Oh wow that terrible." I nodded. He looked down at my wrist. "Where'd you get that? It's beautiful." I covered up my wrist with my other hand.

"Um a friend gave it to me." I looked down. "A very close friend." I whispered.

"Was it hers?" I snapped my head up.

"How'd you know?" I asked worried. Did he know? If so how?!

"It's says Maddie on it." I looked at the silver charms that had Maddie engraved in it and the small heart locket. A single tear slipped of my cheek. "Might I ask who's Maddie?" Should I?

"Ok look you promise not to say anything? Especially not to Harry? I feel like I can trust you right now and I really need to tell someone."

"I promise."

"Ok my third foster home wasn't the best. I had a foster sister named Madeline and we were really close. One day we went on a walk and we were on a bridge we thought wasn't used anymore. There were Rapids below so we were tossing rocks in them. She handed me her bracelet so she wouldn't lose it. She went over to the other side of the bridge when I car came." I was crying a little now. "I-it knocked h-her balance and she fell over. S-she fell into the Rapids and disappeared." Niall pulled the car over.

"Oh my gosh are you ok? I'm so sorry!" He pulled me into a hug. I sobbed a little when I spoke again.

"Ok now I'm on a spilling spree that's not all." He looked me in the eyes. His eyes were red and puffy and glossed over with tears, but the blueness still sparkled.

"Please tell me. I won't tell anyone."

"My next foster home I met a foster brother named Nathan. He was just like Maddie but older. He helped me get over Maddie. One day we went walking in some abandon railroad tracks and we were walking along them when something pushed me out of the way. I looked around for him but assumed he went back so I texted him telling him I was headed back. That night at dinner my foster mum broke the news." I took a deep breath. "H-he saved my life. He pushed me out of the way of the train. I should have died. Not him." I cried harder.

"It's ok. Shhhhh. I'm here." He rubbed my back calming me. "That's a lot of trauma for a little girl." I nodded still crying into his shoulder. Then I pointed to my scar.

"I got this from..." No I can't.

"From where?" There was edge in his voice.

"Foster home number 2. They um had a vicious dog." He continued to rub my back. He pulled from the hug and wiped my tears away.

"We don't have to go for lunch today if you don't want to. I can wait." I shook my head.

"No I want to Niall." He nodded and started the car up again. He sped off back down the road. We sat in silence. I just hoped he wasn't lying when he said he wouldn't tell Harry.

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